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996 records found
Vegetation change at Whim peatbog (2002-2016)
The data consist of observations of cover of plant species in permanent quadrats in a nitrogen deposition experiment on a peat bog. The experiment was located at Whim Moss in central Scotland, between 2002 and 2016. Recording of cover was by visual assessment in 40...
1 citation
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: species trends 2021
This dataset provides linear trends, over varying time periods, for the Collated Indices of individual butterfly species across the UK. The main statistical values derived from a linear regression (slope, standard error, P-value) are presented for the entire time series...
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) global positioning system (GPS) locations of survey quadrats in saltmarsh and mudflat habitats
The dataset details global positioning system (GPS) locations recorded for survey quadrats at six UK saltmarsh sites. Three of the sites were in Morecambe Bay, North West England and three of the sites were in Essex, South East England, each of these sites consisted...
Derived annual statistics of rainfall, streamflow and acidity for the Nant Trawsnant catchment, Llyn Brianne, Mid Wales, UK. (1982 to 2012)
This dataset comprises of derived annual statistics for measures of rainfall, streamflow, temperature and stream acidity (pH) for a stream, draining a small, approximately 1.2 square kilometres, upland conifer catchment. The stream, Nant Trawsnant, drains into the Llyn...
Monthly measurements of major and trace elements in 41 rivers in Great Britain, 2017, from the LOCATE project
This dataset contains monthly measurements of major and trace elements from 41 rivers around Great Britain. The samples were collected as part of the Land Ocean Carbon TransfEr (LOCATE) project during 2017 and they were analysed using Inductively coupled plasma mass...
Breeding success, population size, and site quality data for a population of common guillemots (Uria aalge) on the Isle of May, Scotland, 1981-2018
This dataset contains information on the breeding outcome, breeding site occupancy, and breeding site quality for a sample of common guillemots breeding on the Isle of May, Scotland. Data is available for all attributes from 1981-2018. These data are part of the Isle...
Carbon and nutrient data for streams in the Peruvian Amazon
Data from two small streams, two rivers and rainfall fractions in the Western Amazonian basin at Tambopata National Reserve in Madre de Dios region, Peru. Data presented are nutrients (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, total soluble phosphorus and silica) and...
Trait responses of aquatic organisms from microfibre exposure studies published 2015-2024
The resource includes data extracted from published laboratory studies investigating the impacts of microfibres (fibres < 5 mm in size) on various traits within aquatic organisms. Data were accessible on 19/06/2024 and represent studies from 2015 to 2024. The dataset...
Historical (1971-2005) and projected (2006-2099) hydrological model (HMF-Malaysia) estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows across Peninsular Malaysia driven by CORDEX-SEA projected climate data
This dataset comprises multiple baseline and future ensembles of hydrological model estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows (m3s-1) on a 0. 0.008333° × 0. 0.008333° grid (approximate grid of 1 km × 1 km) across Peninsular Malaysia. Specifically, these...
Flood impact matrices to assess flood resilience in Katakwi communities, Uganda, 2020
This data were created as part of the NIMFRU project and consists of 21 flood matrices. These have been completed by community members from the project target communities of Anyangabella, Agule and Kaikamosing which are all found in the Katakwi district. Five of the...
Inventory of impacts of seven invasive alien species in Chile, Brazil, and Argentina. Results of an expert elicitation exercise
This dataset contain inventories of the impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina. These include seven case studies: pines (Pinus contorta) in the Araucanía and Aysén Regions (Chile); (ii) pines (Pinus contorta) in the Northern Patagonia...
Growth, biomass allocation and tissue nutrient concentrations of subtropical and tropical tree seedlings in response to experimental manipulation of soil phosphorus pools
This dataset reports metrics of plant growth, including height, total biomass and the biomass of component plant parts, and percentage root colonisation by mycorrhizas, for tree seedlings of eight tropical and seven subtropical growing in pots of soil that had been...
1 citation
Land Cover Map 2022 (25m rasterised land parcels, GB)
This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Great Britain, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band raster in GeoTiff format, produced by rasterising three properties of the...
Physical and geochemical properties of saltmarsh soils from wide diameter gouge cores in UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 and 2021
The dataset comprises of physical and biogeochemical measurements of saltmarsh soils from across 19 UK saltmarshes. The data provides a quantitative measure of soil dry bulk density, organic carbon content, nitrogen content, CN ratio, N/C ratio, δ13Corg and δ15N across...
1 citation
A land use map of Peninsular Malaysia for the year 2018 (25m grid)
Gridded land use map of Peninsular Malaysia with a resolution of approximate 25 meters for the year 2018. The map includes nine different classes: 1) non-paddy agriculture, 2) paddy fields, 3) rural residential, 4) urban residential, 5) commercial/institutional, 6)...
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of river flow for Great Britain driven by UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) Regional (12km) data (1980 to 2080) v2
Gridded hydrological model river flow estimates on a 1 km grid over Great Britain for the period Dec 1980 - Nov 2080. The dataset includes monthly mean river flow, annual maxima of daily mean river flow (water years Oct to Sept), along with the date of occurrence, and...
1 citation
National Plant Monitoring Scheme survey data (2015-2021)
This data resource provides plot-level plant occurrence data for the first seven years (2015-2021) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man). Data consist of individual observations of plants, and other habitat...
Water chemistry measured from peatland sub-catchments in the Flow Country, Scotland following a wildfire 2019-2020
The dataset contains water chemistry data collected from peatland headwaters across the Flow Country following a wildfire in May 2019. Samples were collected on a monthly basis from 52 sites across the region from September 2019 to October 2020. Sampling sites were...
1 citation
Macroinvertebrate leaf decomposers in response to organic matter addition to streams in the Welsh uplands (2013)
These data are macroinvertebrate composition and abundance in eight Welsh upland rivers with contrasting land-use, moorland and exotic conifer, in response to riparian deciduous leaf addition. Eight sampling reaches were chosen at two sites, Llyn Brianne (4 reaches)...
Braun-Blanquet percentage vegetation cover and indicator species data in Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar
Data comprise records of percent vegetation cover using a category known as the Braun-Blanquet scale from a survey of indicator vegetation species carried out in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor in Madagascar. In addition, scientific name, local name, family...