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2,229 records found
Hampshire Avon: soil temperature and water content data from three sub-catchments
The dataset contains measurements of soil temperature and volumetric water content from plots in agricultural grasslands in the Hampshire Avon catchment (UK) from late-2013 to September 2015. Manipulations of soil temperature were made at three orthogonal experiments...
Land Cover Map 2022 (10m classified pixels, N. Ireland)
This is a 10m pixel data set representing the land surface of Northern Ireland, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a two-band raster in GeoTiff format. The first band gives the most likely land cover...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Windermere South Basin, UK, 2021-2022
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling at the South Basin of Windermere in Cumbria, England that began in 1945 for some...
Land Cover Map 2000 (25m raster, GB)
This dataset consists of a 25m resolution raster version of the Land Cover Map 2000 for Great Britain. Each 25m pixel represents a 25m area of land cover target class, broadly representing Broad Habitats (see below). The dataset is part of a series of data products...
2 citations
Measurements of carbon-14 transfer from plants to soil within mesh cores [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
This dataset includes measurements of carbon-14 transfer from plants to soil within mesh cores. Measurements were taken in roots, shoots, soil and from respiration. Mesh cores were either static or rotated to provide plus and minus mycorrhizal mycelial systems. Carbon-14...
Soil metrics, vegetation species and biomass data, and field management information from pasture fed livestock farms across Great Britain, 2019
This set of data includes records of vegetation species and characteristics, soil quality metrics and aspects of management relating to a single field on each sampled farm. Data were collected in 2019, from farms across Great Britain belonging to the Pasture Fed Livestock...
Land Cover Map 2019
Land Cover Map 2019 (LCM2019) represents a suite of geospatial land cover datasets (raster and polygon) describing the UK land surface in 2019. These were produced at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology by classifying satellite images from 2019. LCM2019 was simultaneously...
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2018
This dataset provides the details of all sites which have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Data includes the location within the UK, the length and width of the line transect on each site, and how long the transect has been monitored....
Integrated Hydrological Units of the United Kingdom: Sections
This dataset is part of Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) of the UK, a set of geographical reference units for hydrological purposes including river flow measurement and hydrometric data collection. A Section is the drainage area of a watercourse between two confluences....
Tree diameter census data in intact forest permanent plots across the Amazon Basin, 2017-2019
The dataset contains information of Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of 8,729 trees. These trees are distributed in 29 RAINFOR network forest plots across the Brazilian Amazon, comprising the states of Acre, Mato Grosso and Pará. All the plot censuses are located in...
Landscape area data 1978 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of stock (area) data for Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Broad Habitats across Great Britain in 1978. Data are presented as areas of Broad (or Priority) Habitats within a set of 256 1km squares across Great Britain. The Countryside Survey is a...
2 citations
Farm scale evaluations of herbicide tolerant genetically modified crops - beet
This dataset consists of a range of ecological measurements collected from a set of arable fields, each sown with a combination of genetically modified and conventional beet crops. Measurements include species counts in the following areas: weed seedbank, vegetation...
2 citations
Rainfall and runoff record for experimental microcatchments in peatlands at Kinder Scout (2010-2021) and Stalybridge (2019-2022), Peak District, UK
This dataset contains rainfall and runoff records, from pre- and post-restoration microcatchments (0.4-4 hectares), at two peatland sites in the Peak District, UK. Discharge data are provided as litres per second and rainfall data as millimetres. The Kinder Scout site...
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2020
This dataset provides the details of all sites on which butterflies have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). This includes all standard UKBMS transect sites, Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey (WCBS) sites and targeted species survey...
Vegetation plot data from the UKCEH Countryside Survey, Great Britain, 2022 and 2023
This dataset consists of plant species presence and abundance in different sizes of plots recorded from 259 1km squares across Great Britain in 2022 and 2023, as part of a rolling soil and vegetation monitoring program of 500 1km squares, beginning in 2019 and repeated...
Kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) egg fertility on Anchor and Whenua Hou islands, New Zealand, 2019 breeding season
This dataset contains information on the fertility and physical characteristics of kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) eggs laid on Anchor and Whenua Hou islands, New Zealand during the 2018/19 breeding season. Of the 252 total eggs laid, 129 failed to develop; undeveloped...
1 citation
Orthomosaic aerial imaging from the Irontongue Hill erosion study site, Swineshaw Moor, UK, July 2019
This dataset consists of a single orthophoto mosaic image of Irontongue Hill on Swineshaw Moor. The area of interest includes seven erosion plots (approximately 5 x 5 m) which were set up on 26/07/2018 to capture the state of the burnt moorland surface and monitor subsequent...
Vegetation and habitat data for fragmented and continuous forest sites in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, 2017
This dataset contains records for vegetation in 49 plots across 14 fragmented forest sites and 4 continuous forest sites in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Living vegetation and deadwood were surveyed in two or three 0.28-ha plots in each of the eighteen sites. In addition...
1 citation
Chemical composition of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends as a result of storage
The dataset contains the chemical compositional changes occurred in anaerobic digestate, with and without biomass ash, simulating storage conditions during 128 days. Additionally, Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) was added to these materials to test the effectivity on preventing...
Alpine grassland soil microbial and biogeochemical data from a snow manipulation experiment in Hohe Mut, Austria, 2017
Data comprise soil microbial and biogeochemical data collected during a snow manipulation experiment on the summit of Hohe Mut (2650 m) near Obergurgl, in the Austrian Alps (lat. 46.84862, long. 11.02957). Soil microbial data include phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA)...