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989 records found
Elterwater inner basin: Physical, ecological and chemical lake measurements, 2018-19
This dataset contains physical, chemical and ecological data collected between 2018-2019 at the deepest point of Elterwater’s inner basin. Profiles of chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, and light and Secchi disk extinction depth were collected at weekly scale during the...
Global gridded monthly mean Leaf Area Index (LAI) for five Plant Functional Types (PFTs) derived from the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products for the period 2000-2014
A new monthly long term average (climatology) of Leaf Area Index (LAI) has been developed for use as ancillary data with the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) Land Surface Model and the UK Met Office Unified Model. It is derived from an improved version of...
Soil treatment data from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland, 1999-2002 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
This data set details the range of treatments applied to experimental plots at a field site at Sourhope, Scotland, between 1999 and 2004. The data can be used in conjunction with other experimental data sets from the NERC Soil Biodiversity Thematic Programme site as...
Taxonomic data, brain, and neuropil volume measurements of Ithomiini butterflies, Orellana Province, Ecuador, 2011-2012
This dataset presents taxonomic data, and neuropil volume measurements of sensory structures in the brains of wild caught ithomiini butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Danainae), within a single community in Yasuní national park, Orellana Province, Ecuador, collected...
Sediment short cores from Higher Swineshaw and Cowbury Dale reservoirs, UK, 2018
This dataset contains details of sediment geochemistry, loss-on-ignition and sediment median particle size for two short reservoir cores collected from two reservoirs (Cowbury Dale and Higher Swineshaw), Stalybridge Tameside, Manchester. Cores were collected in 2018...
Model output of changes in soil carbon storage and emissions for agricultural and forest land uses across the Red Soil region in China
Data comprise soil organic carbon content from a simulation using the ECOSSE model; a pool-based carbon and nitrogen turnover model. Simulations were performed using input data from the Sunjia research farm in southeast China (Jianxi province). Data here is from simulations...
Antibiotic resistance genes found in soils across the entire Scottish landscape (2007-10)
The dataset collates the relative concentration of nearly 300 antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes found in soil locations across Scotland. Soils were obtained from the National Soils Inventory of Scotland (NSIS2), from which the total community DNA were extracted...
1 citation
Qualitative data on socio-economic characteristics from seven villages in Mabalane, Mozambique
This dataset contains the transcripts of interviews and discussion groups from seven villages in the Mabalane district, Gaza province, Mozambique. The seven villages were selected from a forest degradation gradient running from villages with abundant undisturbed forest...
Cryptosporidium in upland water biota, United Kingdom (2012-2015)
These data show the presence/absence and identification of Cryptosporidium species from the results of a molecular survey of various upland river biota aquatic invertebrates, biofilms, mammal droppings and fish guts, gills and faeces. Samples were collected from various...
Ant colour data from an experiment in Malaysian Borneo, 2015-2018
This dataset measures colour and estimates body size of ant species collected across four vertical strata: subterranean, ground, understory and canopy in lowland tropical rainforest. Ants were collected using different trapping techniques in each stratum; baited traps...
1 citation
Land cover and sediment geochemistry in the Rio Santa catchment, Cordillera Blanca, Peru, 2019-2020
These data encompass land cover data and sediment geochemistry from the Rio Santa catchment of the Peruvian Andes. Sediment samples were collected within the SIGMA: Peru project between 2019-2020. Geochemistry data include major and minor elements in sediment samples...
Bare sand, wind speed, aspect and slope at four English and Welsh coastal sand dunes, 2014-2016
This data contains values of bare sand area, modelled wind speed, aspect and slope at a 2.5 m spatial resolution for four UK coastal dune fields, Abberfraw (Wales), Ainsdale (England), Morfa Dyffryn (Wales), Penhale (England). Data is stored as a .csv file. Data is...
Water and suspended sediment discharges for the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (2005-2015)
This dataset describes hourly time series of discharge and suspended sediment flux at four sites in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (Chau Doc, Tan Chau, Can Tho and My Thaun) for the period 2005 – 2015. This data was calculated from historic Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler...
Ensemble outputs from Ecosystem Service models for water supply, aboveground carbon storage and use of water, grazing, charcoal and firewood by beneficiaries in sub-Saharan Africa
This dataset contains the gridded estimates per 1 km2 for mean and median ensemble outputs from 4-6 individual ecosystem service models for Sub-Saharan Africa, for above ground Carbon stock, firewood use, charcoal use and grazing use. Water use and supply are identically...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi diversity data from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland, 2001 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
These data comprise arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi diversity data from Sourhope field experiment site. AM fungi are biotrophic symbionts colonizing the majority of land plants, and are of major importance in plant nutrient supply. Using the terminal restriction...
Modelled mean daily surface ozone for the grassland growing season in the UK and USA in 2018
This dataset consists of a vector layer (based on 1 by 1° grid), of modelled surface ozone concentrations (ppb). The values per cell are daily mean surface ozone for the period 6am – 6pm. The seasonal average has been calculated for the grassland growing season, for...
Soil water measurements from Ethiopia’s Awassa region during the drought and subsequent floods of 2015-2016
Measurements were taken in three fertility zones within households in two districts of Halaba in the SNNPR, Ethiopia. Measurements were taken after the El Niño event of 2015/16, so reflect the resilience of different areas of the farm to drought. Measurements are provided...
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) soil bulk density from three soil depths on salt marsh sites at Morecambe Bay and Essex
The dataset comprises the bulk density taken from bulk density rings (3.1 centimetre (cm) height, 7.5 cm diameter) within each 1metre (m) x 1m quadrat. Samples were taken vertically at three depths within each quadrat to roughly quantify the following zones: 0 -10 cm,...
Policy interviews on trypanosomiasis in Zambia, 2013
This resource contains anonymised policy interviews on trypanosomiasis in Zambia from 2013 conducted by Catherine Grant (Institute of Development Studies) and Noreen Machila (University of Zambia, Department of Disease Control). These interviews explore the differing...
1 citation
Woodland structural data derived from LiDAR for the year 2011 in the Isle of Wight
This dataset contains height, foliage height diversity, mean crown area, tree count, bedrock, elevation, age, aspect and slope data for woodlands under 1ha in size that were also covered by Defra’s LiDAR survey in the year 2011 in the Isle of Wight. These data were...