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303 records found
Land Cover Map 2023 (25m rasterised land parcels, N. Ireland)
This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Northern Ireland, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band raster in GeoTiff format, produced by rasterising three properties of...
Hydraulic and hydrological data from surface and subsurface soils across the Thames catchment, UK, 2021
This dataset contains information about surface and sub-surface hydraulic and hydrological soil properties across the Thames (UK) catchment. Soil dry bulk density, estimated soil porosity, soil moisture and soil moisture retention (to 100 cm suction) were determined...
Species richness and recording priority derived from species distribution models for Lepidoptera in Great Britain
This dataset includes a set of modelled outputs produced as part of the DECIDE project. Three groups were modelled; butterflies, day-flying moths and night-flying moths. (For the moths, we only considered 'macro-moths'.) For each group there are three outputs; species...
Land Cover Map 1990 (vector, GB)
This dataset consists of the vector version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Great Britain. The vector data set is the core LCM data set from which the full range of other LCM1990 products are derived. It provides a number of attributes including land cover...
Land Cover Map 1990 (1km dominant aggregate class, GB)
This dataset consists of the 1km raster, dominant aggregate class version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Great Britain. The 1km dominant coverage product is based on the 1km percentage product and reports the aggregated habitat class with the highest percentage...
Land Cover Map 2022 (10m classified pixels, GB)
This is a 10m pixel data set representing the land surface of Great Britain, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a two-band raster in GeoTiff format. The first band gives the most likely land cover type;...
Land Cover Map 2019 (20m classified pixels, N. Ireland)
This is the 20m classified pixels dataset for the UKCEH Land Cover Map of 2019(LCM2019) representing Northern Ireland. It describes Northern Ireland's land cover in 2019 using UKCEH Land Cover Classes, which are based on UK Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. This...
Land Cover Map 1990 (1km percentage target class, GB) v2
This dataset consists of the 1km raster, percentage target class version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Great Britain. The 1km percentage product provides the percentage cover for each of 21 land cover classes for 1km x 1km pixels. This product contains one...
Plynlimon research catchment hydrochemistry (2019-2023)
This dataset includes stream and rainfall hydrochemistry of the Plynlimon research catchments in Mid Wales. The data cover the period from March 2019 to March 2023. Sampling was carried out every four weeks, apart from a period of five months when access was restricted...
Land Cover Map 1990 (1km percentage aggregate class, N. Ireland)
This dataset consists of the 1km raster, percentage aggregate class version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Northern Ireland. The 1km percentage product provides the percentage cover for each of 10 aggregated land cover classes for 1km x 1km pixels. This product...
Soil functional measurements (enzymatic activities) across geo linked sampling locations, on grassland, UK (2016)
Data are presented of enzymatic activity of soil collected from paired intensive and extensive grassland systems including low and high pH parent soils, from 32 sites across the United Kingdom. The samples were collected during winter and spring 2015-2016 by project...
Vegetation data from experimental trials to investigate the control of Brachypodium pinnatum at Martin Down National Nature Reserve, UK, 2019-2022
Vegetation data from field surveys undertaken at two experimental trials at Martin Down NNR, to investigate the potential for reducing dense Brachypodium pinnatum cover (experiment 1) and preventing further expansion of sparse cover (experiment 2). Experiment 1 explores...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Esthwaite Water, UK, 2019-2020
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling at Esthwaite Water in Cumbria, England that began in 1945 for some variables. The...
Land Cover Map 1990 (1km percentage target class, N. Ireland)
This dataset consists of the 1km raster, percentage target class version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Northern Ireland. The 1km percentage product provides the percentage cover for each of 21 land cover classes for 1km x 1km pixels. This product contains...
Land Cover Change 1990-2015 (25m raster, GB)
This dataset consists of the 25m raster, Land Cover Change 1990 -2015 product for Great Britain. The dataset is produced from the Land Cover Map (LCM) 25m raster versions of LCM1990 and LCM2015 and reports Land Cover Change between 1990 and 2015 in six simplified classes....
5 citations
Land Cover Map 2023 (10m classified pixels, GB)
This is a 10m pixel data set representing the land surface of Great Britain, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a two-band raster in GeoTiff format. The first band gives the most likely land cover type;...
Modelled recapture of ammonia by shelterbelt trees in the UK
This dataset contains modelled ammonia recapture by shelterbelts downwind of an ammonia source. The runs were located in the UK with ten years of averaged meteorological data for the different seasons of the year. Several tree species and tree heights were also taken...
Annual estimates of occupancy for bryophytes, lichens and invertebrates in the UK (1970-2015)
This dataset provides annual estimates of species occupancy and species trend estimates in the form of growth rates for 5,293 UK invertebrate, bryophyte and lichen species for the period 1970 to 2015. Estimates are provided at the country level for England, Scotland,...
5 citations
Land Cover Map 2017 (20m classified pixels, GB)
This is the 20m classified pixels dataset for the UKCEH Land Cover Map of 2017 (LCM2017) representing Great Britain. It describes Great Britain's land cover in 2017 using UKCEH Land Cover Classes, which are based on UK Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. This dataset...
Soil state and environmental parameters across geo-linked sampling locations on grassland, UK (2016)
Data are presented for soil state and environmental parameters of soil samples collected from paired intensive and extensive grassland systems, including low and high pH parent soils, from 32 sites across the United Kingdom. The samples were collected during winter...