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CaMMP Issues
Data Type
Water Pollutant
28 records found
EA Historic UK Water Quality Sampling Harmonised Monitoring Scheme Detailed Data
The Historic UK Water Quality Sampling Harmonised Monitoring Scheme (HMS) detail dataset contains individual determinand results for all sites in the UK Harmonised Monitoring Scheme network from 1974 onwards. The sampling network includes 230 sites which are mainly...
Diffuse agricultural pollution to rivers in Scotland
Modelled predictions of annual pollutant loads in rivers from agricultural source areas for Scotland, reported at Water Framework Directive (WFD) catchment scale. The modelled pollutants include total phosphorous, nitrate (NO3-N), faecal indicator organisms (FIOs),...
EA Historic UK Water Quality Sampling Harmonised Monitoring Scheme Summary Data
The Historic UK Water Quality Sampling Harmonised Monitoring Scheme (HMS) data contains statistics for a series of water quality sampling sites including annual means, maximum and minimum values for each Region for specified determinands from 1975 onwards. The sampling...
SAGIS (Source Apportionment GIS)
SAGIS was developed for UKWIR, with support from the Environment Agency, SEPA and Natural England, to analyse sources of chemicals at the river basin scale and identify measures to improve river, lake and estuary water quality. National data on the source of chemicals...
Case Study 6: Effects of input data quality and quantity on evaluation of land management policies and agri-environment interventions at catchment to national scales.
This case study examines the sensitivity / uncertainty in outputs of models at various scales resulting from differences or uncertainties in models and input driving data. Three cases will be considered: A) uncertainties arising from the model structure being used;...
FARMSCOPER (Farm Scale Optimisation of Pollutant Emission Reductions)
Farmscoper is a decision support tool that allows an assessment of the cost and effectiveness of agricultural mitigation methods on multiple pollutants. It incorporates meta-models of a number of different pollutant models which have previously been used for government...
Source apportionment of annual nutrient and sediment loads to rivers in England and Wales, from the SEPARATE framework
Estimates of discharged loads of nitrogen, phosphorous and fine-grained sediments to rivers in England and Wales from multiple sector sources, reported at Water Framework Directive catchment scale, from the SEctor Pollutant AppoRtionment for the AquaTic Environment...
Continuous measuring of hydrochemical parameters (2010-2015) [Wensum DTC]
Continuous measures of hydrochemical parameters from the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment, in Norfolk, recorded between 2010 and 2015. Monitoring equipment was installed at 7 sites (aka monitoring kiosk A, B, C, D, E, F, M) in this catchment to capture hydrochemical...
High resolution water quality, hydrological and ecological monitoring in the river Eden catchment (2011 - 2015) [DTC project]
The River Eden Demonstration Test Catchment (EdenDTC) monitored water quality, hydrology and ecology across 3 sub-catchments to assess the effectiveness of diffuse pollution mitigation measures. The focus areas are in the Thackthwaite, Newby and Pow catchments. Each...
Case Study 2: Effectiveness of land management policies and agri-environment interventions for reducing pollutant loads and maintaining environmental quality at the national scale.
The impacts of the suite of Countryside Stewardship options were reductions in national agricultural pollution of over 6% (nitrate) and 10% (phosphorus). Accounting for non-agricultural sources of pollution reduced the net overall impact of the options to 4% (nitrate)...
Case Study 7: Interpolation of model outputs and data from catchment to national scales and monitored to non-monitored sites
This case study uses a Dynamic Typology Tool (DTT) to combine spatially explicit datasets describing landscape character and management and identify homologous areas of agricultural potential, natural environment quality and risk. The DTT provides national coverage...
Source apportionment of nutrient contributions to rivers in England and Wales modelled with SAGIS
Estimates of in-river concentrations (mg/l) and loads (kg/day) of nutrients to rivers in England and Wales from multiple sector sources, modelled with SAGIS (Source Apportionment GIS). The nutrients include nitrate (mg/l N) and ortho-phosphate (mg/l P); the estimate...
1 citation
Case Study 3: Costs and benefits of mitigation measures to reduce pollutant concentrations for the protection of drinking water in river-systems upstream of intakes.
Using the water quality models, SAGIS-SIMCAT and SWAT, a reduction in the risk of exceeding drinking water quality standards at a water treatment works intake was shown for nutrients and metaldehyde as a result of introducing farm measures. The costs of these measures...
QUESTOR (Quality Evaluation and Simulation Tool for River Systems)
QUESTOR represents a river as a series of river reaches within which physical, chemical and biological processes operate.. The initial selection of reaches is based on the location of confluences, diffuse (catchment) sources, discharge points, abstraction points, monitoring...
Field measurements of alkalinity, chloride-ion, conductivity, pH and nutrients in rivers (2003-2006) [LOCAR]
River water alkalinity, chloride-ion, conductivity, pH and nutrients data from the Frome Piddle; Pang Lambourn and Tern catchments, recorded between 2003 and 2006. River water samples were collected fortnightly at twenty three sites within these catchments and analysed...
DTT (Dynamic Typology Tool)
more to come
Hourly physical and nutrient monitoring data for the River Enborne, Berkshire (2009-2012)
This data set comprises of hourly physical and nutrient monitoring data of the River Enborne near Brimpton (National grid reference SU568648), from November 2009 to February 2012. Parameters measured are total reactive phosphorus, nitrate, conductivity, temperature,...
2 citations
INCA-P (Integrated Catchments Model - Phosphorus dynamics)
INCA-P operates at a daily time step, tracking the stores and fluxes of water, sediment, dissolved and particulate P in both the land and in-stream phases of a river catchment. The model is spatially ‘semi-distributed’: the water course is split into reaches with associated...
Field measurements of alkalinity, chloride-ion, conductivity, pH and nutrients in rainwater (2004-2006) [LOCAR]
Rainwater alkalinity, chloride-ion, conductivity, pH and nutrients data from the Frome Piddle; Pang Lambourn and Tern catchments, recorded between 2004 and 2006. Rainwater samples were collected fortnightly at seven sites in these catchments and analysed for Alkalinity...
Case Study 5: Uncertainty in ecological responses to water quality control measures at the river basin scale.
QUESTOR modelling shows that all the mitigation methods applied can reduce the amount of Chlorophyll-a predicted to occur in the river. The extent of the reduction is different depending on the data used to drive the QUESTOR model. The effect of increasing the shading...