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34 records found
Orthomosaic aerial imaging from the Irontongue Hill erosion study site, Swineshaw Moor, UK, July 2019
This dataset consists of a single orthophoto mosaic image of Irontongue Hill on Swineshaw Moor. The area of interest includes seven erosion plots (approximately 5 x 5 m) which were set up on 26/07/2018 to capture the state of the burnt moorland surface and monitor subsequent...
Geochemistry and grain size of terrestrial sediments collected across a stream network, Swineshaw Moor, UK, 2018
This dataset contains details of sediment geochemistry, loss-on-ignition and sediment median particle size for terrestrial sediment samples collected across the stream network of Harehill and Swineshaw Moors, Stalybridge, Tameside, Manchester. Samples were collected...
Morphological and morphometric data on the axial skeleton of the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea
CT scans of adult little skates (Leucoraja erinacea). These scans consist of series of tiff images that can be imported into CT segmenting software to reconstruct their shape in three dimensions. Supplemental files include CT scanning parameters, landmark coordinates...
Projected national-level climate change impacts on terrestrial mammals and birds, and projected global transboundary range shifts by 2070
This dataset is derived from modelled changes to the distributions of >12,700 terrestrial mammal and bird species under four different climate scenarios, projected to 2070. It contains national-level projections of species richness change under each climate scenario,...
1 citation
Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry data of topographic changes from seven erosion plots on Iron Tongue Hill, Tameside, UK, 2018-2019
This dataset contains details of digital elevation models (DEM) and orthomosaic photographs (orthophotos) of seven 5 x 5 m erosion plots on Iron Tongue Hill, Tameside, Manchester. Plots were surveyed on ten occasions in 2018/2019 following a severe moorland wildfire...
Bending strains on the trunks of trees on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, 2022
This dataset contains time-series measurements of trees bending in the wind. The data was collected in 2022 in Barro Colorado Island, Panama. 105 trees were measured, with two sensors per tree recording bending strains at 4 Hz. This data was collected for the purpose...
Co-aligned hyperspectral and LiDAR data collected in drought-stressed European beech forest, Rhӧn Biosphere Reserve, Germany, 2020
This dataset comprises co-aligned hyperspectral and LiDAR data collected of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest within core protected areas of the UNESCO Rhӧn Biosphere Reserve, Germany. Data was collected using the Headwall Hyperspec Nano sensor flown from a unmanned...
Morphological and morphometric data on the axial skeletons of vertebrates from museum specimens
Computed tomography (CT) scans of 212 museum specimens, including mostly cartilaginous and bony fishes as well as several reptiles and amphibians, were obtained to quantitatively study vertebral column morphology and regionalisation. The specimens are housed in the...
Foraging behaviour of Parus major held in temporary captivity
The data set describes foraging decisions by great tits (Parus major), held in temporary captivity. Data were collected from birds caught from forest at the University of Jyväskylä Research Station, Konnevesi (62°37.7'N 026°17'E), Finland, and were collected during...
2 citations
Channel topography and grain-scale sediment structure, measured in Bury Green Brook (UK) between 2014 and 2018
Dataset contains Terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) and CT scan data collected during fieldwork on a small gravel-bed river. TLS data show the river bed surface topography collected at five intervals between September 2014 and October 2018. CT scan data show the 3D structure...
Changes in gene expression and encapsulation in Drosophila melanogaster caused by exposure to parasitoid wasps v2
Data consists of gene expression estimates and encapsulation rates in wild caught Drosophila melanogaster larvae following exposure to different treatments. Treatments include injection with wasp homogenate, injection with oil and no injection. Also provided are functional...
Field spectroscopy and leaf trait data from a field experiment in Surrey [HMTF]
The dataset comprises a range of leaf traits, measured from leaf samples collected from trees growing on deep alluvial soils and shallow chalk soils, near Mickleham in Surrey, UK. Across both sites, leaves were collected from 66 trees, representing six species. The...
1 citation
Unmanned aerial vehicle images of drought-stressed European beech forests in the Rhӧn Biosphere Reserve, Germany, 2020
This dataset comprises four RGB unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images collected in September 2020 of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest within core protected areas of the UNESCO Rhӧn Biosphere Reserve, Germany. The study forests were subject to the extreme drought...
Palm frond damage from herbivory in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) plots, Kandista and Ujun Tanjung estates, Indonesia
Data comprise counts of damage to palm fronds in mature oil palm (2013-2015), and mature and replanted oil palm (2016-2017) plots as part of a large-scale ecological experiment programme (the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture project, established...
Socioecological data from smallholder oil palm plantations in Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia, 2022
This dataset includes results from social and environmental surveys of 27 oil palm smallholders and farms in Selangor, Malaysia. Environmental data includes: information on size of plot, crop type and cover, GPS location, vegetation cover, vegetation height, canopy...
Phytoelectronic potassium sensor performance data
This dataset is in vitro validation of a potassium sensor that will be inserted into a plant stem. The dataset shows the sensitivity and selectivity of the fabricated potassium sensor. The data was obtained by measuring changes in electrical current with an increase...
Multispectral airborne imagery and associated classifications, training data and validation data, for mapping nectar-rich floral resources for pollinators, Northamptonshire, UK 2020
Data presented here include imagery with ground-sampling distances of 3 cm and 7 cm for March 2019, May 2019 and July 2019. Also included are the corresponding ground-truth training and verification data presented as shapefiles, as well as the classification output...
1 citation
Socioecological data from smallholder oil palm plantations in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia, 2021-2022
This dataset includes results from biodiversity, social and environmental surveys of 49 oil palm smallholders and farms in Perak, Malaysia. Biodiversity data includes sticky trap data on flying invertebrate abundance (identified to higher-level order), transect data...
Elemental and isotopic data for timed exchange experiments between clay, mineral water and seawater
This dataset presents both isotopic and elemental data for a series of cation exchange experiments between mineral water, montmorillonite clay and seawater. These were a series of in-house experiments to determine isotopic fractionation and elemental distribution coefficients...
Above-ground carbon density derived from LiDAR data over oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo, 2014
This data set provides above-ground carbon density derived from LiDAR data over oil palm plantations in the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) project site located in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo in 2014. This includes the number of trees in plots and the average...