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1,108 records found
Species traits and derivation of hairiness of oilseed rape pollinators
The dataset describes the functional effects traits derived for 57 taxonomic units (species, genus and family level classifications) of oilseed rape insect pollinators. This data provides information on both morphological and behavioural traits, typically at the...
1 citation
Yield Constraint Score (YCS) for the effect of five crop stresses on global production of four staple food crops
A Yield Constraint Score (YCS; scale of 1-5) was developed for the effect of five key crop stresses (ozone, pests and diseases, soil nutrients, heat stress and aridity) on the production of the crops maize (Zea mays), rice (Oryza sativa), soybean (Glycine max) and wheat...
1 citation
Socioecological data from smallholder oil palm plantations in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia, 2021-2022
This dataset includes results from biodiversity, social and environmental surveys of 49 oil palm smallholders and farms in Perak, Malaysia. Biodiversity data includes sticky trap data on flying invertebrate abundance (identified to higher-level order), transect data...
Derived annual statistics of rainfall, streamflow and acidity for the Nant Trawsnant catchment, Llyn Brianne, Mid Wales, UK. (1982 to 2012)
This dataset comprises of derived annual statistics for measures of rainfall, streamflow, temperature and stream acidity (pH) for a stream, draining a small, approximately 1.2 square kilometres, upland conifer catchment. The stream, Nant Trawsnant, drains into the Llyn...
Elterwater inner basin: Physical, ecological and chemical lake measurements, 2018-19
This dataset contains physical, chemical and ecological data collected between 2018-2019 at the deepest point of Elterwater’s inner basin. Profiles of chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, and light and Secchi disk extinction depth were collected at weekly scale during the...
Phenotypic data collected in the experimental infection study of house finches with M. gallisepticum bacterial isolates
Data collected from an experimental inoculation study of house finches with isolates of the bacterial pathogen, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, conducted at Arizona State University, USA in 2015. Data include multiple measurements of disease progression obtained as measures...
Morphological data from wild and lab-reared threespine sticklebacks from Icelandic geothermal and ambient sites
The data contain measurements of the morphological shape of threespine stickleback from wild, F1 (filial generation 1) lab-reared, and F2-lab (filial generation 2) reared individuals. These last two groups were bred and reared from eggs in the lab. The files are in...
Historic Standardised Streamflow Index (SSI) using Tweedie distribution with standard period 1961-2010 for 303 UK catchments (1891-2015)
This dataset contains the Standardised Streamflow Index (SSI) data for 303 catchments across the United Kingdom from 1891 to 2015. The SSI is a drought index based on the cumulative probability of a given monthly mean streamflow occurring for a given catchment. Here,...
3 citations
Estimates of daily river flows for 95 catchments in Great Britain from the GR6J model under present and future climate scenarios, using large ensemble climate model driving data
This dataset contains GR6J (which stands for modèle du Génie Rural à 6 paramètres Journalier) modelled daily river flow time series for 95 river catchments in Great Britain and driving data (precipitation and potential evapotranspiration calculated from temperature)...
Daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil data (2013-2023) [COSMOS-UK]
This dataset contains daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil moisture observations from COSMOS-UK (cosmic-ray soil moisture) monitoring network from October 2013 to the end of 2023. These data are from 51 sites across the UK recording a range of hydrometeorological...
1 citation
Water chemistry of seven lakes in Belarus and Ukraine 2014 to 2016
Data comprise water chemistry measurements (major alkali and alkali-earth element water concentrations and trace element concentrations) recorded over two years at seven lakes in Belarus and Ukraine at distances from 1.5 to 225 km of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant...
1 citation
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) sedimentation and erosion monitoring over saltmarsh and mudflat habitats
The dataset details surface elevation and sedimentation measurements across five UK saltmarsh sites. Two of the sites were in Morecambe Bay, North West England and three of the sites were in Essex, South East England, each of these sites consisted of a saltmarsh area...
Concentrations of antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater and receiving waters following water treatment in SW England, June-October, 2015
Prevalence of quinolone qnrS resistance gene in the aquatic environment from the Avon river catchment area receiving treated wastewater from 5 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), serving 1.5 million people and accounting for 75% of inhabitants living in the catchment...
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) locations, elevations and proximity metrics of survey quadrats in saltmarsh and mudflat habitats
The dataset details global positioning system (GPS) locations recorded for survey quadrats at six UK saltmarsh sites. Three of the sites were in Morecambe Bay, North West England and three of the sites were in Essex, South East England, each of these sites consisted...
Biomass, mycorrhizal colonization, carbon and nitrogen content of Scots pine and birch seedlings grown in soil from mixed and monoculture stands
Seedlings were grown in soil collected from an experiment at Hambleton Forest, North Yorkshire. Soils originated from plots containing either Scots pine or birch monocultures, or a mixture of both species. In the lab, pairs of seedlings of birch and Scots pine were...
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site indices 2021
This dataset comprises individual site indices for UK butterfly species calculated from data from the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Site indices are a relative rather than an absolute measure of the size of a population, and have been shown to relate closely...
Carbon and nutrient data for rainfall fractions in the Peruvian Amazon
Aquatic carbon (dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon and the carbon isotopic composition of DIC) and nutrients (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, total soluble phosphorus and silica) in rainfall fractions...
Soil nematode communities from peri-urban watersheds, China
This data set contains nematode community data for soil samples collected from two different land uses (farmland and forest) in the Peri urban area of Ningbo China. Samples were collected seasonally between April 2017 and January 2018. Nematodes were removed from soil...
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2020
This dataset provides the details of all sites on which butterflies have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). This includes all standard UKBMS transect sites, Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey (WCBS) sites and targeted species survey...
Life history of a wild field cricket population (Gryllus campestris) in North Spain (2006 to 2016)
Data comprise monitoring records of a population of Gryllus campestris, a flightless, univoltine field cricket that lives in and around burrows excavated among the grass in a meadow in Asturias (North Spain). The area has an altitude range from around 60 to 270 metres...