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1,113 records found
Topsoil physico-chemical properties from the UKCEH Countryside Survey, Great Britain, 2021
This dataset consists of measures of topsoil (0-15 cm) physico-chemical properties from soils sampled from 110 x 1 km squares across Great Britain in 2021 as part of a rolling soil and vegetation monitoring program of 500 1km squares repeated every 5 years. The properties...
Gridded (1km) physical river characteristics for the UK
The dataset includes five files of UK physical river characteristics including four files of gridded data at 1km × 1km resolution and one comma separated table. The data includes: - Outflow drainage directions (D8) - Catchment areas (km2) - Widths of bankfull rivers...
Topsoil invertebrate density estimates from the Countryside Survey of Great Britain, 2007 using a generalized additive model
This dataset presents modelled estimates of soil invertebrate density (individuals m-2) at 1km2 resolution across Great Britain. A Generalized Additive Model approach was used with Countryside Survey soil invertebrate density data from 2007 and including climate, habitat,...
Monthly ammonia measurements from passive samplers using ALPHA® PTFE1020 membrane at four UK Eutrophying and Acidifying Pollutants (UKEAP) network sites, 2022
This dataset consists of monthly ammonia (NH3) measurements from ALPHA® (Adapted Low-cost Passive High Absorption) samplers co-located with UKEAP DELTA sites from January 2022 to December 2022. The UK Eutrophying and Acidifying Atmospheric Pollutants (UKEAP) network...
Land Cover Map 1990 (1km dominant aggregate class, GB)
This dataset consists of the 1km raster, dominant aggregate class version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Great Britain. The 1km dominant coverage product is based on the 1km percentage product and reports the aggregated habitat class with the highest percentage...
Levels of the pheromone 7,11-heptacosadiene in the sibling species Drosophila simulans and Drosophila sechellia
This dataset provides measurements of the cuticular pheromone, 7,11-heptacosadiene of individual female vinegar flies. The purpose of the dataset is to compare the levels between two sibling species, Drosophila simulans and Drosophila sechellia. Single female virgins...
Radioisotope concentrations of soil samples from UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 and 2021
The dataset details radioisotope concentrations (210Pb, 214Pb, 137Cs, 241Am) of 1358 down core soil samples collected from 19 saltmarshes across the UK between 2018 -2021. The work was carried out under the NERC programme - Carbon Storage in Intertidal Environment...
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site indices 2022
This dataset comprises individual site indices for UK butterfly species calculated from data from the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Site indices are a relative rather than an absolute measure of the size of a population, and have been shown to relate closely...
Occurrence data at 10km resolution for terrestrial mammals in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1960-1992 and 2000-2016
This dataset contains 10km summarised occurrence data for terrestrial mammals as mapped in the Atlas of Mammal of Great Britain and Northern Ireland published by the Mammal Society in 2020. For each species 10km grid squares were categorised based on whether the species...
Fluvial hydrochemistry, CO2 efflux and delta 13C-Dissolved inorganic carbon data for the Houzhai Catchment, Southwest China, 2016-2018
The dataset contains measurements of CO2 efflux from streams, springs, reservoirs and ponds in the Houzhai catchment, a typical karst catchment in the karst region of SW China. Data were obtained via direct, field-based measurements during monthly campaigns conducted...
Intergroup contests in banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) on the Mweya peninsula, Uganda, 2000-2019
These data are data on the outcomes of contests between groups of banded mongooses in Mweya Peninsula, Uganda. Data were collected between 2000 and 2019. The data include information on group membership (number and sex of individuals, age, etc…) as well as physiological...
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) soil moisture content from three soil depths on salt marsh sites at Morecambe Bay and Essex
The dataset comprises the field soil moisture content expressed as a percentage at three depth zones, (0 - 10 centimetre (cm), 10 - 20 cm and 20 - 30 cm), measured from bulk density soil samples taken within each 1 metre x 1 metre quadrat. Sampling was conducted at...
Scanning Electron Micrographs of seed and fruits of plant species from the Cerrado region collected between 2014 and 2020
This dataset contains single scanning electron microscopy images for fruits/seeds collected between 2014 and 2020 from fourteen plant species found in Brazilian Cerrado as an indication of seed structure, morphology and size. The work was supported by NE/T004851/1 NERC-FAPESP...
Hampshire Avon: Dissolved oxygen data collected at one minute intervals from five river reaches
This dataset contains instream dissolved oxygen data collected continuously at one minute intervals for five sites in the Hampshire Avon catchment in the United Kingdom. Data were collected between August 2014 and August 2015 using miniDOT loggers.
2 citations
Hourly data from automatic water monitoring buoy from Blelham Tarn, 2019
Air temperature, solar radiation flux, wind speed and lake water temperatures at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 m depth are measured at an automatic monitoring buoy in Blelham Tarn. All data is given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). This work was supported...
Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from winter wheat treated with organic and inorganic fertilisers, UK, 2022
This dataset contains 2-hourly observations of biogenic fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) measured from a winter wheat crop grown on a mineral soil in the UK treated with different fertilisers. The treatments were: i) inorganic fertiliser;...
Banded mongoose morphometrics, life history and weather data, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2017-2020
The dataset includes life history, biometric and weather data collected for banded mongooses at Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, in the period 2017-2020. The data includes a list of experimental individuals, in addition to more general information collected in...
Radiocarbon dating of charcoal pieces from soil in intact forest permanent plots in the Amazon Basin, 2015-2019
This dataset contains radiocarbon dating of pieces of macrocharcoal (~ ≥ 1 mm) collected from soil in Guyana, Peru and Brazil in plots located in the Amazon forest. All the sites are terra-firme, non-seasonally flooded and are part of the RAINFOR network. In total,...
2 citations
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: collated indices 2023
Collated indices are a relative measure of butterfly abundance across sites monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. Data from all survey sites (standard UKBMS transects, Wider Countryside Survey transects and targeted species surveys such as timed,...
Long-term multisite Scots pine trial, Scotland: field phenotypes, 2013-2020, version 2
Phenotypes (growth and phenology) for Scots pine trees in a long-term common garden trial planted in three sites in Scotland, surveyed annually from 2013 to 2020.