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1,000 records found
Porewater and microbial community properties of permeable riverbed sediments across the south of England, 2018
This dataset contains in-stream measurements of sediment porewater nutrients, nitrification rates (and the fraction which is either fully oxidised to nitrate or reduced to N2 gas), and the abundance of microbial 16S rRNA and specific N-cycling genes and transcripts....
The Isle of May long-term study (IMLOTS) seabird annual breeding success 1982-2021
This dataset contains calculated breeding success rates for six seabird species from representative colonies on the Isle of May, off the East coast of Scotland. Annual breeding success has been measured as the number of chicks fledged per active nest for the Atlantic...
Simulated winter wheat and maize above-ground dry matter, soil organic matter and soil water, Changwu, China 1983-2015 and future climate scenarios to 2049
The model-generated dataset includes simulated daily dry matter accumulation of above-ground organs (leaves, stems and grains) of winter wheat and maize, soil water content in different soil layers and organic matter stocks in the topsoil and subsoil layers, and final...
Enteric virus concentrations and chemical properties of wastewater, water, sediment and shellfish samples collected along the Conwy River and estuary, North Wales (2016-2017)
This dataset contains pH, turbidity, conductivity and viral concentration information in river and estuarine water, wastewater, sediment and mussel samples collected in the Conwy River and estuary. The aim of data collection was to monitor wastewater contamination in...
1 citation
Invertebrate pests, natural enemies, pollinators, pest damage and yields associated with different understorey treatments in an agroforestry system, Nottinghamshire, UK, 2020
This resource comprises abundance data for invertebrates, pest damage to apples, and yields from an agroforestry system subject to two different understorey management treatments, comprising an unmown flowering understorey and a mown understorey. The data was collected...
1 citation
Biomass data from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland, 1999-2002 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
The data set comprises biomass values and mineral nutrient values from experimental plots located at Sourhope, Scotland. On five occasions throughout each of the 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 growing seasons, grass cuttings were collected from a 50 x 50 cm cell area from...
Diet, gut microbiome and parasite data from wild rodents and diet shift data from captive rodents, 2014-2018
This dataset is a combination of data obtained from a longitudinal live trapping study of wild rodents in Wytham Woods, Oxford (51.796 N,-1.367 W); October 2015-18), a dissection study of rodents caught in the same woodland (October 2017-18), and a diet shift experiment...
Technetium-99 (99Tc) transformations in aerobic soils following experimental addition of the radioactive anion 99TcO4-
The data comprise measurements of the 'soluble', 'adsorbed' and 'organically bound' 99Tc concentrations in a diverse set of soils following experimental addition of 99TcO4- and incubation in the laboratory under controlled temperature conditions for 897 days. The long...
Spatial mapping of surficial soil organic carbon storage and stocks across Great British saltmarshes
The geospatial dataset maps organic carbon (OC) storage (kg OC m-2) and OC stocks (tonnes OC) of surficial soils across 438 Great British saltmarshes. The OC density for the surficial soils (top 10 cm) is mapped across 451.65 km2 of saltmarshes, identified from current...
1 citation
Plant composition in coastal foredunes of Florida and Georgia undergoing recovery from hurricane Irma, 2017
This dataset presents plant percentage cover by species, average plant cover and species richness for sites along the foredune area of sites distributed between Cape Canaveral (Florida) and Tybee Island (Georgia), USA. Plant cover by species was sampled on three occasions...
Physical and geochemical properties of saltmarsh soils from wide diameter gouge cores in Essex, UK, collected in 2019
Physical and geochemical measurements of saltmarsh soils produced from 19 wide diameter gouge cores (60 mm in diameter) collected from eight sites encompassing saltmarshes with different origins (natural, historic breach, managed realignment) in 2019. The work was...
1 citation
Chemical composition of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends as a result of storage
The dataset contains the chemical compositional changes occurred in anaerobic digestate, with and without biomass ash, simulating storage conditions during 128 days. Additionally, Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) was added to these materials to test the effectivity on preventing...
Impacts of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) on seed dispersal services in Jonkershoek, Cape Floristic Region South Africa
This dataset describes the seed dispersal process of both invaded (presence of Linepithema humile) and non-invaded (absence of L. humile) ant communities. Data were collected from Jonkershoek Nature Reserve (33°55'51"S, 18°51'16"E) in South Africa, during the summer...
Effects of different intensities of artificial light at night on multi-trophic population dynamics
The dataset contain insect numbers, plant biomass, successful attacks of parasitoids, and behavioural response of parasitoids. The data are based on direct observations of insects and plants in field and laboratory experiments testing for the impact of different intensities...
Long-term multisite Scots pine trial, Scotland: cone and seed phenotypes, 2024
This dataset contains phenotypic data on Scots pine cones and seeds sampled from individual trees in a long-term common garden trial. For each tree, overall cone counts were conducted and five cones were sampled in February 2024. Seventeen phenotypic traits were measured...
Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry data of topographic changes from seven erosion plots on Iron Tongue Hill, Tameside, UK, 2018-2019
This dataset contains details of digital elevation models (DEM) and orthomosaic photographs (orthophotos) of seven 5 x 5 m erosion plots on Iron Tongue Hill, Tameside, Manchester. Plots were surveyed on ten occasions in 2018/2019 following a severe moorland wildfire...
Single time point sampling of site characteristics, soil parameters and soil greenhouse gas emissions for extensive and intensive sheep-farming sites in North Wales and Devon, 2016
The data pertains to a single time point 'snapshot' spatial sampling of site characteristics, soil parameters and soil greenhouse gas emissions for two sites (Extensive and Intensive). The extensively managed site ('Extensive'; 240-340 m above sea level; a.s.l.) consisted...
Elterwater inner basin: Estimated inflow discharge and water temperature, 2012-2019
The data consists of estimated hourly average inflow discharge (m3s-1) and water temperature (°C) of the inflow of the inner basin of Elterwater (lat: 54.428, long: -3.034) from January 2012 to December 2019. The work was supported by the Natural Environment Research...
Three-dimensional surface scans of the beaks of specimens of Chaffinches and other passerine birds
The data consists of 3D surface scans of the beaks of 662 museum specimens of sixteen species (representing fifteen families of passerine birds: Fringillidae, Ploceidae, Passeridae, Viduidae, Thraupidae, Estrildidae, Artamidae, Cardinalidae, Sittidae, Prunellidae, Motacillidae,...
Traits data for the butterflies and macro-moths of Great Britain and Ireland, 2021
Here, we present a comprehensive traits database for the butterflies and macro-moths of Great Britain and Ireland. The database covers 968 species in 21 families. Ecological traits fall into four main categories: life cycle ecology and phenology, host plant specificity...