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Watson, H. et al

Discharge and water chemistry measurements from Tarland Burn at Coull (Scotland) (2000-2010)

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Mean daily flow and water chemistry data collected from the Tarland Burn, recorded between 2000-2010. Water chemistry determinands measured include: total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total phosphorous (TP), particulate phosphorus (PP), nitrate (NO3-N), ammonium (NH4-N) and suspended sediments (SS); water chemistry measurements are in units of mg l-1 for all determinands. Sampling for water chemistry took place at a weekly frequency between 2000 and the end of 2003, with some daily sampling during rainfall events. Daily samples were then collected between February 2004 and June 2005. After June 2005, infrequent irregular sampling took place, with fewer determinands. Mean daily flow, in m3s-1, was also recorded.

The Tarland Burn is a tributary of the River Dee (northeast Scotland). The samples were collected at Coull (WGS84 57.111, -2.810; OSGB 351050, 802540).
Publication date: 2016-01-15


Comma-separated values (CSV)

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84

Temporal information

Temporal extent
2000-01-01    to    2010-12-31

Provenance & quality

Water chemistry data: Sub-daily sampling took place during storms during 2004 and 2005, with 2 to 6 samples per day. Sub-daily data were converted to daily means. Samples were collected via a combination of grab sampling (pre 2004 and post 2005) and auto-sampler. Suspended sediment concentrations were determined gravimetrically on filter papers. Filtrates were analysed for total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), nitrate and ammonium. Unfiltered samples were manually digested by a persulphate autoclave procedure, then analysed as molybdate reactive P to give total P (TP). Particulate P (PP) was calculated as the difference between TP and TDP. Details of sampling protocol, autosampler set-up and analytical methods are given in [1] [2]

Discharge data: Daily mean flow was derived from 15 minute discharge data, with a 'day' classed as 9am - 8:45am, for compatibility with Met Office rainfall data. The 15 minute discharge data was derived from stage information.

[1] Stutter, M.I., Langan, S.J., Cooper, R.J., 2008. Spatial and temporal dynamics of stream water and particulate N, P and C forms along a catchment transect, NE Scotland. Journal of Hydrology 350 (3-4), 187-202.
[2] Stutter, M.I., Langan, S.J., Cooper, R.J., 2008. Spatial contributions of diffuse inputs and within-channel processes to the form of streamwater phosphorus over storm events. Journal of Hydrology 350 (3-4), 203-214.

Licensing and constraints

Licence terms and conditions apply

Cite this dataset as:
Watson, H.; Langan. S,; Johnston, L.; Cook, Y.; Cooper, R.; Taylor, C.; Masson, L.; Dunn, S.; Stutter, M.I. ; Jackson-Blake, L.; McKeen, M. (2016). Discharge and water chemistry measurements from Tarland Burn at Coull (Scotland) (2000-2010) . NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

Supplemental information

Stutter, M. I., Langan, S. J., & Cooper, R. J. (2008). Spatial and temporal dynamics of stream water particulate and dissolved N, P and C forms along a catchment transect, NE Scotland. Journal of Hydrology, 350(3-4), 187-202
Stutter, M. I., Langan, S. J., & Cooper, R. J. (2008). Spatial contributions of diffuse inputs and within-channel processes to the form of stream water phosphorus over storm events. Journal of Hydrology, 350(34), 203-214

Correspondence/contact details

Helen Watson
The James Hutton Institute
AB15 8QH
Marc Stutter
The James Hutton Institute
AB15 8QH


Watson, H.
The James Hutton Institute
Langan. S,
The James Hutton Institute
Johnston, L.
The James Hutton Institute
Cook, Y.
The James Hutton Institute
Cooper, R.
The James Hutton Institute
Taylor, C.
The James Hutton Institute
Masson, L.
The James Hutton Institute
Dunn, S.
The James Hutton Institute
Stutter, M.I.
The James Hutton Institute
Jackson-Blake, L.
The James Hutton Institute
McKeen, M.
The James Hutton Institute

Other contacts

NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
Environmental Monitoring Facilities
Catchment , Coull , Nitrogen , Phosphorus , Pollution , River Flow and Networks , River Reach , Sediment , Tabular , Water Quality
Last updated
12 February 2024 17:51