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8 records found
Wild bee associations with blueberry crops in Argentina, 2020-2021
This data describes pollinator associations with commercial blueberry crops within nine farms in the province of Tucumán (26° 50′ 02′′S, 65° 12′ 55′′ W), Argentina. Using transect based walks at two distances from field boundaries the abundance of insect and hummingbird...
R code for fitting a transmission model of bovine tuberculosis to a population of wild badgers
This resource provides code to fit a transmission model of bovine tuberculosis spread to a population of wild badgers in Woodchester Park in the UK. The code produces Markov chain Monte Carlo samples from a model fitted to individual-level badger data from Woodchester...
Invertebrate behavioural responses to 3D-printed insect replicas, featuring combinations of traits from wasps and flies, in laboratory trials
Three files describe behavioural trials involving jumping spiders, crab spiders and praying mantises respectively. They include details about the individual predators, the stimuli used and the behavioural responses from the predators.
Audio-recordings of birds from plots invaded by non-native plants (Rhododendron ponticum and Prunus laurocerasus) and non-invaded plots in four woodlands, Wales, 2023
This dataset contains audio recordings of birds in four woodland plots invaded by the non-native species Rhododendron ponticum or Prunus laurocerasus and non-invaded control plots in the same woodlands. The four locations were in Wales; Nercwys Forest; Penllergare,...
Chick behavioural responses to 3D-printed insect replicas, featuring combinations of traits from wasps and flies
These data describe individual behaviour during an experiment investigating chick responses to different trait combinations in 3D-printed insect replicas. Replicas were based on various combinations of shape, pattern, colour and size traits taken from either non-mimetic...
Physiological variation in wild and lab-reared threespine sticklebacks from Icelandic geothermal and ambient sites
Data contain measurements of physiological variation in threespine stickleback from Icelandic populations. The data includes metabolic rates measured on individual stickleback fish across three temperatures (Metabolism.csv), inter-individual variation in distances between...
Invasive and native bumblebee abundance along a latitudinal gradient within Argentina and Chile, 2019-2020
This data resource contains counts of bumblebee abundance between December 2019 and March 2020 along a latitudinal gradient within Argentina and Chile. Sampling of both invasive (Bombus terrestris and B. ruderatus) and native (B. dahlbomii) bumblebee species was undertaken...
Reproductive output and adult lifespan of 308 invertebrate species subjected to temperature variations, from a meta-analysis of published literature
This dataset contains extracted data from studies reporting the effect of temperature on animal reproduction and adult lifespan. To identify studies, we performed a systematic literature search using the online database Web of Science in August 2021 (see Dougherty et...
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