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78 records found
Gridded Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) using generalised logistic distribution with standard period 1961-2010 for Great Britain [SPEIgenlog61-10]
1km and 5km gridded Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) data for Great Britain, which is a drought index based on the probability of Climatic Water Balance (CWB) - which is equivalent to the amount of precipitation minus the amount of evapotranspiration...
2 citations
The percentage of total pasture land, by country, subject to water scarcity in 2050 as estimated from a multi-model ensemble
This dataset contains the percentage of the total pasture area in each country classified as vulnerable to water scarcity (annual run-off is declining and the water shed is defined as water scarce in 2050). Projections of global changes in water scarcity with the current...
Farm management and longitudinal data on antibiotic use and antibiotic resistant E. coli for individual heifers on 37 dairy farms, South West England, 2018
This dataset represents a cohort of heifers followed from birth to 18 months or first pregnancy on 37 farms in the South West of England. Faecally-contaminated environmental samples were collected over 2 years and the samples analysed for E. coli resistance to amoxicillin,...
Impacts of chronic radiation exposure on reproduction, development and genetic diversity of the freshwater crustacean Asellus aquaticus at Chernobyl
This dataset contains morphological data from the isopod crustacean, Asellus aquaticus collected from Chernobyl affected areas of Belarus and Ukraine in 2015. This data was collected to calculate fluctuating asymmetry, a measure of developmental stability, in organisms...
1 citation
Elemental concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils in terrestrial Mediterranean ecosystems in Spain
Data comprise stable element concentrations in terrestrial Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) and corresponding whole-body concentration ratios determined in two different Mediterranean ecosystems: a Pinewood and a Dehesa (grassland with disperse tree cover). The International...
2 citations
Input to Yield Ratio (IYR) maps for wheat farming in England, 2010-2017
These maps show the Input to Yield Ratio (IYR) of wheat farming in England, calculated as the ratio of agrochemical inputs to agricultural reward as yield. We assess the IYR at a 1km resolution for wheat grown in England over the period the period 2010-2017, considering...
Areas affected by landslides following Typhoon Mangkhut in Itogon, Philippines, September 2018
This dataset contains the areas affected by landslides triggered by Typhoon Mangkhut in the area of Itogon (Benguet, Philippines) between the 13th and 15th of September 2018. The polygons were mapped using very high-resolution satellite imagery from before and after...
Radionuclide data for vertebrates in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Data comprise radionuclide concentrations in soils and a range of terrestrial vertebrate species (reptiles, small mammals and birds) sampled in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ) between 1999 and 2008. Reptiles were collected in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2007, birds,...
Palm frond damage from herbivory in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) plots, Kandista and Ujun Tanjung estates, Indonesia
Data comprise counts of damage to palm fronds in mature oil palm (2013-2015), and mature and replanted oil palm (2016-2017) plots as part of a large-scale ecological experiment programme (the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture project, established...
Radionuclide biological half-lives for farm animals
Data comprise a compilation of quality-controlled biological half-life values (and associated information) from a literature review for animals (mainly farm livestock) which contribute to the human food chain. The dataset contains almost 650 entries for 12 animal types...
1 citation
High-resolution time-series of flood storage area water levels and estimated stored volumes in the Littlestock Brook, Thames Basin, England, 2018-2022
This dataset contains high-resolution (5-minute) raw, atmospheric corrected and mean sea level adjusted water level data for 9 flood storage areas (FSAs) in the Littlestock Brook catchment (a tributary of the River Evenlode, Thames Basin) from 2018 to 2022. The dataset...
Hydrocarbon and microbial community data from contaminated beaches in Salamina and the Athens Riviera following the Agia Zoni II Oil Spill (2017-2018)
These data were collected from surface sediments (0-5 cm) at sites located along the Athens Riviera and Salamina coastline, Greece. The sediments came from both oil-contaminated (via Agia Zoni II oil-spill) and uncontaminated sites and were first collected between September...
Gridded drought indices based on remote sensing data for Europe (2000-2015)
This dataset comprises three gridded drought indicators based on remote sensing data for Europe. The data has a spatial resolution of 0.05 degree and a temporal resolution of 1 month for the period going from 2000 to 2015. The three drought indicators are: the Vegetation...
1 citation
A database of radionuclide biological half-life values for wildlife
Data comprise biological and ecological half-life values for marine, freshwater, terrestrial and riparian organisms. The database includes 1908 biological half-life values for 52 elements across a range of wildlife groups (marine, freshwater, terrestrial and riparian)....
7 citations
Fluvial and pluvial flood maps for the central highlands of Vietnam and surrounding provinces, 2022
This dataset contains river (fluvial) and surface water (pluvial) flooding maps for the central highlands of Vietnam and surrounding provinces. Flood depth is estimated at 30m horizontal grid spacing for 10 return periods, ranging from the 1 in 5 year to the 1 in 1000...
Soil and vegetation radionuclide activity concentrations and calculated dose rates from the Red Forest, Chernobyl, Ukraine, 2016-2017
Data comprise plot details and radionuclide activity concentrations for Sr-90, Cs-137, Am-241, Pu-238, Pu-239 and Pu-240 in ‘grassy’ vegetation and soil. These radionuclide activity concentrations have been used to make estimations of total weighted absorbed doses to...
Effect of ozone on modern clover cultivars
Data includes impacts on root nodule biomass, stomatal conductance, injury rates, and N-fixation in the white clover cultivar (T. repens cv. crusader). An ozone-exposure experiment was conducted in solardomes during the spring and summer of year 2012 on modern clover...
Motion-activated camera trap images of wildlife from the Red Forest, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 2016-2017
Data comprise a catalogue of motion activated digital trap camera images obtained from cameras located in the Red Forest, Chornobyl (Ukraine) over a period of a year (September 2016 - September 2017); images are included. In total 45,859 images were captured; of these...
Element and radionuclide concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils from a forest in north-west England
This dataset presents the results of an initial sampling exercise conducted at a terrestrial site in northwest England in summer 2010. The following samples of terrestrial Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) were obtained from an area of circa 0.4 km squared: Molinia...
6 citations
Sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) data for the UK, 2019-2021
This dataset provides Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 1x1 kilometres (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years 2019 to 2021. The data consist of deposition values for sulphur, oxidised...