Resource type
CaMMP Issues
Data Type
Water Pollutant
133 records found
Land Cover Map 1990 (1km percentage target class, GB)
The Land Cover Map of Great Britain 1990 (1km percentage target class, GB), is a raster digital dataset, providing a classification of land cover types into 25 classes, at a 1km resolution. The dataset consists of a set of 1km bands, each containing one of 25 target...
1 citation
SEPA Effluent Monitoring Sites
Dataset of 2160 effluent monitoring sites in Scotland monitored by SEPA for a variety of purposes. The dataset consists of site locations (on land or at sea) in British National Grid or Lat/Long WGS84, describing aspects of each site and the monitoring activity including:...
LUCI (Land Utilisation & Capability Indicator)
LUCI explores the capability of a landscape to provide a variety of ecosystem services, such as agricultural production, flood and diffuse pollutant mitigation, carbon sequestration, habitat provision etc. The model is a second generation extension and accompanying...
Macroinvertebrates of the river Thames catchments UK: taxon data
Data comprise species level descriptions of macroinvertebrate communities and habitat descriptions from wadeable rivers of the Thames catchment, in the United Kingdom (UK), sampled over three seasons in the years 2009 - 2010.
Field measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature data from rivers [LOIS]
On site measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature for thirteen sites in the Humber catchment and three sites in the Tweed catchment within the period 1994 to 1997 as part of the Land Ocean Interaction Study project (LOIS). Sites were sampled at regular weekly...
EA Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) Boundaries
EA Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) Boundaries are reference boundaries defining areas where technical assesment on future water availability and demand has been undertaken. The technical assessemtn helps identify where water may be available for future...
Continuous measuring of hydrochemical parameters (2010-2015) [Wensum DTC]
Continuous measures of hydrochemical parameters from the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment, in Norfolk, recorded between 2010 and 2015. Monitoring equipment was installed at 7 sites (aka monitoring kiosk A, B, C, D, E, F, M) in this catchment to capture hydrochemical...
Conwy catchment - Llyn Conwy water temperature profile data (2006-2008)
In-lake temperature data for a peatland headwater lake of the Conwy catchment, North Wales are presented from November 2006 until December 2008. The Lake for which the data represents is Llyn Conwy situated on the Migneint blanket bog within Snowdonia National Park....
Land Cover Map 2007 (1km dominant target class, GB) v1.2
This dataset consists of a 1km resolution raster version of the Land Cover Map 2007 for Great Britain. Each 1km pixel represents the dominant target class across the 1km area. The target classes broadly represent Broad Habitats (see below). The dataset is part of a...
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), chlorobenzenes (CB) and organochlorine pesticides (OC) data from rivers [LOIS]
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), chlorobenzenes (CB) and organochlorine pesticides (OC) data from river water collected at various sites within the Humber catchment area as part of the Land Ocean Interaction Study project (LOIS). Data were collected at regular weekly...
Geochemical Baseline Survery of the Environment for the UK [G-BASE]
Natural abundances of chemical elements in stream sediments, stream water and soil samples systematically collected since 1968. The average sample density for stream sediments and water is about one site per 1.5-2km square, and for soils one site per 2km square. The...
Discharge and water chemistry measurements from Tarland Burn at Coull (Scotland) (2000-2010)
Mean daily flow and water chemistry data collected from the Tarland Burn, recorded between 2000-2010. Water chemistry determinands measured include: total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total phosphorous (TP), particulate phosphorus (PP),...
EDINA Agricultural Census for England, Wales and Scotland [Agcensus]
EDINA agcensus data provides agricultural census data for England, Scotland and Wales at 2km, 5km or 10km grid square resolution. The Agricultural Census is conducted in June each year by the government departments dealing with Agriculture and Rural Affairs for Scotland,...
INCA-P (Integrated Catchments Model - Phosphorus dynamics)
INCA-P operates at a daily time step, tracking the stores and fluxes of water, sediment, dissolved and particulate P in both the land and in-stream phases of a river catchment. The model is spatially ‘semi-distributed’: the water course is split into reaches with associated...
Gridded daily precipitation and temperature for Europe (1950-2006) [EU ENSEMBLES]
Daily precipitation and temperature time series spanning from 1950-2006 (Haylock et al., 2008). The dataset were created on a 0.25 and 0.5 degree regular latitude-longitude grid and on a 0.22 and 0.44 degree rotated pole grid. The ENSEMBLES project researched climate...
Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2015) [CHESS-PE]
1km resolution gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2015. This dataset contains time series of two potential evapotranspiration variables. The first is potential evapotranspiration (PET) (mm/day) calculated using the Penman-Monteith...
34 citations
National Water Inventory for Scotland (NWIS)
The National Waters Inventory for Scotland (NWIS) consists of surface and groundwater samples gathered over a 2 year timespan and analysed using novel analytical approaches not normally available from routine monitoring programmes. Measurements include: - Isotopic...
Case Study 1: Multiple pollutant and ecosystem services responses to land management policies and agri-environment interventions at the farm to catchment scale.
This case study examines potential trade-offs and co-benefits for a suite of ecosystem services at the farm to catchment scale that may be potential ‘by-products’ of an agri-environment scheme designed to reduce total multi-pollutant loads entering watercourses.
Land Cover Map 1990 (25m raster, GB)
This dataset consists of the 25m raster version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Great Britain. The 25m raster product consists of three bands: Band 1 - raster representation of the majority (dominant) class per polygon for 21 target classes; Band 2 - mean per...
1 citation
Land Cover Map 2007 (25m raster, GB) v1.2
This dataset consists of a 25m resolution raster version of the Land Cover Map 2007 for Great Britain. Each 25m pixel represents a 25m area of land cover target class, broadly representing Broad Habitats (see below). The dataset is part of a series of data products...
7 citations