- Agriculture (49)
- Animal behaviour (58)
- Biodiversity (182)
- Climate and climate change (96)
- Ecosystem services (25)
- Environmental risk (50)
- Environmental survey (236)
- Evolutionary ecology (13)
- Hydrology (134)
- Invasive species (15)
- Land cover (76)
- Land use (37)
- Mapping (69)
- Modelling (64)
- Phenology (22)
- Pollinators (35)
- Pollution (109)
- Radioecology (30)
- Soil (190)
- Water quality (112)
Record type
Rights holder
- Aberdeen University (1)
- Addingham Environment Group (1)
- Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) (2)
- Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (2)
- Bangor University (27)
- Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science (1)
- Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (2)
- British Geological Survey (2)
- British Geological Survey (1)
- British Trust for Ornithology (16)
- Bumblebee Conservation Trust (4)
- Butterfly Conservation (17)
- Cardiff University (6)
- Chornobyl Center for Nuclear Safety (1)
- Cranfield University (7)
- Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (8)
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (2)
- Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (4)
- Durham University (12)
- Ecological Continuity Trust (1)
- Environment Agency (3)
- Fathom (2)
- Forest Research (4)
- Forestry England (1)
- Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (1)
- Helmholtz Association (1)
- Heriot-Watt University (3)
- Highlands Rewilding Ltd. (1)
- Hymettus (4)
- Imperial College London (8)
- Institute of Zoology (2)
- Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London (1)
- Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (3)
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee (18)
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (1)
- Kathmandu University (1)
- Keele University (1)
- Lancaster University (6)
- Lancaster University (2)
- Loughborough University (7)
- Manchester Metropolitan University (1)
- NEIF Radiocarbon Laboratory (1)
- National Environmental Research Council (2)
- National Oceanography Centre (2)
- National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (1)
- Natural England (6)
- Natural Environment Research Council (24)
- Natural History Museum (6)
- Natural Resources Institute (1)
- Natural Resources Wales (2)
- NatureScot Peatland Action (1)
- Newcastle University (3)
- Northern Ireland Environment Agency (2)
- Northumbria University (8)
- Open University (1)
- Ordnance Survey (1)
- Oxford Brookes University (1)
- Oxford University (4)
- Plantlife (2)
- Plymouth Marine Laboratory (2)
- Public Health Wales (1)
- Queen Mary University of London (4)
- Queen's University Belfast (1)
- Radboud University (2)
- Rex, C.L. (1)
- Rothamsted Research (5)
- Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (1)
- Royal Holloway University of London (2)
- Royal University of Bhutan (1)
- Sayers and Partners Consultancy (1)
- Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (SNIFFER) (2)
- Scotland’s Rural College (2)
- Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2)
- Scottish Government (4)
- Scottish Natural Heritage (4)
- Stopford Energy and Environment (2)
- Swansea University (5)
- The James Hutton Institute (6)
- The United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (1)
- The University Court of the University of St Andrews (12)
- The University of Cambridge (1)
- The University of Edinburgh (1)
- The University of Hull (1)
- The University of Manchester (1)
- Trees for Life (2)
- UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (601)
- UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and The Mammal Society (1)
- UK Water Industry Research (1)
- USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (1)
- Universidad Nacional del Comahue (1)
- Universidad de Costa Rica (1)
- Universidade Estadual Paulista (4)
- Universitas Gadjah Mada (1)
- Universitas Indonesia (1)
- Universitas Nasional (1)
- University College Dublin (1)
- University College London (4)
- University Of Cambridge (2)
- University Of St Andrews (1)
- University of Aberdeen (14)
- AI4SoilHealth project (1)
- Academy of Finland (1)
- Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center (1)
- Arcus Foundation (2)
- Argentine National Scientific & Technical Research Council (CONICET) (1)
- Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1)
- Aviva (1)
- Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory (2)
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (23)
- Butterfly Conservation (6)
- CNPq (2)
- COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology (1)
- Cairngorms National Park Authority (1)
- Chilean National Commission for Scientific & Technological Research (CONICYT) (1)
- Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, CAPES, Brazil) (2)
- Coordination of Improvement of Personnel in Higher Education, Brazil (CAPES) (1)
- DAERA (1)
- Darwin Initiative (2)
- Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (26)
- Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (2)
- Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA, Northern Ireland) (2)
- Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (1)
- Department of Science & Technology (1)
- Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (2)
- EU (1)
- EU Cost Action (1)
- EU Life Programme (1)
- Economic and Social Research Council (8)
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (3)
- Environment Agency (6)
- European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (1)
- European Commission, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (1)
- European Outdoor Conservation Association (1)
- European Research Council (2)
- European Space Agency (1)
- European Union (3)
- European Union Horizon 2020 (2)
- European Union's (1)
- European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (1)
- FAPESP (1)
- Flora and Fauna International, Cambridge, UK (1)
- Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (2)
- Forest Research (1)
- Frankfurt Zoological Society (1)
- Fundacion Bioparc (1)
- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (1)
- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (1)
- Global Environment Facility (GEF) (3)
- Helmholtz Association (1)
- Ilkley town council (1)
- Indonesian Ministry for Research, Technology & Higher Education (1)
- JNCC (1)
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee (8)
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) (6)
- Leverhulme Research Leadership Award (1)
- Medical Research Council (2)
- Met Office (1)
- Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (2)
- NERC (2)
- National Council for Science and Technology Development of Brazil (CNPq) (1)
- National Initiative for Climate Resilient Agriculture Project (1)
- Natural England (2)
- Natural Environment Research Council (954)
- Natural Resources Wales (1)
- Nature Conservancy Council (1)
- NatureScot (3)
- Neotropical Grassland Conservancy (2)
- Newton-Paulet Fund (2)
- Ocean Parks Conservation Foundation Hong Kong (1)
- Ocean Parks Foundation Hong Kong (1)
- Orangutan Appeal UK (1)
- Orangutan Land Trust (2)
- Orangutan Outreach (1)
- Panthera (1)
- People's Trust for Endangered Species (1)
- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2)
- Radioactive Waste Management Ltd (3)
- Rede Amazônia Sustentável Long-term Ecology Project (1)
- Research England (1)
- River Trust (1)
- Royal Society (1)
- Royal Society for the Global Challenge Award (1)
- Rufford Small Grants For Nature (1)
- Save the Orangutan (2)
- Scottish Environment Protection Agency (1)
- Scottish Forestry Trust (1)
- Scottish Funding Council (1)
- Scottish Government (7)
- Singaporean Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund (1)
- Stirling and Clackmannanshire (1)
- Supergen Bioenergy Hub (1)
- Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (1)
- São Paulo Research Foundation (1)
- Taronga Zoo (1)
- The Botanist Foundation (1)
- The Clouded Leopard Project/Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium (1)
- The Coca Cola Foundation (2)
- The Orangutan Project (2)
- The Royal Society (1)
1,734 records found
Habitat samples from the National Plant Monitoring Scheme, 2015-2022
This data resource provides plot-level habitat data for the first eight years (2015-2022) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man). Data consist of surveyor-recorded habitat information on repeated samples of...
Vegetation change at Whim peatbog (2002-2016)
The data consist of observations of cover of plant species in permanent quadrats in a nitrogen deposition experiment on a peat bog. The experiment was located at Whim Moss in central Scotland, between 2002 and 2016. Recording of cover was by visual assessment in 40...
1 citation
Critical load/level linkages for interest features at UK protected sites (revised 2018)
This dataset contains the linkages between designated features and their relevant critical loads or levels. The designated features come from the UK network of protected nature sites including: (i) Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) (ii) Special Protection Areas (SPA) (iii) Sites...
Land Cover Map 2017 (1km summary rasters, GB and N. Ireland)
This 1 km summary pixel data set represents the land surface of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, classified using two classification schemas, target and aggregate classes. The target class schema comprise 21 UKCEH land cover classes based upon Biodiversity Action...
WATCH forcing data (WFD) - 20th century SWdown (surface incident shortwave radiation) 1901-2001
The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree land grid points. It was generated as part of the EU FP 6 project "WATCH"...
Sorption simulation data of veterinary antibiotic interactions with kaolinite surfaces
These data comprise input and output files from first principles molecular dynamics calculations on the soil mineral kaolinite, detailing its interactions with four different veterinary antibiotics, namely enrofloxacin, florfenicol, ciprofloxacin and florfenicol amine....
Anthropogenic litter data collected from the Portoviejo River, Ecuador, 2021-2022
This data resource contains information on anthropogenic litter from the Portoviejo River, in Ecuador, collected between years 2021 and 2022. This work is part of the Natural Environment Research Council project “Reducing the impacts of plastic waste in the Eastern...
Climatic data (Meteorological Office recordings) from four sites along an altitudinal gradient in Cumbria 1952 - 1990
Climatic data from four sites (Newton Rigg, Widdybank Fell, Moor House and Great Dun Fell) along an altitudinal gradient in Cumbria 1952-1990. Standard Meteorological Office procedures were used.
Energy and mass balance characteristics of Peruvian glaciers
Code to compare the mass and energy balance of five Peruvian glaciers, based on outputs from the energy balance model Tethys-Chloris. Also includes code to compare the results of climate sensitivity experiments (where the air temperature and precipitation were varied)....
1 citation
Land Cover Map 1990 (25m raster, N. Ireland)
This dataset consists of the 25m raster version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Northern Ireland. The 25m raster product consists of three bands: Band 1 - raster representation of the majority (dominant) class per polygon for 21 target classes; Band 2 - mean...
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) fine grain vegetation data: 1994-2015
Fine Grain Vegetation data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. These data are collected at all of ECN's terrestrial sites using a standard protocol (see supporting documentation). In this protocol, 10m x 10m plots are randomly selected...
1 citation
Field measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature data from rivers [LOIS]
On site measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature for thirteen sites in the Humber catchment and three sites in the Tweed catchment within the period 1994 to 1997 as part of the Land Ocean Interaction Study project (LOIS). Sites were sampled at regular weekly...
Chemical and physical composition of soil for four elevations on Mount Etna, Sicily, 2017
This dataset contains chemical and physical composition of soil for four elevations on Mount Etna. Soil samples were collected in 2017 and 2019 and then analysed for chemical and physical composition by a commercial laboratory in Catania, Sicily. The measurements were...
Vegetation survey of Moor House National Nature Reserve 2008-2009
The dataset comprises of plant species recorded from plots located within the Moor House National Nature Reserve, with associated plot information such as slope and aspect, also peat depth. The sampling strategy was based on a grid, using 2 x 2 metre square plots. ...
Activity data from common guillemots from the Isle of May during the 2005-2006 annual cycle
This dataset contains activity data from thirteen common guillemots (Uria aalge) from the Isle of May during the 2005-2006 annual cycle. These biologging data were collected using global location sensing (GLS) time depth recorder (TDR) devices. From these data we derived...
1 citation
Marine invasive alien species monitoring data from Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Cyprus, February 2017 to September 2018
Marine fish, algae and invertebrate invasive alien species (IAS) data from Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Cyprus. Data were collected during an 19-month monitoring period starting in February 2017 and ending in September 2018. Sampling occurred seasonally, approximately once...
Moth community and parasitoid data from a hedgerow cutting regime experiment in Cambridgeshire, England, 2011
This dataset contains moth species, parasitoid and resource provisioning data from a hedgerow experiment investigating the long-term effects of timing and frequency of cutting on resource provision for wildlife. The experiment site was based at at Monks Wood, Cambridgeshire,...
Drosophila activity, survival and pathogen shedding after oral infection with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa
The resource contains experimental data collected at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Edinburgh between Jan-Oct 2023. Sixty (60) lines from the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) were exposed to an orally acquired infection of the bacterial...
Carbon and nitrogen cycling in chalk, greensand and clay soils over a seasonal cycle in the Hampshire Avon catchment
Data on the carbon and nitrogen cycling in soils from different geologies within the Hampshire Avon catchment, UK. The dataset also includes functional gene data, anion and cation concentrations, methane production and oxidation potential, and nitrification, denitrification...
Habitat suitability maps for Rhododendron ponticum across Scotland as reservoir host for Phytophthora
These spatial layers quantify the predicted habitat suitability for Rhododendron ponticum across Scotland. These layers were developed with reference to this species role as reservoir host for Phytophthora plant pathogens, but should have value for management of Rhododendron...