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167 records found
Ecological, dietary, and socio-economic data from 10 smallholder farming villages in Jumla District, Nepal, 2021-2022
This is a transdisciplinary dataset from ten smallholder farming villages in Patarasi Rural Municipality, Jumla District, Nepal collected during 2021 and 2022. The human component of the dataset includes fortnightly 24-hour dietary recall surveys and monthly anthropometry...
Physical and ecological characteristics of peatland gully blocks on Kinder Scout, Peak District, UK, 2021
This dataset contains the location, dimension, and ecological characteristics of 492 gully blocks on Kinder Scout, an upland peatland in the UK. Stone and timber dams were installed in 2013-2014 as part of peatland restoration works on Kinder Scout. The survey was undertaken...
Habitat samples from the National Plant Monitoring Scheme, 2015-2022
This data resource provides plot-level habitat data for the first eight years (2015-2022) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man). Data consist of surveyor-recorded habitat information on repeated samples of...
Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a winter wheat field, Lincolnshire, UK, 2012
This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at a field of winter wheat in Lincolnshire, UK during the 2012 growing season....
Impact of environmental radiation on the health and reproductive status of fish from Japan, 2017
Data set presents results from fish biometry field work within four lakes in Japan (Suzuuchi, Funazawa, Kashiramori, Abakuma). Data comprise sampling location, fish species, sex, length, weight (total fish, gonad and liver weight). Fish were sampled during May 2017;...
Species traits and derivation of hairiness of oilseed rape pollinators
The dataset describes the functional effects traits derived for 57 taxonomic units (species, genus and family level classifications) of oilseed rape insect pollinators. This data provides information on both morphological and behavioural traits, typically at the...
1 citation
Concentrations of antibiotics in wastewater and receiving waters following water treatment in SW England, June-October, 2015
This dataset comprises of weekly concentrations of fluoroquinolones in wastewater and receiving waters collected in the Avon river catchment South West UK. The following fluoroquinolones were analysed: (±)-ofloxacin, (±)-ofloxacin-N-oxide, (±)-desmethyl-ofloxacin, (±)-lomefloxacin,...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Windermere South Basin, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling at the South Basin of Windermere in Cumbria, England that began in 1945 for some...
Projections of water scarcity in croplands, 2050
Projections of global changes in water scarcity with the current extent of croplands were combined to identify the potential country level vulnerabilities of cropland land to water scarcity in 2050. The data relate to an analysis of the impact changes in water availability...
Allometric modelling of plant biomass from drone-acquired photographs: drone images, ground control marker coordinates and biomass data from 36 sites, 2016-2020
This dataset contains RGB photographs acquired from drone surveys. There are 741 harvest plots from 38 surveys at 36 sites around the world. Each site was approximately 1 ha in area. Included with the photographic images are the coordinates of ground control markers,...
1 citation
Barium concentration and stable isotope ratio measurements of the dissolved and adsorbed phases from laboratory batch experiments and Himalayan river samples from 2015-2016
This dataset contains barium concentration and stable isotope ratio measurements of the adsorbed and dissolved phases associated with batch laboratory adsorption-desorption reactions using common environmental mineral adsorbents (clay minerals: kaolinite & montmorillonite,...
Daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil data (2013-2023) [COSMOS-UK]
This dataset contains daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil moisture observations from COSMOS-UK (cosmic-ray soil moisture) monitoring network from October 2013 to the end of 2023. These data are from 51 sites across the UK recording a range of hydrometeorological...
1 citation
Subset of turbulent energy fluxes, meteorology and soil physics observations collected at eddy covariance sites in southeast England, June 2019
This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE) and momentum (τ) measured at UKCEH eddy covariance flux observation sites during summer 2019. The dataset includes ancillary weather and soil physics...
Fluvial hydrochemistry, CO2 efflux and delta 13C-Dissolved inorganic carbon data for the Houzhai Catchment, Southwest China, 2016-2018
The dataset contains measurements of CO2 efflux from streams, springs, reservoirs and ponds in the Houzhai catchment, a typical karst catchment in the karst region of SW China. Data were obtained via direct, field-based measurements during monthly campaigns conducted...
Stable isotope and U/Th speleothem measurements from Vietnam, 200,000–334 years BP
The data includes carbon and oxygen stable isotopes together with top and bottom U-Th ages of stalagmites collected in Northwest, Central and Southern Vietnam. The purpose of this work was to identify suitable specimens that can be used for palaeoclimatic reconstructions....
Exposure of burrowing mammals to Radon Rn-222 in Northwest England
This dataset includes individual passive detector measurements of radon Rn-222 in the air of artificial burrows, Rn-222 measurements by instrumentation in soil gas of interstitial soil pores and burrow air, gamma analyses results for soil samples and, soil moisture...
1 citation
Numerical simulations of river bed dynamics for the South Saskatchewan River, Canada
Data were generated to investigate the influence of bed roughness on the dynamics of large sand-bed rivers like the South Saskatchewan, Canada. The influence of roughness was investigated by using a numerical model to simulate the evolution of the river bed for a hypothetical...
Amazon tree ring isotope records of Macrolobium acaciifolium and Cedrela odorata
The data consist of tree ring oxygen (δ18Otr) and carbon (δ13Ctr) isotope data of Macrolobium acaciifolium and Cedrela odorata from five sites in the Amazon basin, including Pacaya (Peru) and Maranon (Peru), Leticia (Colombia), Manuripi (Bolivia) and Riberalta (Bolivia). All...
Time series of microbial carbon release from soil as carbon dioxide under different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a high glucose concentration added as a carbon source in the Conwy catchment, North Wales, UK (2016)
Time series data of carbon release in disintegrations per minute are presented for different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a high glucose concentration substrate added as a carbon source to soil samples from six depths (0-15, 15-30, 50-100, 100-150, 150-200...
Biogeochemical and edaphic data from burned peat soil on the Stalybridge estate (UK), October 2018
This dataset contains biogeochemical and edaphic information from burned peat soil on the Stalybridge estate located near Manchester (UK), commonly referred to as Saddleworth moor. This study was conducted after a wildfire fire on the Saddleworth moor in June 2018. The...