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123 records found
Non-agricultural pollution to rivers in Scotland
Estimates of annual loads of phosphorus, sediment, nitrogen and faecal coliform from non-agricultural sources to rivers in Scotland, reported at Water Framework Directive (WFD) catchment scale. The sources of pollutants include: urban, woodland, montane areas, river...
Sanitary risk inspections of shallow wells, boreholes and springs in Kisumu, Kenya in 2014
This dataset contains the results of a sanitary risk inspection for different groundwater sources in Kisumu, Kenya. A total of 70 groundwater sources were surveyed between February and March 2014. The survey took the form of an observation checklist that identified...
Trace metals in soils in the West Bristol (Avonmouth) area
Concentrations of trace metals in soils from a grid of sites located around a disused (since 2003) smelting works in the Avonmouth, UK, area. The soil samples were collected on 4th and 5th October 2007 and were analysed for concentrations of Aluminium and Iron, using...
Survey of opinions and behaviours regarding home composting, alongside experimental data for disintegration and degradation of compostable materials, UK, 2019-2023
This dataset is from a UK citizen science study called the Big Compost Experiment, and includes 1) Qualitative and numerical survey data from UK citizens about their opinions and behaviours towards biodegradable and compostable plastics, food waste disposal and home...
Degradation characteristics of bio-based teabags buried in soil, UK, November 2021-June 2022
This dataset contains a range of measurements associated with the degradation of Polylactic acid (PLA)-cellulose based teabags, buried in soil. Degradation measurements were calculated following a 7-month burial period from November 2021 to June 2022. Variables measured...
Air pollution removed by vegetation in the UK, 2015
This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It provides UK estimates annual averaged atmospheric composition at approximately...
Ammonia measurements from passive samplers at Fenn's, Whixall, Wem & Cadney Mosses SAC (2018)
This dataset consists of ammonia (NH3) measurements at three sites on Fenn’s, Whixall, Bettisfield, Wem and Cadney Mosses SSSI on the border of Wrexham County Borough (North Wales) and Shropshire (West Midlands). The ammonia measurements are taken from a set of ALPHA...
Natural radionuclide concentrations in soil, water, sediment and biota in England and Wales
Data comprise estimates of activity concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides (40K, 238U and 232Th series radionuclides) in environmental media (soil and stream sediments and waters) and non-human biota (focusing on the ICRP Reference Animals and Plants)....
Water chemistry samples from Durleigh Reservoir 2018
This dataset contains water chemistry and phytoplankton cell counts collected from 3 different depths at 3 different sites in Durleigh Reservoir in Somerset, England, during 2018. Water samples were collected on 22 Feb, 5 Apr, 20 Apr, 30 May, 13 Jun, 27 Jun, 9 Jul,...
Colony formation data of plastic-degrading bacteria on polycaprolactone (PCL) beads, following modification to induce biofilm formation, under laboratory conditions
This dataset contains information about the number of bacterial colonies recovered from plastics beads that were incubated in a 96-well plate for 24 hours at 37 degrees Celsius. Each well in the plate had 1 bead composed of polycaprolactone in it and 150 microlitres...
Wildlife camera trap photographs from the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine (June 2020 - November 2020) following extensive wildfires
The data presented here comprise a catalogue of 61736 camera trap images obtained during the period June - November 2020 (this period is described within the dataset as 'setup 1'). Following the explosion at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986, a 5000...
1 citation
Biological characteristics, liver metal concentrations, habitat biogeochemistry and habitat contamination sources of UK otters (2006-2017)
The dataset details the biological characteristics and concentrations of toxic metals/semi-metals in liver tissue from 278 Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) that died across England and Wales during the period 2006-2017. For each otter carcass, location (National Grid...
1 citation
Microplastics in sediments of the River Thames Basin, UK
This dataset provides numbers and types of plastic particles extracted from sediment samples of three tributaries of the river Thames: the River Leach, the River Lambourn and The Cut. These rivers are regularly monitored for a range of water quality and biological characteristics...
The Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS)
This is a collection of data in which the PBMS has contributed expertise, knowledge, techniques and samples (e.g. to PhD studies that have published data). The PBMS is a long-term, national monitoring scheme that quantifies the concentrations of contaminants in the...
Ammonia measurements from passive samplers at Ballynahone Bog field site, Northern Ireland (2018)
This dataset consists of ammonia (NH3) measurements from a set of ALPHA (Adapted Low-cost Passive High Absorption) sampler sites at Ballynahone National Nature Reserve, a designated Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI), Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Ramsar...
1 citation
Biomass of Trifolium repens versus Lolium perenne after ozone exposure in solardomes
The data are biomass measurements from an ozone exposure experiment, during which Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne were exposed as both monocultures and two-species mixtures to an episodic rural ozone regime in large, well-watered containers within solardomes for...
Source Attribution - deposition of nitrogen and sulphur to UK protected sites
This dataset contains source attribution data for nitrogen and sulphur deposition across the UK. The FRAME (Fine Resolution Atmospheric Multi-Pollutant Exchange) atmospheric dispersion model, using emission data from 2012 was used to provide 90 source footprints of...
1 citation
A database of radionuclide biological half-life values for wildlife
Data comprise biological and ecological half-life values for marine, freshwater, terrestrial and riparian organisms. The database includes 1908 biological half-life values for 52 elements across a range of wildlife groups (marine, freshwater, terrestrial and riparian)....
7 citations
Indicators of stress in three-spined stickleback fish from downstream of wastewater treatment works in the north west of England
These data were collected from three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) sampled at sites downstream of wastewater treatment works (WWTWs), and at sites with no identifiable WWTW input, in the north west of England. For fish captured at each site, data...
Tensile strength and concentrations of E. coli colonising three types of wet wipes in a sand mesocosm
In this mesocosm study, three types of wet wipes (plastic containing, and home and commercially compostable) colonised with E. coli were buried in beach sand and their degradation, tensile strength, and concentration of E. coli was quantified over 15 weeks. Wipes were...