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135 records found
Socioecological data from smallholder oil palm plantations in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia, 2021-2022
This dataset includes results from biodiversity, social and environmental surveys of 49 oil palm smallholders and farms in Perak, Malaysia. Biodiversity data includes sticky trap data on flying invertebrate abundance (identified to higher-level order), transect data...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Derwent Water, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) at Derwent Water in Cumbria, England....
Tensiometer measurements from a field experiment in the Conwy valley, North Wales, UK (2013 - 2015)
Data are presented of tensiometer measurements as centimetres of water from a field experiment in the Conwy catchment. The data were collected between October 2013 and January 2015 using tensiometers inserted into boreholes. The data were collected by trained members...
Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in eggs of the northern gannet (Morus bassanus) from two UK colonies, 1977-2014
Data comprise concentrations of Perfluorinated compounds in the eggs of the marine sentinel species the Northern gannet (Morus bassanus), from colonies in Ailsa Craig in the Irish Sea (eastern Atlantic), and Bass Rock in the North Sea, United Kingdom. The study reports...
Biogeochemical and edaphic data from burned peat soil on the Stalybridge estate (UK), October 2018
This dataset contains biogeochemical and edaphic information from burned peat soil on the Stalybridge estate located near Manchester (UK), commonly referred to as Saddleworth moor. This study was conducted after a wildfire fire on the Saddleworth moor in June 2018. The...
High-resolution time-series of flood storage area water levels and estimated stored volumes in the Littlestock Brook, Thames Basin, England, 2018-2022
This dataset contains high-resolution (5-minute) raw, atmospheric corrected and mean sea level adjusted water level data for 9 flood storage areas (FSAs) in the Littlestock Brook catchment (a tributary of the River Evenlode, Thames Basin) from 2018 to 2022. The dataset...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Grasmere, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling at Grasmere in Cumbria, England that began in 1968 for some variables. The data have...
Mealworm predation rates in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) plots, Kandista and Ujun Tanjung estates, Indonesia
Data comprise mealworm predation rates measured after 24 hours exposure to invertebrates in mature oil palm (2014), and mature and replanted oil palm (2016-2017) plots as part of a large-scale ecological experiment programme (the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function...
Hydrocarbon and microbial community data from contaminated beaches in Salamina and the Athens Riviera following the Agia Zoni II Oil Spill (2017-2018)
These data were collected from surface sediments (0-5 cm) at sites located along the Athens Riviera and Salamina coastline, Greece. The sediments came from both oil-contaminated (via Agia Zoni II oil-spill) and uncontaminated sites and were first collected between September...
Fine root nutrient concentration in fertilised plots in the Central Amazon, 2018
The data consists of carbon, micro and macro nutrient concentrations in fine roots (<2mm diameter) in old growth forests in Central Amazon. Fine roots younger than three months were sampled using the ingrowth core technique in a large-scale nutrient fertilisation experiment....
Impact of environmental radiation on the health and reproductive status of fish from Japan, 2017
Data set presents results from fish biometry field work within four lakes in Japan (Suzuuchi, Funazawa, Kashiramori, Abakuma). Data comprise sampling location, fish species, sex, length, weight (total fish, gonad and liver weight). Fish were sampled during May 2017;...
Multispectral airborne imagery and associated classifications, training data and validation data, for mapping nectar-rich floral resources for pollinators, Northamptonshire, UK 2020
Data presented here include imagery with ground-sampling distances of 3 cm and 7 cm for March 2019, May 2019 and July 2019. Also included are the corresponding ground-truth training and verification data presented as shapefiles, as well as the classification output...
1 citation
Water chemistry and greenhouse gas emissions of UK water bodies, 2021-2022, from the LOCATE project
This dataset comprises water chemistry data for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total dissolved nitrogen (TdN), total phosphorus (TP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), absorbance at 254nm (Abs 254), specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA), and dissolved CH4, CO2, N2O...
Images of nocturnal insects collected in a trial of three automated camera systems on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, January 2023
Dataset contains images recorded during a trial of Automated Monitoring of Insects (AMI), Automoth and Diopsis camera systems. The images were taken at five sites in Barro Colorado Island, Panama, during night-time hours from the 23rd to the 26th of January 2023. The...
Yorkshire Derwent catchment sediment fingerprinting of instream sediment and catchment soils
Sediment and soil samples were collected during a six-month project in 2018 looking at the sources of sediment within the River Derwent Catchment, Yorkshire, UK. The data shows the mineralogical composition of each sample site, processed using X-ray powder diffraction...
Macroinvertebrate sampling in the River Beas, India, 2017
Data comprise the number of macro-invertebrate taxa (including family and group name) recorded at four sites on the River Beas in November 2017. Data were generated from kick-sampling following the UK Environment Agency's standard semi-quantitative protocol. Also included...
Hourly water temperature of 16 experimental mesocosms and hourly air temperature from April to November 2023
This dataset contains hourly water temperature data and hourly air temperature data of an experimental mesocosm facility from 21st April to 7th November 2023. The sixteen mesocosms (1 m deep, 2 m diameter) were filled with water from Windermere. The water temperature...
Survey of opinions and behaviours regarding home composting, alongside experimental data for disintegration and degradation of compostable materials, UK, 2019-2023
This dataset is from a UK citizen science study called the Big Compost Experiment, and includes 1) Qualitative and numerical survey data from UK citizens about their opinions and behaviours towards biodegradable and compostable plastics, food waste disposal and home...
Weekly water quality data from the River Thames and its major tributaries (2009-2017)
This data set comprises weekly water quality monitoring data of seven sites along the River Thames, UK, and sixteen of its major tributaries from March 2009 to September 2017. Parameters measured were phosphorus and nitrogen species, dissolved reactive silicon, water...
1 citation
Landscape point feature data from the Glastir Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Wales 2013-2016
This data set consists of records of point landscape features and associated attributes from sites across Wales, collected between 2013 and 2016. Data are presented as records of features such as trees, ponds and buildings with associated species and condition measures...