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90 records found
Air pollution removed by vegetation in the UK, 2015
This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It provides UK estimates annual averaged atmospheric composition at approximately...
CMIP5 GCM-based monthly patterns of local meteorological change, per degree of mean land warming, for driving the IMOGEN impacts model
This dataset consists of monthly spatial patterns of meteorological change for 34 Global Circulation Models (GCMs). The patterns are a set of regression coefficients, each representing the change per degree of mean global warming over land, for the corresponding meteorological...
1 citation
Modelled topographic change of the River Liang catchment, Philippines following Typhoon Mangkhut, 2018
The datasets contain maps of the total change in topography along the river Liang (Philippines) after the Typhoon Mangkhut event in September 2018. The maps have been generated using multi-phase mass model r.avaflow to simulate the change in channel and landscape.
Climate hydrology and ecology research support system meteorology dataset for Great Britain (1961-2015) [CHESS-met]
1km resolution gridded meteorological variables over Great Britain for the years 1961-2015. This dataset contains time series of daily mean values of air temperature (K), specific humidity (kg kg-1), wind speed (m s-1), downward longwave radiation (W m-2), downward...
5 citations
Model estimates of topsoil properties [Countryside Survey]
Estimates of mean values within selected habitats and parent material characteristics across GB were made using Countryside Survey (CS) data from 1978, 1998 and 2007 using a mixed model approach. Please see Scott, 2008 for further details of similar statistical analysis...
Climate hydrology and ecology research support system meteorology dataset for Great Britain (1961-2015) [CHESS-met] v1.2
1km resolution gridded meteorological variables over Great Britain for the years 1961-2015. This dataset contains time series of daily mean values of air temperature (K), specific humidity (kg kg-1), wind speed (m s-1), downward longwave radiation (W m-2), downward...
23 citations
WATCH forcing data (WFD) - 20th Century LWdown (surface incident longwave radiation) 1901-2001
The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree land grid points. It was generated as part of the EU FP 6 project "WATCH"...
Historical (1950-2014) and projected (2015-2100) hydrological model (HMF-WA) estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows across West Africa driven by CMIP6 projected climate data
This dataset comprises seven ensembles of hydrological model estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows (m3s-1) on a 0.1 × 0.1 deg grid (approximate grid of 10 km × 10 km) across West Africa for historical (1950 to 2014) and projected future (2015 to 2100)...
1 citation
Climate hydrology and ecology research support system meteorology dataset for Great Britain (1961-2017) [CHESS-met]
Gridded daily meteorological variables over Great Britain for the years 1961-2017 at 1 km resolution. This dataset contains time series of daily mean values of air temperature (K), specific humidity (kg kg-1), wind speed (m s-1), downward longwave radiation (W m-2),...
5 citations
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of river flow for Northern Ireland driven by observed data (1980 to 2011)
Gridded hydrological model river flow estimates on a 1km grid over Northern Ireland for the period Dec 1980 - Nov 2011. The dataset includes monthly mean river flow, annual maxima of daily mean river flow (water years Oct - Sept) and annual minima of 7-day mean river...
1 citation
Input to Yield Ratio (IYR) maps for wheat farming in England, 2010-2017
These maps show the Input to Yield Ratio (IYR) of wheat farming in England, calculated as the ratio of agrochemical inputs to agricultural reward as yield. We assess the IYR at a 1km resolution for wheat grown in England over the period the period 2010-2017, considering...
Risk of Phytophthora infection in woodland and larch fragments across Scotland
These spatial layers contain risk factors and overall risk scores, representing relative risk of Phytophthora infection (Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae), for Core Native Woodland and known larch fragments across Scotland. Risk factors include climate suitability,...
1 citation
Potential evapotranspiration derived from HadUK-Grid 1km gridded climate observations 1969-2021 (Hydro-PE HadUK-Grid)
Gridded potential evapotranspiration calculated from HadUK-Grid gridded observed meteorological data at 1 km resolution over the United Kingdom for the years 1969-2021. This dataset contains two potential evapotranspiration variables: daily total potential evapotranspiration...
3 citations
Estimates of daily river flows for 95 catchments in Great Britain from the GR6J model under present and future climate scenarios, using large ensemble climate model driving data
This dataset contains GR6J (which stands for modèle du Génie Rural à 6 paramètres Journalier) modelled daily river flow time series for 95 river catchments in Great Britain and driving data (precipitation and potential evapotranspiration calculated from temperature)...
Modelled arable area, net primary productivity, runoff, irrigation demand for Great Britain 1998-2008 and 2100 under high-end climate change
The dataset contains model output from the land surface model JULES and the econometric agricultural land use model ECO-AG, at kilometre scale resolution over Great Britain for 8 different scenarios using unmitigated climate change. Modelled arable area, net primary...
MultiMOVE Model: Ensemble niche modelling of British vegetation v2.0.1
MultiMOVE is an R package that contains fitted niche models for almost 1500 plant species in Great Britain. This package allows the user to access these models, which have been fitted using multiple statistical techniques, to make predictions of species occurrence from...
2 citations
GCM-based monthly patterns of local meteorological change, per degree of mean land warming, for driving the IMOGEN impacts model
This dataset consists of monthly spatial patterns of meteorological change for 22 Global Circulation Models (GCMs). The patterns are a set of regression coefficients, each representing the change per degree of mean global warming over land, for the corresponding meteorological...
Headwater stream quality for Britain
Data consist of modelled estimates of observed/expected Biological Monitoring Working Party (an index for measuring the biological quality of rivers using selected families of macroinvertebrates as biological indicators) scores for freshwater streams across Great Britain...
Gridded estimates of Ellenberg N, R, F, and L indicators for Great Britain, 1990 and 2015-2019
This information product contains gridded estimates of Ellenberg vegetation indicator scores for four different indicators: fertility (N); pH/reactivity (R); light availability (L) and moisture (F) at 1km2 resolution. Both cover-weighted (cwt) and non-cover weighted...
Tools for modelling species distributions using data from the Environmental Record Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS)
The speciesRecordTools R package contains functions for examining the distribution of species records, understanding sampling trends and potential biases, and building correlative presence-background species distribution models for prediction of the distribution of...