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181 records found
Gridded (1km) physical river characteristics for the UK v2
The dataset includes six files of UK physical river characteristics including five files of gridded data at 1 km x 1 km resolution and one comma separated table. The data includes: • Drainage directions (D8 flow method), ESRI coding • Drainage directions (D8 flow method),...
Pontbren groundwater data
This dataset is from five boreholes located on an improved grassland hillslope transect within the Pontbren study site in mid-Wales, UK. Groundwater was measured using pressure transducers installed in each of the boreholes with a pressure transducer used to account...
Hydraulic and hydrological data from surface and subsurface soils across the Thames catchment, UK, 2021
This dataset contains information about surface and sub-surface hydraulic and hydrological soil properties across the Thames (UK) catchment. Soil dry bulk density, estimated soil porosity, soil moisture and soil moisture retention (to 100 cm suction) were determined...
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of monthly mean flow and soil moisture for Great Britain: weather@home2 (climate model) driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-WAH2-monthly]
This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by weather@home2 climate model data. It provides a 100-member ensemble of monthly mean flow (m3/s) and soil moisture (mm water/m soil) on a 1 km grid for the following time periods: historical...
2 citations
Historical (1950-2005) and projected (2006-2099) hydrological model (HMF-WA) estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows across West Africa driven by CMIP5 projected climate data
This dataset comprises seven ensembles of hydrological model estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows (m3s-1) on a 0.1° × 0.1° grid (approximate grid of 10 km × 10 km) across West Africa for historical (1950 to 2005) and projected future (2006 to 2099)...
1 citation
Rainfall, throughfall and stemflow for beech and ash stands in temperate English deciduous woodlands
Water quality data produced from rainfall, throughfall and stemflow samples collected within a beech stand at Black Wood in Hampshire, and an ash stand at Old Pond Close in Northamptonshire. Two studies were carried out in the early 1990s to examine water quality in...
Bending strains on the trunks of trees on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, 2022
This dataset contains time-series measurements of trees bending in the wind. The data was collected in 2022 in Barro Colorado Island, Panama. 105 trees were measured, with two sensors per tree recording bending strains at 4 Hz. This data was collected for the purpose...
Plynlimon research catchments: river network
Digital river network of the natural and artificial streams and rivers within the Plynlimon catchments.
Plynlimon research catchment hydrochemistry (2019-2023)
This dataset includes stream and rainfall hydrochemistry of the Plynlimon research catchments in Mid Wales. The data cover the period from March 2019 to March 2023. Sampling was carried out every four weeks, apart from a period of five months when access was restricted...
Flow velocity, discharge, and suspended sediment compositions of the Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers, 2017-2019
This dataset contains water flow velocity, discharge, and suspended sediment compositions of the Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwady) River at Pyay, Myanmar and the Salween (Thanlwin) River at Hpa-An, Myanmar. The suspended sediment samples and the hydrological data were collected...
3 citations
High-resolution global topographic index values
The topographic index is a hydrological quantity describing the propensity of the soil at landscape points to become saturated with water as a result of topographic position (i.e. not accounting for other factors such as climate that also affect soil moisture but are...
12 citations
Simulated 15-min discharge time-series and baseline simulations for the River Kent following a Natural Flood Management intervention of 'Enhanced Hillslope Storage', Sedgewick, October 2015 to January 2016
Simulated 15-min discharge time-series (1/10/2015-17/1/2016) for the River Kent at Sedgwick following a Natural Flood Management intervention of ‘Enhanced Hillslope Storage’ plus the baseline simulations are presented. To derive these data, the observed 15-minute discharge...
The percentage of total pasture land, by country, subject to water scarcity in 2050 as estimated from a multi-model ensemble
This dataset contains the percentage of the total pasture area in each country classified as vulnerable to water scarcity (annual run-off is declining and the water shed is defined as water scarce in 2050). Projections of global changes in water scarcity with the current...
Gridded flood frequency estimates for Kerala, India
This is a set of six ASCII grids describing the peak flood event for six return periods (2-100 years) at each point of the river network in the state of Kerala, India. Estimates were derived in a similar way to the Flood Estimation Handbook* approach. The data is measured...
Hydrological projections for the UK, based on UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) data, from the Enhanced Future Flows and Groundwater (eFLaG) project
Enhanced Future Flows and Groundwater (eFLaG) is an 12-member ensemble projection of river flow, groundwater level, and groundwater recharge time series for 200 catchments, 54 boreholes and 558 groundwater bodies in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is derived...
8 citations
Hydraulics data for the River Lambourn at Boxford, 2008 to 2014
A range of hydraulics data including stages and discharges were collected for the River and Leat at Boxford between 01/04/2008 and 30/09/2014. The River Lambourn is a tributary of the River Thames, the principal river in the south-east of England. The CEH River Lambourn...
2 citations
European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Model for the UK (EMEP4UK) annual vegetation specific atmospheric deposition of oxidised sulphur, oxidised nitrogen, and reduced nitrogen for 2018
This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It provides annual averages of vegetation specific atmospheric deposition of...
Life cycle assessment carbon model to determine the net greenhouse gas balance of reforesting one hectare of goldmining-degraded soil in the Peruvian amazon
This model combines the carbon footprint of a reforestation project in the Peruvian amazon with a biomass model of the growing trees and a soil carbon model. The script aims at estimating the net carbon capture potential of a growing forest located in the Peruvian amazon...
Standardised Precipitation Index time series for Integrated Hydrological Units Hydrometric Areas (1961-2012)
Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) data for Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) Hydrometric Areas (Kral et al. [1]). SPI is a drought index based on the probability of precipitation for a given accumulation period as defined by McKee et al. [2]. SPI is calculated...
Gross Primary Productivity simulations of Great Britain for emulation, 2001-2010 from JULES land surface model
This data is an ensemble of Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) simulations, ran for a select set of 1kmx1km grid cells in Great Britain, each with a different set of parameter values, from 2001 to 2010. The data includes simulated Gross Primary Productivity...
1 citation