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UKCEH Lake Observatories

The purpose of UKCEH Lake Observatories is to study how lakes function, and to detect and attribute the causes of environmental change. Inland freshwater lakes provide important ecosystem services such as water supply, flood regulation, fishing and tourism, as well as supporting our health and wellbeing. UK lakes are also important for their unique diversity: physical, chemical and biological. UKCEH Lake Observatories comprise an integrated network across four lakes, providing near real-time data on lake condition and function for a shared set of core measurements plus added value specific monitoring relevant to each lake. This information is used to develop and test new research hypotheses and ecological theories; to build digital models of lake functioning for forecasting and prediction; and to support evidence-based decisions to manage and restore lake health in a changing environment. UKCEH Lake Observatories also contribute to global lake observing networks, for example to assess the impacts of changing temperature (GLEON) and storms (GEISHA) on ecosystem function.
Lake observatories