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National River Flow Archive Catchment Boundaries

Catchment boundaries for all the National River Flow Archive (NRFA) gauging stations. The National River Flow Archive provides access to flow data for 1500 gauging stations across the UK, as well as information on the gauging stations and their catchments, including catchment statistics on land cover, geology, rainfall and altitude. Catchment boundaries can be downloaded individually for each station, or a bulk extraction can be requested from the NRFA help desk via email.
Publication date: 2012-09-17


ESRI Shapefile

Spatial information

Study area
Spatial representation type
Spatial reference systems
OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
OSNI 1952 / Irish National Grid

Provenance & quality

The catchments have been derived from CEH's Integrated Hydrological Digital Terrain Model (IHDTM). The outlet points (i.e. gauging station) used to define the catchments do not correspond precisely with the locations of the NRFA Gauging Stations, as they have been snapped to the closest IHDTM flow accumulation grid cell. The catchments were derived using the TSTCD program, an in-house algorithm also used to generate the catchments in the FEH CD-ROM.

Other contacts

National River Flow Archive

Additional metadata

Topic categories
Catchment , Catchments and Topography , Geospatial / Map , National , Water Quality , Water Use
Last updated
30 January 2017 11:53