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17 records found
Water chemistry data from Lake Akrotiri, Cyprus, and its main inputs, July 2019 - November 2020
Data comprise water chemistry (analysis included phosphorus and nitrogen species, dissolved reactive silicon, suspended solids, chlorophyll, fluoride, chloride, and sulphate) in water samples taken at Lake Akrotiri, Cyprus, and its main inputs between July 2019 and...
Hydrocarbon and microbial community data from contaminated beaches in Salamina and the Athens Riviera following the Agia Zoni II Oil Spill (2017-2018)
These data were collected from surface sediments (0-5 cm) at sites located along the Athens Riviera and Salamina coastline, Greece. The sediments came from both oil-contaminated (via Agia Zoni II oil-spill) and uncontaminated sites and were first collected between September...
Rainfall, throughfall and stemflow for beech and ash stands in temperate English deciduous woodlands
Water quality data produced from rainfall, throughfall and stemflow samples collected within a beech stand at Black Wood in Hampshire, and an ash stand at Old Pond Close in Northamptonshire. Two studies were carried out in the early 1990s to examine water quality in...
Flow velocity, discharge, and suspended sediment compositions of the Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers, 2017-2019
This dataset contains water flow velocity, discharge, and suspended sediment compositions of the Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwady) River at Pyay, Myanmar and the Salween (Thanlwin) River at Hpa-An, Myanmar. The suspended sediment samples and the hydrological data were collected...
3 citations
Monthly sampling of riverine chemistry and organic matter for 41 rivers in Great Britain in 2017 as part of the LOCATE project
This dataset contains particulate and dissolved organic carbon concentrations, nutrients (ammonia, nitrates, phosphate), alkalinity, pH, particulate organic nitrogen, delta-C-13 and delta-15-N isotopes, fluorescence and absorbance from river water samples. Data come...
Plynlimon research catchments: spot heights
Spot heights (elevation values in metres) for areas within the Plynlimon catchments; digitised from scanned topographic maps of Plynlimon Catchment Areas.
Water resources quality data following extreme rainfall and floods in the Gaborone catchment, Upper Limpopo basin, Botswana
The dataset contains concentrations of Total Organic Carbon, Chloride, Fluoride, Bromine, Sulfate, Potassium, Aluminium, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Chromium, Manganese, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Arsenic, Selenium, Molybdenum, Cadmium, Lead and...
Physico-chemical properties and discharge of a peatland river, Drumtree, Scotland, May 2012 to December 2014
This data set covers high resolution (30-min frequency) water quality and dissolved carbon data from a peatland river in Southwest Scotland (5.8 km2), part of the Whitelee Wind Farm complex. The data set covers approx. 2.5 years including two full hydrological years...
Thames catchment hydrometric and water quality data 2013-17
Urban water quality and hydrometric data for a range of urban developments in in the south of England. Water quality has been obtained from fortnightly-monthly sampling of river water using a Manta 2 sonde, and includes the parameters: ammonium, DO, pH, specific conductivity,...
Literature review of knowledge management across the environment-policy interface in China
Data from literature search systematically conducted using two widely-used academic databases: Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus . Data include the annual amount of KM publication in China and across the world, in WoS, the total amount of knowledge management (KM) publication...
Plynlimon research catchments: digital terrain model
Hydrologically corrected digital terrain model (DTM) of Plynlimon catchments. The DTM was derived from digitised elevation data from scanned topographic maps.
Hydrological projections for the UK, based on UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) data, from the Enhanced Future Flows and Groundwater (eFLaG) project
Enhanced Future Flows and Groundwater (eFLaG) is an 12-member ensemble projection of river flow, groundwater level, and groundwater recharge time series for 200 catchments, 54 boreholes and 558 groundwater bodies in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is derived...
8 citations
Monthly measurements of major and trace elements in 41 rivers in Great Britain, 2017, from the LOCATE project
This dataset contains monthly measurements of major and trace elements from 41 rivers around Great Britain. The samples were collected as part of the Land Ocean Carbon TransfEr (LOCATE) project during 2017 and they were analysed using Inductively coupled plasma mass...
Plynlimon research catchments: catchment boundaries
These catchment boundaries define upland catchments and subcatchments at the headwaters of rivers Upper Hafren (Severn) and Upper Gwy (Wye). They identify the area of study of the Plynlimon research catchment project.
Survey data of scientists on knowledge exchange in critical zone and geoscience
Survey data on knowledge exchange experience of both Chinese and British scientists working on critical zone and more broadly on geoscience. Data are drawn from questionnaire surveys to explore the knowledge management methods used in their environmental research. Data...
Aquatic carbon and greenhouse gas concentrations in headwater streams draining from natural, drained and restored peatland catchments in the Flow Country, Scotland, September 2008-August 2010
The dataset contains aquatic carbon and dissolved greenhouse gas data collected from 6 headwater stream sampling sites within the UK’s largest tract of blanket bog, the Flow Country of N. Scotland. The streams drain from catchments under different peatland management...
1 citation
Plynlimon research catchments: river network
Digital river network of the natural and artificial streams and rivers within the Plynlimon catchments.