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- Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (1)
- British Geological Survey (2)
- British Geological Survey (1)
- Durham University (1)
- Fathom (2)
- Heriot-Watt University (1)
- Imperial College London (1)
- Lancaster University (2)
- Loughborough University (2)
- National Environmental Research Council (1)
- Natural Environment Research Council (1)
- Newcastle University (1)
- Ordnance Survey (1)
- Oxford University (1)
- Sayers and Partners Consultancy (1)
- The University of Cambridge (1)
- UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (48)
- Universidad de Costa Rica (1)
- University of Aberdeen (2)
- University of Bristol (2)
- University of Cambridge (2)
- University of Exeter (2)
- University of Glasgow (5)
- University of Hull (2)
- University of Leeds (1)
- University of Oxford (1)
- University of Plymouth (1)
- University of Reading (1)
- University of Southampton (1)
- University of Zurich (1)
- Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory (1)
- Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (1)
- Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (1)
- Environment Agency (1)
- European Research Council (1)
- European Space Agency (1)
- European Union (1)
- Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (1)
- Medical Research Council (1)
- Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (1)
- Natural Environment Research Council (79)
- Newton-Paulet Fund (1)
- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1)
- Scottish Funding Council (1)
- The Coca Cola Foundation (1)
- Universidad de Costa Rica and Newcastle University (1)
137 records found
Aquatic carbon and greenhouse gas concentrations in headwater streams draining from natural, drained and restored peatland catchments in the Flow Country, Scotland, September 2008-August 2010
The dataset contains aquatic carbon and dissolved greenhouse gas data collected from 6 headwater stream sampling sites within the UK’s largest tract of blanket bog, the Flow Country of N. Scotland. The streams drain from catchments under different peatland management...
1 citation
Surface and groundwater stable isotope analysis using water samples taken from the Gandak River Basin, Bihar, India, 2017-2019
The dataset contains stable isotope data from surface and groundwater samples collected in the Gandak Basin, north India. The data was collected between March 2017 and February 2019. These measurements were taken to improve understanding of surface and subsurface water...
1 citation
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of river flow for Great Britain driven by observed data (1980 to 2011)
Gridded hydrological model river flow estimates on a 1km grid over Great Britain for the period Dec 1980 - Nov 2011. The dataset includes monthly mean river flow, annual maxima of daily mean river flow (water years Oct - Sept) and annual minima of 7-day mean river flow...
1 citation
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of river flow for Great Britain driven by UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) Regional (12km) data (1980 to 2080) v2
Gridded hydrological model river flow estimates on a 1 km grid over Great Britain for the period Dec 1980 - Nov 2080. The dataset includes monthly mean river flow, annual maxima of daily mean river flow (water years Oct to Sept), along with the date of occurrence, and...
1 citation
Plynlimon research catchment hydrochemistry (2019-2023)
This dataset includes stream and rainfall hydrochemistry of the Plynlimon research catchments in Mid Wales. The data cover the period from March 2019 to March 2023. Sampling was carried out every four weeks, apart from a period of 5 months when access was restricted...
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of soil moisture for Great Britain and Northern Ireland driven by observed data (1980 to 2011)
Gridded hydrological model soil moisture estimates on a 1km grid over Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the period Dec 1980 - Nov 2011 (units: m water/m soil). The data are provided in gridded netCDF files. There are separate files for Great Britain and Northern...
3 citations
Gridded flood frequency estimates for Kerala, India
This is a set of six ASCII grids describing the peak flood event for six return periods (2-100 years) at each point of the river network in the state of Kerala, India. Estimates were derived in a similar way to the Flood Estimation Handbook* approach. The data is measured...
UKCEH digital river network of Great Britain web map service
This is a web map service of the UKCEH digital river network of Great Britain (1:50,000). It is a river centreline network, based originally on OS 1:50,000 mapping. There are four layers: rivers; canals; surface pipes (man-made channels such as aqueducts and leats)...
Plynlimon research catchments: spot heights
Spot heights (elevation values in metres) for areas within the Plynlimon catchments; digitised from scanned topographic maps of Plynlimon Catchment Areas.
Integrated Hydrological Units of the United Kingdom: Sections
This dataset is part of Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) of the UK, a set of geographical reference units for hydrological purposes including river flow measurement and hydrometric data collection. A Section is the drainage area of a watercourse between two confluences....
High-resolution time-series of flood storage area water levels and estimated stored volumes in the Littlestock Brook, Thames Basin, England, 2018-2022
This dataset contains high-resolution (5-minute) raw, atmospheric corrected and mean sea level adjusted water level data for 9 flood storage areas (FSAs) in the Littlestock Brook catchment (a tributary of the River Evenlode, Thames Basin) from 2018 to 2022. The dataset...
Parameters for rainfall-runoff modelling in subcatchments of the Citarum basin, Java, Indonesia
The dataset contains parameter values that maximize revised Kling Gupta Efficiency (KGE’) between modelled and observed daily mean river flows when running one of 24 different hydrological models with one of 21 different climatic input datasets in one of 33 different...
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of daily mean river flow for gauged catchments in Great Britain (1891 to 2015): observed driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-Oudin-daily]
This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by observed climate data (CEH-GEAR rainfall and Oudin temperature-based potential evaporation). It provides daily mean river flow (m3/s) for 260 catchments, for the period 1891 to 2015....
3 citations
Future flows climate data
Future Flows Climate (FF-HadRM3-PPE) is an eleven-member ensemble climate projection for Great Britain at a 1-km resolution spanning from 1950 to 2098. It was specifically developed for hydrological application and contain daily time series of Available Precipitation,...
6 citations
Input data and settings for running a Community Water Model (CWatM) of the Ebro River basin, Spain, 1990-2012
This dataset contains the input data and settings needed to run a Community Water Model (CWatM) of the Ebro River basin in Spain. The input data include: an elevation model of the catchment, flow direction map, river routing, lakes and reservoirs, soils, groundwater,...
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of soil moisture for Great Britain and Northern Ireland driven by UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) Regional (12km) data (1980 to 2080)
Gridded hydrological model soil moisture estimates on a 1km grid over Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the period Dec 1980 - Nov 2080 (units: m water/m soil), driven by UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) Regional (12km) data (1980 to 2080). The data are provided...
2 citations
Numerical model output data on the interaction of flow with a permeable bed and biofilms
The data contains numerical model simulations designed to assess the influence of a) a permeable bed on flow structures above and within the pore spaces of a bed and b) a biofilm streamer on the free flow structure. For the former the data relates to a novel Computational...
1 citation
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of river flow for Northern Ireland driven by UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) Regional (12km) data (1980 to 2080) v2
Gridded hydrological model river flow estimates on a 1km grid over Northern Ireland for the period Dec 1980 - Nov 2080. The dataset includes monthly mean river flow, annual maxima of daily mean river flow (water years Oct - Sept), along with the date of occurrence,...
1 citation
Hydrological projections for the UK, based on UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) data, from the Enhanced Future Flows and Groundwater (eFLaG) project
Enhanced Future Flows and Groundwater (eFLaG) is an 12-member ensemble projection of river flow, groundwater level, and groundwater recharge time series for 200 catchments, 54 boreholes and 558 groundwater bodies in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is derived...
8 citations
Flood modelling simulations for Can Tho city, Vietnam
The dataset describes the inundation results simulated by high-performance integrated hydrodynamic modelling system (HiPIMS) model for the pluvial flooding and fluvial flooding in Can Tho city Vietnam. Wherein, the pluvial flooding results simulated by HiPIMS are driven...