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989 records found
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) sediment stability by Cohesive Strength Meter (CSM) in salt marsh and mud flat habitats
The dataset comprises the surface stability of sediments as determined by a Cohesive Strength Meter (CSM). Between 3 and 5 replicate measurements were taken from each of the 22 designated experiment quadrats at each of the Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service...
Flood risk assessment of the Luanhe river basin under different development strategies and climate scenarios
The dataset describes the data needed for and results produced by the flood risk assessment framework under different development strategies of Luanhe river basin under a changing climate. The Luanhe river basin is located in the northeast of the North China Plain (115°30'...
Economic and social science questionnaire dataset, Mambwe District, Zambia (2013)
This dataset contains the results of 211 household surveys conducted in Mambwe District, Zambia, as part of a wider study looking at human and animal trypanosomiasis and changing settlement patterns in the area. The interviews were conducted from June 2013 to August...
Decadal maps of multiple alternative future land use based on UK Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (UK-SSPs) and climate projections (UK-RCPs)
The data describes future land use projections at 1 km^2 resolution developed by CRAFTY-GB. For each of six Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP-RCP) scenarios, gridded land use maps for Great Britain are provided, each as a stacked raster file with seven bands representing...
Measured and modelled dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, and measured chlorophyll concentration, for UK freshwaters and freshwater mesocosms, 2014-2015
This dataset includes measured DOC concentration, and modelled DOC concentration derived from UV-visible absorbance spectra. We also include measured chlorophyll concentration, pH and conductivity. The natural water samples were collected from freshwater ecosystems...
Fine root nutrient concentration in fertilised plots in the Central Amazon, 2018
The data consists of carbon, micro and macro nutrient concentrations in fine roots (<2mm diameter) in old growth forests in Central Amazon. Fine roots younger than three months were sampled using the ingrowth core technique in a large-scale nutrient fertilisation experiment....
Trait responses of aquatic organisms from microfibre exposure studies published 2015-2024
The resource includes data extracted from published laboratory studies investigating the impacts of microfibres (fibres < 5 mm in size) on various traits within aquatic organisms. Data were accessible on 19/06/2024 and represent studies from 2015 to 2024. The dataset...
Cockroach reproduction records in the laboratory at 50% and 30% relative humidity
Records of offspring production for 192 female cockroaches (Blaptica dubia) kept at either 50% or 30% relative humidity for two weeks during gestation. We then kept all females alone at 50% humidity for 10 weeks and counted the number of nymphs each female produced...
National Plant Monitoring Scheme survey data (2015-2019)
This data resource provides plot-level plant occurrence data for the first five years (2015-2019) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man). Data consist of individual observations of plants, and other habitat...
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: species trends 2019
This dataset provides linear trends, over varying time periods, for the Collated Indices of individual butterfly species across the UK. The main statistical values derived from a linear regression (slope, standard error, P-value) are presented for the entire time series...
Water depth of the South Saskatchewan River, Canada, 2015-2017, measured by single beam echo sounder
Data were collected in 2015 and 2016 to provide information about spatial variations in water depth and river bed morphology (including bedform height) on the South Saskatchewan River, Canada. Water depth measurements were obtained with a Navisound NS 215 system and...
Botanical data from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland, 1999-2002 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
The data set comprises vegetation species and abundance information, surveyed using a 50 x 50 cm point quadrat, from a selection of the plots within an experimental site at Sourhope, Scotland. The surveys were carried out in the summers of 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and...
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site location data 2019
This dataset provides the details of all sites on which butterflies have been monitored as part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). This includes all standard UKBMS transect sites, Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey (WCBS) sites and targeted species survey...
Multispectral airborne imagery and associated classifications, training data and validation data, for mapping nectar-rich floral resources for pollinators, Northamptonshire, UK 2020
Data presented here include imagery with ground-sampling distances of 3 cm and 7 cm for March 2019, May 2019 and July 2019. Also included are the corresponding ground-truth training and verification data presented as shapefiles, as well as the classification output...
1 citation
Elemental and isotopic data for timed exchange experiments between clay, mineral water and seawater
This dataset presents both isotopic and elemental data for a series of cation exchange experiments between mineral water, montmorillonite clay and seawater. These were a series of in-house experiments to determine isotopic fractionation and elemental distribution coefficients...
Ecosystem productivity data from wetland sites in the Pastaza-Marañón Basin, Amazonian Peru, 2018-2020
Ecosystem productivity data primarily from two forest census plots, NYO-03 and VEN-02, located in the Pastaza-Marañón Basin in Amazonian Peru. Site NYO-03 is a peatland pole forest, and Site VEN-02 is a palm swamp. The aim of the measurements was to estimate and compare...
Sedimentological data from the Limpopo River Basin dams, southern Africa, 2018-2021
The data set contains grain size distributions, organic matter (OM) content and trace metal distribution (including Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr and Pb) of 37 shallow cores of sediments sampled from dams across the Limpopo River Basin. The dams include: Gaborone, Lotsane and Shashe...
Carbon and nutrient data for streams in the Peruvian Amazon
Data from two small streams, two rivers and rainfall fractions in the Western Amazonian basin at Tambopata National Reserve in Madre de Dios region, Peru. Data presented are nutrients (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, total soluble phosphorus and silica) and...
Pan-trap survey data from the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme, 2017-2020 version 2
This dataset contains samples and occurrences of insects and flowers collected for the 1 km square survey of the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS). It covers the years 2017 to 2020 (note that 2017 was a pilot year and has less data than subsequent years). This...
Groundwater temperatures and levels from a field experiment in the Conwy Valley, North Wales, UK (2013-2015)
Data showing groundwater temperature and levels from bore holes are presented. The data were collected from a field experiment in the Conwy catchment between December 2013 and June 2015. Data were recorded by pressure transducers installed in the bore holes. The data...