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55 records found
Ecotoxicology data of Eisenia fetida earthworms following acute or chronic exposure to different concentrations of bio-based and conventional fibres
This dataset contains acute and chronic ecotoxicology measurements of Eisenia fetida earthworms exposed to different types and concentrations of bio-based textile-derived microfibres. Acute test (72 hours) measured earthworm mortality across a range of fibre concentrations,...
Stable isotope and U/Th speleothem measurements from Vietnam, 200,000–334 years BP
The data includes carbon and oxygen stable isotopes together with top and bottom U-Th ages of stalagmites collected in Northwest, Central and Southern Vietnam. The purpose of this work was to identify suitable specimens that can be used for palaeoclimatic reconstructions....
Freshwater macroinvertebrate community data, stream discharge, and hyporheic fine sediment mass in experimental channels recovering over a four-month period from a prior drought in 2022
The 3Rs experimental study investigated how trajectories of recovery following a prolonged drought were affected by the prior sediment composition and fine sediment loading. On each of six sampling occasions between December 2022 and March 2023 (Days 1, 8, 13, 29,...
Sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) data for the UK, 2020-22
This dataset provides Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 1x1 kilometres (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years 2020 to 2022. The data consist of deposition values for sulphur, oxidised...
Invasive and native bumblebee abundance along a latitudinal gradient within Argentina and Chile, 2019-2020
This data resource contains counts of bumblebee abundance between December 2019 and March 2020 along a latitudinal gradient within Argentina and Chile. Sampling of both invasive (Bombus terrestris and B. ruderatus) and native (B. dahlbomii) bumblebee species was undertaken...
Tree sapling sampling in a secondary subtropical forest invaded by Ligustrum lucidum subject to experimental management, Tucumán, Argentina, 2021-2023
The following dataset contains information on saplings of woody plant species in invaded subtropical mountain forests (Yungas) over three years. The forests were located in the Horco Molle Experimental Reserve and Parque Sierra de San Javier, Tucumán, Argentina. The...
Insect pollinator visitations to soybean crops, and soybean crop yield, along a latitudinal gradient in South America, 2020-2022
This data set represents field-based monitoring of insect pollinator communities found within soya (Glycine max L. Merril) crops located along a latitudinal gradient ranging from -37.669486 to -24.495121 covering both Argentina and Brazil. Yield data was also collected...
Soil nutrients, bulk density and pyrogenic carbon in permanent monitoring plots along altitudinal and forest perturbation gradients in the Colombian Andes, 2019-2022
The dataset contains information on soil nutrients including pH, available phosphorus, total phosphorus, texture analysis in sand, clay and silt, and exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, Na. Soil pyrogenic carbon, including Total Organic Carbon (TOC) (%C_(Bulk)), pyrogenic carbon...
Daily estimates for meteorological and potential evapotranspiration variables (CHESS) and soil moisture estimates (JULES) at COSMOS-UK sites, 2013-2017
This dataset provides daily estimates at locations that are part of the COSMOS-UK monitoring network for meteorological and potential evapotranspiration variables in the Climate hydrology and ecology research support system for the period 2013-2017 (CHESS-met and CHESS-PE)....
N-alkanoic acid hydrogen isotope composition and biomarker concentration of sediments from Lake Suigetsu, Japan (132,700 to 125,200 cal BP)
This dataset contains information about the compound-specific stable hydrogen isotope composition (δ2H) of n-alkanoic acids with 26, 28 and 30 carbon atoms. The samples originated from the Lake Suigetsu sediment cores. Data is provided at an approximately ~60 year resolution...
Global greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of crop and livestock products at 5 arc minutes resolution, 1997-2003
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions represent the amount of greenhouse gases (nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide) emissions associated with the annual production of seven livestock commodities, considering the following processes: enteric fermentation, manure...
Grain size distributions in saltmarsh soil samples from UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 and 2021
The dataset details the grain size distributions of 459 subsamples from 18 soil cores collected from across 14 UK saltmarshes between 2018 and 2021. The work was carried out under the NERC programme - Carbon Storage in Intertidal Environment (C-SIDE), NERC grant reference...
Global hydrological dataset of daily streamflow data from the Reference Observatory of Basins for INternational hydrological climate change detection (ROBIN), 1863 - 2022
The Reference Observatory of Basins for INternational hydrological climate change detection (ROBIN) dataset is a global hydrological dataset containing publicly available daily flow data for 2,418 gauging stations across the globe which have natural or near-natural...
Tree census and above ground biomass variation in permanent forest monitoring plots along altitudinal and forest perturbation gradients in the Colombian Andes, 2017-2020
The data were collected between 2017 and 2020 from 27 forest monitoring plots (0.5 ha each) in five locations along an altitudinal (lowland, mid-elevation, and highland forests) and forest perturbation (low, medium, and high perturbation levels) gradient in Andean ecosystems...
Reflectance of charcoal from tropical rainforest plots in southern Amazonia, Brazil and southwestern Amazonia, Peru, 2015
This dataset includes charcoal reflectance measurements. The charcoal pieces were collected from the soil surface in tropical rainforest plots in Feliz Natal (southern Brazil, n= 75) and Pucallpa (Peru, n=14) in 2015. In total, 89 charcoal pieces were measured for reflectance....
2 citations
Bat and bird survey data from different agricultural land use gradients in Ghana and Zambia, 2020-2023
This dataset consists of bird observation and mist netting records for both bats and birds collected from December 2020 to March 2023. The data collection employed a mixed-methods approach incorporating point counts and mist netting techniques. Surveys were carried...
Soil respiration, leaf litter decomposition and root morphotyping in the absence and presence of tree roots at two locations in the UK, October-November 2023
The data encompass measurements in soil and litter, including leaf litter decomposition, soil respiration, and root morphology analysis in the absence and presence of tree roots in the UK. Data were collected in two locations, Alice Holt and Thetford, UK, in October-November...
Environmental and biological measurements from Tatton Mere and Rostherne Mere, UK, 2022
This dataset contains information about water conditions at Tatton Mere and Rostherne Mere, Cheshire over Summer 2022. Data was collected weekly as part of a study into the presence of algal blooms and the toxins they may produce. In situ testing recorded temperature,...
Larval and juvenile fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers, 1984-2017
This dataset contains monthly/annual time series of species-specific abundances and covariates for 137 targeted larval/juvenile fish surveys at sites in a range of English lowland rivers. Larval/juvenile fish data come from two different sources: The Environment Agency’s...
Height, diameter, and health status of native sapling trees planted for restoration after invasive tree control in a secondary subtropical forest, Horco Molle, Tucumán, 2021-2023
The data resource comprises two years of monitoring data on planted saplings, aimed at restoring native trees in invaded subtropical mountain forests (Yungas). The forests were located in the Horco Molle Experimental Reserve and Parque Sierra de San Javier, Tucumán,...