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272 records found
Headwater stream invertebrate data 1998 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of invertebrate species records, sampled from headwater streams during a survey in 1998. Macro-invertebrates were sampled using standard protocols. The sample area in each stream was a single area of stream-bed whose major habitat types can be...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Grasmere, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling at Grasmere in Cumbria, England that began in 1968 for some variables. The data have...
Woodlands survey site information 1971-2001
The dataset consists of slope, aspect, locations, descriptions and habitat categories from plots and sites in 103 woodlands surveyed across Great Britain in 1971 and again over the growing seasons of 2000, 2002 and 2003 (referred to as '2001 survey'), using exactly...
1 citation
Elemental and radionuclide concentrations for several vegetation species from a site in Extremadura, Spain
Data comprise elemental and radionuclide concentrations in freeze-dried Mediterranean plants, seeds and oven dried soil. The samples were collected in June 2014 along a transect located in the Monfragüe National Park which is within the province of Cáceres, western...
1 citation
Invertebrate and plant biodiversity data from a woodland creation experiment, collected two years post-establishment, Wales, 2023
This dataset contains biodiversity data focussing on invertebrates (soil, ground, tree canopy), and plants collected from The Carbon Community woodland creation experiment in Wales. This includes measurements from 72 plots, covering experimental treatment combinations...
Land Classification of Cumbria 1975
The Land Classification of Cumbria is a classification of the county of Cumbria (Great Britain) into a set of 16 environmental strata, termed land classes, to be used as a basis for ecological survey, originally developed by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE)...
1 citation
Location and identification of water sample sites from the Wolf and Tamar catchments
This dataset contains the codes for water laboratory analysis, water sample identification, sampling dates and locations for water samples collected from the Tamar catchment in winter 2013/2014 as part of the South West project. It should be used in conjunction with...
Stakeholder surveys to local farmers and officials in Chinese villages to understand knowledge management dynamics
Data comprise results of social surveys carried out in China during 2016 – 2018 to the local stakeholders (farmers and village to county level officials) to understand their knowledge learning dynamics and preference. Surveys were conducted in the rural villages in...
2 citations
Freshwater particulate organic radiocarbon for four major UK catchments, 2013-2014
This dataset includes radiocarbon (14C) content and d13C for river water samples collected across the UK. Samples were concentrated to four major catchments - the Ribble, Conwy, Hampshire Avon and Scottish Dee. Samples were collected at high flow. The dataset also includes...
Ammonia concentration and deposition data from a peatland nitrogen pollution experiment, Whim Bog, Scotland, UK, 2002-2022
This dataset contains information ammonia concentration and deposition rates resulting from an experimental setup. An NH3 enhancement experiment was established in an ombrotrophic bog near Edinburgh, UK in 2002. Under suitable wind conditions measured, NH3 is released...
Countryside Survey 1984 estimates of linear feature lengths in Great Britain
This dataset consists of stock (length) data for linear features across Great Britain in 1984. The data are national estimates generated by analysing the sample data from 384 1km squares surveyed for the Countryside Survey long term monitoring project, then scaling...
Impact of environmental radiation on the health and reproductive status of fish from Japan, 2017
Data set presents results from fish biometry field work within four lakes in Japan (Suzuuchi, Funazawa, Kashiramori, Abakuma). Data comprise sampling location, fish species, sex, length, weight (total fish, gonad and liver weight). Fish were sampled during May 2017;...
Landscape point feature data 1984 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of landscape point feature information for points across Great Britain, surveyed in 1984. Data are presented as rows of information recorded as point features (for example individual trees, water bodies or structures), with associated vegetation...
1 citation
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Blelham Tarn, 1945 to 2013
This is a long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from weekly to fortnightly sampling at Blelham Tarn in Cumbria, England that began in 1945 for some variables. The data were...
2 citations
Freshwater pond quality data 2007 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of freshwater pond quality data for sites across Great Britain in 2007. Data include macrophyte species records, chemistry and water quality, and environmental variables such as pollution, grazing and management, from ponds surveyed within a set...
Bryophyte species distribution at monad or finer resolution, Edinburgh, UK, 2015-2024
This is bryophyte species distribution data from a survey of the city of Edinburgh UK. The survey was conducted on a structured monad by monad basis and comprises 5551 observations from 138 1 x 1 km squares and 272 taxa collected between 2015 and 2024 and provides a...
Soil metrics and vegetation data from pasture fed livestock farms across Great Britain, 2018
This set of data includes records of vegetation species and characteristics, soil quality metrics and aspects of farm management relating to a single field on each sampled farm. Data were collected in 2018, from farms across Great Britain belonging to the Pasture...
Data from automatic water monitoring buoy from Bassenthwaite Lake, 2008 to 2011
This dataset consists of hourly lake temperature, air temperature, solar irradiance and wind speed data from an automatic water monitoring buoy on Bassenthwaite Lake, a lake in the North West of England. The lake temperatures are measured in various depths of the lake...
Water temperature measurements from Durleigh Reservoir 2018
This dataset contains water temperature measurements at two different locations in Durleigh Reservoir in Somerset, England. Water temperatures were measured using RBR SoloT thermistors (measured in deg C) and HOBO TidbiT v2 loggers (measured in deg F). The dataset consists...
Headwater stream water chemistry data 2007 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of results of chemical analyses of single water chemistry samples, taken from headwater streams during a survey in 2007. Water samples were analysed at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology for chemical analysis of alkalinity (at pH 8.3), total oxidised...