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989 records found
Denitrification and greenhouse gas emissions in natural and semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems [LTLS]
Data comprise monthly field measurements of in-situ denitrification rates in different land use types of the Ribble Wyre and Conwy catchments. The data include greenhouse gas emissions (methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide), denitrification data (nitrogen and nitrous...
1 citation
Topographical characteristics of sites in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar
Data comprise site information (site identifier, name, location, zone of interest, land use type, altitude, slope, topographic position and age of deforest and fallow) and historical information from local people in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar. Data...
Potential future scenarios of nutrient and climate change using the model PROTECH at Rostherne Mere, Cheshire, UK (2016-2100)
This dataset includes the PROTECH validation output against a yearlong monitoring study conducted during 2016 in the lake and catchment of Rostherne Mere and the PROTECH output files following changes in internal and external nutrient loads and future climate scenarios...
Code for generating long-term equilibrium results for a range of parasite virulence and parasite evolutionary lag values, and dynamical results for specific parameter values
This code contains scripts for generating data (specifically, these scripts numerically implement our mathematical model). There are three data generating scripts: "Script_for_generating_parameter_sweep_data.m", "Script_for_generating_single_trial_data.m", "Script_for_generating_initial_genotype_frequencies.m"....
Water chemistry data and elemental content of dissolved organic matter extracted from freshwaters in the UK, 2018-19
The data contains site characteristics (water body type, elevation, catchment area) and water chemistry data (pH, dissolved and particulate organic carbon concentrations (DOC and POC)). The composition of DOM extracted by different methods was analysed by elemental...
Sediment short cores from Higher Swineshaw and Cowbury Dale reservoirs, UK, 2018
This dataset contains details of sediment geochemistry, loss-on-ignition and sediment median particle size for two short reservoir cores collected from two reservoirs (Cowbury Dale and Higher Swineshaw), Stalybridge Tameside, Manchester. Cores were collected in 2018...
Experimental crop biomass and gas flux (methane, nitrous oxide, and ammonia) data from continuous and intermittently flooded rice fields under different fertiliser treatments, India, July-October, 2016
This dataset contains rice crop biomass, and greenhouse gas flux measurements from five plots exposed to different fertiliser treatments and continuous and intermittent irrigation protocols. The gas flux data include methane, nitrous oxide, and ammonia, which were...
Nurdle characteristics with associated bacterial concentrations and virulence of Klebsiella isolates from Scottish beaches, 2022
This dataset holds realistic environmental concentrations of potential pathogens colonising microplastic beads (nurdles) collected from ten Scottish beaches. Observed measures include concentrations and the present genes of Klebsiella bacteria isolated from the nurdles,...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi diversity data from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland, 2001 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
These data comprise arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi diversity data from Sourhope field experiment site. AM fungi are biotrophic symbionts colonizing the majority of land plants, and are of major importance in plant nutrient supply. Using the terminal restriction...
Physiological variation in wild and lab-reared threespine sticklebacks from Icelandic geothermal and ambient sites
Data contain measurements of physiological variation in threespine stickleback from Icelandic populations. The data includes metabolic rates measured on individual stickleback fish across three temperatures (Metabolism.csv), inter-individual variation in distances between...
Growth, biomass allocation and tissue nutrient concentrations of subtropical and tropical tree seedlings in response to experimental manipulation of soil phosphorus pools
This dataset reports metrics of plant growth, including height, total biomass and the biomass of component plant parts, and percentage root colonisation by mycorrhizas, for tree seedlings of eight tropical and seven subtropical growing in pots of soil that had been...
1 citation
Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at an organically managed grassland, Berkshire, UK, 2017 to 2019
This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at an area of organically managed grassland located on the Berkshire Downs,...
1 citation
Soil biological activity in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine, September 2005 and spring 2016
Data comprise site location, soil chemistry (pH, soil moisture), soil radionuclide activity concentrations (the isotopes measured were: Americium-241, Caesium-137, Plutonium-238, -239 and -240, Strontium-90 (K-40 and U-238 activity concentrations were estimated from...
Effects of coloured environmental noise on life history variation and population dynamics in the Plodia-Venturia trophic interaction
This dataset contains information on life history variation and population dynamics in response to coloured environmental variation in the laboratory model system comprised of the moth Plodia interpunctella (Pyralidae; Hübner) and the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens...
Land-use and climate change for 1.5 and 2.0 degrees centigrade warming scenarios (JULES land surface model)
This dataset includes six sets of model output from JULES/IMOGEN simulations. Each set includes output from JULES (the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator) run with 34 climate change patterns from 2000-2099. The outputs provide carbon stocks and variables related to...
Relative surface soil moisture for the Thames Valley, United Kingdom, October 2015 to September 2021
This dataset includes relative surface soil moisture across the Thames Valley, between October 2015 and September 2021, using backscatter radar data collected using the ESA Sentinel-1 Constellation. Radar backscatter was normalised to 40 incidence angle, using a novel...
Species traits and derivation of hairiness of oilseed rape pollinators
The dataset describes the functional effects traits derived for 57 taxonomic units (species, genus and family level classifications) of oilseed rape insect pollinators. This data provides information on both morphological and behavioural traits, typically at the...
1 citation
Greenhouse gas and water chemistry measurements for the Clyde river, tributaries and estuary, 2021-2022
Greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and physio-chemical water properties are available for a two-year period (January 2020 - December 2021) across twenty-six locations in the River Clyde and its tributaries and two locations within the Clyde estuary to support understanding...
1 citation
Weekly water quality data from the River Thames and its major tributaries (2009-2017)
This data set comprises weekly water quality monitoring data of seven sites along the River Thames, UK, and sixteen of its major tributaries from March 2009 to September 2017. Parameters measured were phosphorus and nitrogen species, dissolved reactive silicon, water...
1 citation
Plant composition in coastal foredunes of Florida and Georgia undergoing recovery from hurricane Irma, 2017
This dataset presents plant percentage cover by species, average plant cover and species richness for sites along the foredune area of sites distributed between Cape Canaveral (Florida) and Tybee Island (Georgia), USA. Plant cover by species was sampled on three occasions...