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1,013 records found
Yield and physiology data of two African crops exposed to varying ozone concentrations, grown in solardomes, UK, 2019
Data are presented from an ozone exposure experiment performed on two African crops. The crops (beans and sweet potato) were exposed to three different levels of ozone in the heated UK CEH Bangor solardomes. The experiment ran from June 2019 to October 2019. The crop...
Vascular plant 'axiophyte' scores for Great Britain, derived from the assessments of the vice-county recorders of the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (May 2016)
This dataset gives axiophyte score for plants in Great Britain, based on Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) published lists of axiophytes for 24 counties in Great Britain. Axiophytes have been defined as 'worthy plants', that is, species that are indicative...
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) eddy covariance flux data for Cartmel Sands, Morecambe
The eddy covariance flux data describes the fluxes of CO2, latent energy and sensible heat. It also includes ancillary data: air and soil temperatures, net radiation balance, down-welling photosynthetically active radiation, wind speed, wind direction, vapour pressure...
Assortative mating in Drosophila simulans and Drosophilia sechellia females
The dataset presents data on female mate choice totals for different species pair combinations. Data are presented for wild types and inbred lines of Drosophila simulans and Drosophilia sechellia females. Most of the data was generated in a laboratory at Stony Brook...
Antibiotic resistant gene abundance in fresh cattle faeces from the North Wyke Farm Platform
The data consists of the abundance of antibiotic resistant genes (ARG) in fresh cattle faeces from faecal samples taken from a cohort of 30 cattle. The cattle were from the North Wyke Farm Platform, a UK national capability, located at Rothamsted Research, North Wyke...
National Plant Monitoring Scheme survey data (2015-2018)
This data resource provides plot-level plant occurrence data for the first four years (2015-2018) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man). Data consist of individual observations of plants, and other habitat...
Bait use of arboreal ants in a lowland tropical rainforest, Maliau Basin Conservation Area, Malaysia, 2015-2018
This dataset measures the abundance of ant species at baited traps set across twelve trees in four experimental plots in lowland, tropical rainforest. Baited traps were set at 5 m vertical intervals from the ground to as high as possible in the canopy, the stratum of...
Marsh Tit (Poecile palustris) territory surveys in English woods during 2002-2020
The dataset records the annual number of occupied Marsh Tit breeding territories in 74 individual woods and woodland patches in 14 English counties for variable periods between 2002 and 2020. Different woods were surveyed from between one spring period and for up to...
Soil profile descriptions, biomass data and vegetation species from a joint sampling event at Sourhope, Scotland, 2000 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
This dataset includes: biomass data for roots, shoots and litter in soil core samples, vegetation species abundance data for sampled soil blocks, and soil profile descriptions (horizon types & depths) with corresponding pH and moisture content values by horizon for...
Microbial biomass measurements from an upland grassland liming experiment [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
These measurements of soil microbial biomass carbon, soil basal respiration rate and metabolic quotient were taken from an experiment set up at the University of Sheffield, using soil from the NERC Soil Biodiversity site at Sourhope. The work was part of the NERC...
Antibiotic resistance and resistant genes in Escherichia coli from human, poultry and environmental samples in urban and rural Bangladesh (2017-18)
The dataset includes information on antibiotic-resistance and resistance genes in bacteria (Escherichia coli) from humans, poultry and the environment in rural households, poultry farms and urban food markets. The rural households and poultry farms (broiler chickens)...
Behavioural experiments in the laboratory with stickleback fish - Fish personality data
The data consist of eight datasets on stickleback fish personality data. Data are on catch order, mean time spent out of cover, proportion of time fish spent out of cover, sex differences for the catch order, sex differences for the catch order on two occasions and...
Belowground carbon stock data in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar
Data comprise root weight (fresh and dry), root biomass and carbon stock, root mat measurements, root architecture, litter measurements and pivot, stump and surface root data for trees selected using the Voronoi or Pit method and sampled in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest...
Topsoil invertebrate density estimates from the Countryside Survey of Great Britain, 2007 using a generalized additive model
This dataset presents modelled estimates of soil invertebrate density (individuals m-2) at 1km2 resolution across Great Britain. A Generalized Additive Model approach was used with Countryside Survey soil invertebrate density data from 2007 and including climate, habitat,...
Earthworm and botanical data from the Sweethope mesocosm experimental site, Sourhope, Scotland, 2001 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
This dataset comprises botanical composition and earthworm species and abundance data, sampled from a mesocosm experiment (named Sweethope) in October 2001. The mesocosm site replicated the layout of the main experimental plots at the NERC Soil Biodiversity site at...
Biological characteristics, liver metal concentrations, habitat biogeochemistry and habitat contamination sources of UK otters (2006-2017)
The dataset details the biological characteristics and concentrations of toxic metals/semi-metals in liver tissue from 278 Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) that died across England and Wales during the period 2006-2017. For each otter carcass, location (National Grid...
1 citation
CO2 and CH4 fluxes measured using static chamber technique from a hemi-boreal ombrotrophic fen in drought and non-drought years, Mycklemossen, Sweden, 2017-2019
Net ecosystem exchange and methane fluxes were measured from a hemi-boreal ombrotrophic fen in Southern Sweden. An automated chamber system, SkyLine2D, was used to measure the fluxes near-continuously from August 2017 to September 2019. Four ecotypes were identified:...
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) meteorological data from Abbotts Hall, Essex
The meteorological data describes the air and soil temperatures, net radiation balance, down-welling photosynthetically active radiation, wind speed, wind direction and the vapour pressure deficit. Data collection was carried out at Abbotts Hall marsh from the 15th...
River style characterisation, hydromorphological attributes, catchment properties and stream power analysis for the Bislak Catchment, Philippines, 2020
The shapefiles contain the classification and locations of each river style determined by the authors. The data were used to characterise the river styles in Bislak River, Philippines. Shapefiles were clipped to the catchment boundary from different national government...
2 citations
Static chamber measurements of nitrous oxide flux from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland, 2000-2001 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]
The dataset comprises nitrous oxide (N2O) flux data, collected from static chambers as part of a study to determine how land management affected nitrogen cycling by nitrifiers and denitrifiers in an upland agricultural grassland soil and to determine the effects of...