Resource type
CaMMP Issues
Data Type
Water Pollutant
5 records found
INCA-P (Integrated Catchments Model - Phosphorus dynamics)
INCA-P operates at a daily time step, tracking the stores and fluxes of water, sediment, dissolved and particulate P in both the land and in-stream phases of a river catchment. The model is spatially ‘semi-distributed’: the water course is split into reaches with associated...
FARMSCOPER (Farm Scale Optimisation of Pollutant Emission Reductions)
Farmscoper is a decision support tool that allows an assessment of the cost and effectiveness of agricultural mitigation methods on multiple pollutants. It incorporates meta-models of a number of different pollutant models which have previously been used for government...
SAGIS (Source Apportionment GIS)
SAGIS was developed for UKWIR, with support from the Environment Agency, SEPA and Natural England, to analyse sources of chemicals at the river basin scale and identify measures to improve river, lake and estuary water quality. National data on the source of chemicals...
SEPARATE (SEctor Pollutant AppoRtionment for the AquaTic Environment)
National scale nutrient and sediment source apportionment screening tool for England and Wales developed originally as part of Defra project WQ0223 (Developing a field toolkit for ecological targeting of agricultural diffuse pollution mitigation measures). SEPARATE...
QUESTOR (Quality Evaluation and Simulation Tool for River Systems)
QUESTOR represents a river as a series of river reaches within which physical, chemical and biological processes operate.. The initial selection of reaches is based on the location of confluences, diffuse (catchment) sources, discharge points, abstraction points, monitoring...