Microplastics Analysis Facility
The purpose of the Microplastics Analysis Facility is to detect the presence of plastics in the environment so that researchers can understand their fate, bioavailability and interactions with wildlife. This research helps governments, consumers and industry to tackle the growing pollution and harm caused by plastic litter and microplastic particles in the environment - in our soils, freshwaters, oceans and food chains.
Analysis labs
The Microplastics Analysis Facility is equipped to analyse and identify plastic particles using: Imaging FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy); Laser Directed Infrared (LDIR) microscopy; Raman microscopy; nanosight nanoparticle tracking; flow cytometry. UKCEH scientists are currently contributing to the production of ISO standards for the sampling, processing and analysis of microplastics from a range of environmental matrices.
UKCEH microplastics analysis capabilities developed from the early 2000s, leading to the establishment of a fully-fledged Microplastics Analysis Facility and service in 2018. Equipment has an expected lifespan of 1-15 years, and is maintained and replaced on a constant cycle, either at end-of-life or as newer technologies become available.
The Microplastics Analysis Facility provide nationally significant capacity to undertake microplastics analysis. At present, there are no other UK commercial or academic laboratories that have all of Raman microspectroscopy, imaging FTIR, imaging LDIR, nanoparticle tracking and flow cytometry for microplastic analysis. This technical capability is combined with our scientists’ nationally and world-leading expertise at analysing microplastics from a wide range of matrices including sewage, sludge, soils sediments, surface water and potable water.
No external partners help to operate the Microplastics Analysis Facility.
The Microplastics Analysis Facility may be available to other research organisations in collaboration with UKCEH: initial enquiries via UKCEH Wallingford.
The Microplastics Analysis Facility is based at UKCEH Wallingford.
Funding sources
Research project grants including: UKRI; UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR); other industry users.
The Microplastics Analysis Facility is used by UKCEH staff and students, plus research collaborators.
Last updated
28 November 2023 13:50
Gbotemi Adediran UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology