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1,147 records found
Concentrations of antibiotics in wastewater and receiving waters following water treatment in SW England, June-October, 2015
This dataset comprises of weekly concentrations of fluoroquinolones in wastewater and receiving waters collected in the Avon river catchment South West UK. The following fluoroquinolones were analysed: (±)-ofloxacin, (±)-ofloxacin-N-oxide, (±)-desmethyl-ofloxacin, (±)-lomefloxacin,...
Actuarial and phenotypic senescence in a wild field cricket (Gryllus campestris) population in North Spain (2006 to 2016)
Data comprise monitoring records of a population of Gryllus campestris, a flightless, univoltine field cricket that lives in and around burrows excavated among the grass in a meadow in Asturias (North Spain). The area has an altitude range from around 60 to 270 metres...
1 citation
Genotype-phenotype association for mate choice in a Drosophila simulans-sechellia backcross population
The data resource contains Drosophila simulans-sechellia backcross female mate choice (phenotype) aligned with whole-genome genotypes of 692 female backcross progeny. The data was generated in a laboratory at Stony Brook University New York and each test was conducted...
Herbivory occurrence and intensity of Clidemia hirta and native Melastoma plants in oil palm-dominated landscapes containing embedded rainforest remnants, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, 2019
This dataset contains measurements of herbivory occurrence and herbivory intensity within 21 oil palm dominated sites in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Within each site, herbivory measurements were recorded for Clidemia hirta and Melastoma spp. plants along two 100m transects,...
Survival and reproductive success of migrant and resident wildlife in published studies of partially migratory populations
This is a dataset generated from information extracted from previously published studies, for the purpose of a meta-analysis investigating fitness benefits of different migratory strategies in partially migratory populations. Each line of data includes a mean and associated...
1 citation
Long-term multisite Scots pine trial, Scotland: mother tree, cone and seed phenotypes, 2007 v2
Phenotypes for Scots pine mother trees and their cones/seed from 21 populations across Scotland in 2007. The seed was used to establish a long-term multisite common garden trial at three nurseries/field sites
Historic Standardised Precipitation Index time series for IHU Groups (1862-2015)
Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) data for Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) groups (Kral et al. [1]). SPI is a drought index based on the probability of precipitation for a given accumulation period as defined by McKee et al. [2]. SPI is calculated for different...
Soil mid-infrared spectroscopy data from arable and grassland in Countryside Survey, Great Britain 2007
This dataset consists of mid-infrared (MIR) spectra measured on 427 archived soil samples from arable and grassland habitats across Great Britain in 2007. Data on diffuse reflectance spectra were obtained from subsamples of finely ground soil, recorded as absorbance...
Scanning Electron Micrographs of seed and fruits of plant species from the Cerrado region collected between 2014 and 2020
This dataset contains single scanning electron microscopy images for fruits/seeds collected between 2014 and 2020 from fourteen plant species found in Brazilian Cerrado as an indication of seed structure, morphology and size. The work was supported by NE/T004851/1 NERC-FAPESP...
Macroinvertebrate taxonomic abundance, water quality, river flow, air temperature and environmental site descriptors from English rivers, 1965-2018
This data product combines macroinvertebrate taxonomic abundance for 1,519 monitoring sites across English rivers for the period between 1965 and 2018, with concentrations of 41 water quality determinands, river flow measurements and air temperature derived values....
Soil profile descriptions from narrow diameter cores in UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 and 2021
The dataset details the soil profiles described from the narrow diameter cores collected from 474 sampling sites across UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 - 2021. The work was carried out under the NERC programme - Carbon Storage in Intertidal Environment (C-SIDE),...
National Plant Monitoring Scheme survey data (2015-2023)
This data resource provides plot-level plant occurrence data for the first nine years (2015-2023) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man). Data consist of individual observations of plants, and other habitat...
Quantification of selected antimicrobial resistance genes in pig faeces on a British commercial pig farm during a typical production cycle
The data presented are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) read outs from antimicrobial resistance gene (AMRG) assays and associated metadata from this project. In this dataset, the mean gene copy numbers per microlitre of DNA extract are shown. The data...
Soil carbon data in the Conwy catchment in North Wales 2014
The data consist of soil carbon in kilogrammes (kg) of carbon per metre squared. Soil cores were taken to a depth of 1 metre and divided into 15 cm depth increments. Soil carbon (kg carbon per metre squared) was determined for all soil depth increments. The soil samples...
Hourly data from automatic water monitoring buoy from Blelham Tarn, 2019
Air temperature, solar radiation flux, wind speed and lake water temperatures at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 m depth are measured at an automatic monitoring buoy in Blelham Tarn. All data is given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). This work was supported...
Structure and composition of woodlands across Mozambique
This dataset contains quantitative measurements of woodland structure and composition sampled in twenty-seven different villages across three Districts in Mozambique, Africa. Data were collected from 431 plots where tree stem structure and composition, litter and grass...
1 citation
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) soil organic matter content from three soil depths on saltmarsh sites at Morecambe Bay and Essex
The dataset comprises the field soil organic matter content as a percentage at three depth zones (roughly 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm), measured from bulk density soil samples taken within each 1metre x 1metre quadrat. Prior to measurement of bulk density all soil...
1 citation
Diatom silica oxygen isotope and n-alkanoic acid hydrogen isotope composition of sediments from Lake Suigetsu, Japan (22,000 to 10,000 cal BP)
This dataset contains information about the stable oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of bulk diatom silica, and the compound-specific stable hydrogen isotope composition (δ2H) of n-alkanoic acids with different chain lengths. Samples originated from the Lake Suigetsu...
Hourly temperature, environmental parameter and Daphnia magna phenotypic and genetic change in mesocosms with manipulated experimental parameters, 2017-2019
This dataset contains information about hourly temperature variation, phenotypic and genetic change, and change in environmental parameters in a two-year mesocosm study designed to tease apart the impact that phenotypic plasticity and genetic diversity have on rate...
Faecal indicator data from lakes in Greater Glasgow, Cumbria, and Norfolk, UK, 2016-2017
This data collection two data resources. The first contains information about water quality based on faecal indicators at eighteen lakes in each of three lake districts: - Greater Glasgow conurbation, Scotland - Cumbria, NW England - Norfolk, E England. The data were...