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145 records found
Blelham Tarn: Ecological and chemical lake profiles, and inflow and outflow chemistry 2016-17
This dataset consists of physical, chemical and ecological water quality variables collected at Blelham Tarn during 2016-2017. Profiles for the following variables were collected on a weekly scale during the stratified period of the lake and fortnightly or monthly timescales...
2 citations
Soil and vegetation radionuclide activity concentrations and calculated dose rates from the Red Forest, Chernobyl, Ukraine, 2016-2017
Data comprise plot details and radionuclide activity concentrations for Sr-90, Cs-137, Am-241, Pu-238, Pu-239 and Pu-240 in ‘grassy’ vegetation and soil. These radionuclide activity concentrations have been used to make estimations of total weighted absorbed doses to...
High-resolution time-series of flood storage area water levels and estimated stored volumes in the Littlestock Brook, Thames Basin, England, 2018-2022
This dataset contains high-resolution (5-minute) raw, atmospheric corrected and mean sea level adjusted water level data for 9 flood storage areas (FSAs) in the Littlestock Brook catchment (a tributary of the River Evenlode, Thames Basin) from 2018 to 2022. The dataset...
Effects of low-dose ionising radiation on reproduction and DNA damage in marine and freshwater amphipod crustaceans
Data comprise results of laboratory experiments assessing the impacts of beta radiation (phosphorus-32) on reproduction, development and DNA damage in a marine and freshwater crustacean species. All crustacean samples were collected either from Lock Lake, Portsmouth...
Fine-grained sediment diffuse pollution risk mapping scenarios for the Yorkshire Derwent catchment
Erosion risk mapping showing river channel concentrations modelled using SCIMAP for the Yorkshire River Derwent, UK. Scenario mapping has been carried out and the dataset includes the following scenarios to assess variation in model output: 1) traditional land use map;...
Peat survey in England, Scotland and Wales carried out during 2014 [LTLS]
Data comprise bulk density, loss on ignition, carbon content of peat, nitrogen content of peat, total phosphorus content of peat, soil 13 carbon content and soil 14 carbon content from samples collected during a peat survey in England, Scotland and Wales during 2014....
1 citation
Modelled fluvial flood hazard maps in Vietnam for the period 2070-2100
This dataset contains fluvial flood maps of the present day 1 in 20 year return period, and corresponding flood extents for 3 SSP (Shared Socioeconomic Pathway)/RCP(Representative Concentration Pathway) scenarios for the future (2070-2100). Change in flood return periods...
Motion-activated camera trap images of wildlife from the Red Forest, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 2016-2017
Data comprise a catalogue of motion activated digital trap camera images obtained from cameras located in the Red Forest, Chornobyl (Ukraine) over a period of a year (September 2016 - September 2017); images are included. In total 45,859 images were captured; of these...
Bee and flower abundance and diversity and bee pollen foraging data from farms in England
Data comprise flower abundance and diversity data and bee abundance, diversity and activity data collected during extensive surveys carried out on farms in Hampshire and West Sussex, southern England between 2013 and 2015. The pollen diets of wild solitary bees were...
2 citations
Traits data for the butterflies and macro-moths of Great Britain and Ireland, 2023
Here, we present a comprehensive traits database for the butterflies and macro-moths of Great Britain and Ireland. The database covers 968 species in 21 families. Ecological traits fall into four main categories: life cycle ecology and phenology, host plant specificity...
Soil biological activity in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine, September 2005 and spring 2016
Data comprise site location, soil chemistry (pH, soil moisture), soil radionuclide activity concentrations (the isotopes measured were: Americium-241, Caesium-137, Plutonium-238, -239 and -240, Strontium-90 (K-40 and U-238 activity concentrations were estimated from...
Habitat samples from the National Plant Monitoring Scheme, 2015-2022
This data resource provides plot-level habitat data for the first eight years (2015-2022) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man). Data consist of surveyor-recorded habitat information on repeated samples of...
Multispectral airborne imagery and associated classifications, training data and validation data, for mapping nectar-rich floral resources for pollinators, Northamptonshire, UK 2020
Data presented here include imagery with ground-sampling distances of 3 cm and 7 cm for March 2019, May 2019 and July 2019. Also included are the corresponding ground-truth training and verification data presented as shapefiles, as well as the classification output...
1 citation
Fluvial and pluvial flood maps for the central highlands of Vietnam and surrounding provinces, 2022
This dataset contains river (fluvial) and surface water (pluvial) flooding maps for the central highlands of Vietnam and surrounding provinces. Flood depth is estimated at 30m horizontal grid spacing for 10 return periods, ranging from the 1 in 5 year to the 1 in 1000...
Elemental and radionuclide concentrations for several vegetation species from a site in Extremadura, Spain
Data comprise elemental and radionuclide concentrations in freeze-dried Mediterranean plants, seeds and oven dried soil. The samples were collected in June 2014 along a transect located in the Monfragüe National Park which is within the province of Cáceres, western...
1 citation
Landscape point feature data from the Glastir Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Wales 2013-2016
This data set consists of records of point landscape features and associated attributes from sites across Wales, collected between 2013 and 2016. Data are presented as records of features such as trees, ponds and buildings with associated species and condition measures...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Windermere South Basin, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling at the South Basin of Windermere in Cumbria, England that began in 1945 for some...
Dune migration measurements on the South Saskatchewan River, Canada, 2017
Data were collected in 2017, to provide information on spatial patterns of dune migration rates and associated water flow characteristics, at locations on the South Saskatchewan River, Canada. Dune migration rates were measured using repeat aerial imagery. Bedform crests...
Physical and ecological characteristics of peatland gully blocks on Kinder Scout, Peak District, UK, 2021
This dataset contains the location, dimension, and ecological characteristics of 492 gully blocks on Kinder Scout, an upland peatland in the UK. Stone and timber dams were installed in 2013-2014 as part of peatland restoration works on Kinder Scout. The survey was undertaken...
Bait use of arboreal ants in a lowland tropical rainforest, Maliau Basin Conservation Area, Malaysia, 2015-2018
This dataset measures the abundance of ant species at baited traps set across twelve trees in four experimental plots in lowland, tropical rainforest. Baited traps were set at 5 m vertical intervals from the ground to as high as possible in the canopy, the stratum of...