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Natural England web map service

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This suite of ten maps, of different aspects of natural capital, contributes to our understanding of where our natural capital is. The maps have been produced using a range of datasets, including CEH sample data from the Countryside Survey (2007). CEH’s Ecomaps tool has been used to produce maps at an England level through statistical interpretation and extrapolation from the sample data
Publication date: 2016-03-28


image/jpeg, image/tiff, image/png

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial reference systems
OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
WGS 84

Licensing and constraints

Terms and conditions apply

Other contacts

NERC Environmental Information Data Centre
Resource provider
Parr Section

Additional metadata

Above ground carbon , bees , carbon in vegetation , diversity , headwater stream qualit , Natural capital , Natural England , nectar plant diversity , Olsen P , pollinators , soil bacteria , soil carbon , soil invertebrates , soil pH , soil phosphorus , species richness
Last updated
21 June 2024 09:02