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378 records found
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Windermere North Basin, 1945 to 2013
This is a long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from weekly or fortnightly sampling at the North Basin of Windermere in Cumbria, England. Monitoring began in 1945 for some...
Porewater and microbial community properties of permeable riverbed sediments across the south of England, 2018
This dataset contains in-stream measurements of sediment porewater nutrients, nitrification rates (and the fraction which is either fully oxidised to nitrate or reduced to N2 gas), and the abundance of microbial 16S rRNA and specific N-cycling genes and transcripts....
CO2 efflux, root and mycorrhizal hyphae production in subarctic willow shrub and treeline birch forest, Abisko 2017-2018
This dataset contains in situ CO2 efflux, root production and fungal hyphae production from plots distributed across a subarctic landscape in Northern Sweden. Six paired plots were established in mountain birch forest and five paired plots were established in tall shrub...
Land Classification of Cumbria 1975
The Land Classification of Cumbria is a classification of the county of Cumbria (Great Britain) into a set of 16 environmental strata, termed land classes, to be used as a basis for ecological survey, originally developed by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE)...
1 citation
Elemental concentrations in fish from lakes in Northwest England
Data comprise concentrations of elements in ashed fish sampled from lakes in the English Lake District in 2012 and 2013. Fish were collected from three lakes (Windermere, Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwent Water) by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) Lake Ecosystems...
1 citation
Data from automatic water monitoring buoy from Bassenthwaite Lake, 2012 to 2015
This dataset consists of hourly lake temperature, air temperature, solar irradiance and wind speed data from an automatic water monitoring buoy on Bassenthwaite Lake, a lake in the North West of England. The lake temperatures are measured in various depths of the lake...
Vegetation and soil data recorded at Parsonage Down National Nature Reserve in 1970, 1990 and 2016
This dataset contains vascular plant species abundance, average sward height, and soil analysis data from Parsonage Down National Nature Reserve (NNR), in southern England, in 1970, 1990 and 2016. Vascular plant species abundance and average sward height were recorded...
Faecal indicator data from 54 lakes in Greater Glasgow, Cumbria, and Norfolk, UK, 2016-2017
This dataset contains information about water quality based on faecal indicators at eighteen lakes in each of three lake districts: - Greater Glasgow conurbation, Scotland - Cumbria, NW England - Norfolk, E England. Lakes were sampled once in each of three seasons...
Tensiometer measurements from a field experiment in the Conwy valley, North Wales, UK (2013 - 2015)
Data are presented of tensiometer measurements as centimetres of water from a field experiment in the Conwy catchment. The data were collected between October 2013 and January 2015 using tensiometers inserted into boreholes. The data were collected by trained members...
Historical (1971-2005) and projected (2006-2099) hydrological model (HMF-Malaysia) estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows across Peninsular Malaysia driven by CORDEX-SEA projected climate data
This dataset comprises multiple baseline and future ensembles of hydrological model estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows (m3s-1) on a 0. 0.008333° × 0. 0.008333° grid (approximate grid of 1 km × 1 km) across Peninsular Malaysia. Specifically, these...
Water quality data from the River Wensum, UK, 2010-2016
This dataset contains riverine hydrochemical data generated at monthly intervals between 2010 and 2016 from 20 sites across the River Wensum catchment, UK. Data were obtained via manual grab sampling of river water from each of the 20 locations across the catchment,...
Dissolved Oxygen concentrations from Durleigh Reservoir, 2018
This dataset contains Dissolved oxygen concentrations from two different locations in Durleigh Reservoir in Somerset, England. Two miniDOT oxygen loggers were fitted with miniWIPERs and deployed at two locations in Durleigh on 30 May 2018. Both sensors were collected...
Windermere pike male gonad weight data (1945 to 1996)
This dataset consists of estimated gonad weight and associated data on male pike (Esox lucius) from net sampling in Windermere, Cumbria. Data collection began in 1945. The data were initially collected by the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) but have been collected...
1 citation
Land cover and sediment geochemistry in the Rio Santa catchment, Cordillera Blanca, Peru, 2019-2020
These data encompass land cover data and sediment geochemistry from the Rio Santa catchment of the Peruvian Andes. Sediment samples were collected within the SIGMA: Peru project between 2019-2020. Geochemistry data include major and minor elements in sediment samples...
Landscape linear feature data 1984 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of stock (length) data for landscape linear features across Great Britain in 1984. Data are presented as lengths of different feature categories (such as fences, walls and lines of trees), with associated species attributes, from 382 km squares,...
1 citation
In situ seedling growth and survival of ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular trees in a subtropical forest in China
This dataset reports results on seedling growth and survival for two hyphal exclusion experiments in a subtropical forest. The data include survival status, height, total biomass and the biomass of component plant parts, percentage root colonisation by mycorrhizas,...
1 citation
DECIPHeR model estimates of daily flow for 1366 gauged catchments in Great Britain (1962-2015) using observed driving data
This dataset provides 100 model realisations of daily river flow in cubic metres per second (m3/s) for 1,366 catchments, for the period 1962 to 2015. The dataset is model output from the DECIPHeR hydrological model driven by observed climate data (CEH-GEAR rainfall...
1 citation
WATCH forcing data (WFD) - 20th century PSurf (surface pressure) 1901-2001
The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree land grid points. It was generated as part of the EU FP 6 project "WATCH"...
Physico-chemical properties and discharge of a peatland river, Drumtree, Scotland, May 2012 to December 2014
This data set covers high resolution (30-min frequency) water quality and dissolved carbon data from a peatland river in Southwest Scotland (5.8 km2), part of the Whitelee Wind Farm complex. The data set covers approx. 2.5 years including two full hydrological years...
Environmental Change Network (ECN) Wytham deer exclosure experiment: 1997-2008
The Environmental Change Network (ECN) coarse-grain and woodland protocols were used to assess the vegetation within the deer exclosure plots at the ECN Wytham site. In the ECN coarse-grain protocol, 2m x 2m plots are randomly selected on the site. Species presence...