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Plynlimon Research Catchments

The purpose of the Plynlimon Research Catchments (PRC) is to study the impacts of upland land use on water resources, floods, drought flows, pollution (stream sediment and dissolved chemicals), acidification, and climate change mitigation. It provides an intensively observed outdoor 'living laboratory' to study biogeochemical responses of upland catchments to acid deposition, forest harvesting, agricultural management and now climate change. High temporal resolution (frequent) sampling has been used to develop new mathematical and statistical methods to interpret short and long-term chemical trends. Data from PRC have also been used to develop and calibrate a number of widely used hydrological and biogeochemical models. PRC has been one of the more successful catchment studies globally, advancing environmental science, influencing land-management policy in UK forestry and informing UK government environmental policy. In addition: PRC contributes to UK-wide monitoring networks for Upland Water (listed elsewhere in this catalogue) and Soil Moisture (COSMOS-UK, listed elsewhere in this catalogue); and PRC is currently hosting the first large-scale UK test of enhanced rock weathering for Greenhouse Gas Removal using upland grass catchments (as part of the Government-UKRI-BBSRC Greenhouse Gas Removal strategic research programme).
Plynlimon Research Catchments