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163 records found
Vegetation plot data from a survey of hedges in UKCEH Countryside Survey sites, England, 2022-2023
This dataset consists of plant species presence and abundance in vegetation plots located on hedges, recorded from 248 1km squares across England in 2022 and 2023, as part of a survey of hedges funded by Natural England. The survey sites belong to the UKCEH Countryside...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Esthwaite Water, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling at Esthwaite Water in Cumbria, England that began in 1945 for some variables. The...
Survey of bracken biomass, soil chemistry and other environmental factors in Snowdonia and the Lake District in 2014 [LTLS]
Data comprise bracken biomass, soil and bracken chemistry (for example mass, bulk density, pH, carbon, nitrogen and the concentration of a range of other elements) precipitation, percentage ground cover of plant species and site information. Samples were collected between...
1 citation
Daily germination rates of temperate tree species’ seed under elevated ozone fumigation
This dataset contains daily germination rates of temperate tree species’ seed under elevated ozone fumigation in a closed chamber system. Daily counts of germinated sees were made. The seeds were exposed to an ambient and +60 parts per billion ozone treatment for approximately...
Macroinvertebrates of two abstracted streams: taxon data
The data consist of species level descriptions of macroinvertebrate communities from two abstracted streams in the Lowther catchment, UK, upstream and downstream of abstraction points. Supporting habitat and geographical data are included.
Soil invertebrate data 2007 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of invertebrate (soil mesofauna) counts from soils sampled across Great Britain in 2007. The Countryside Survey is a unique study or 'audit' of the natural resources of the UK's countryside. The sample sites are chosen from a stratified random...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Grasmere, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling at Grasmere in Cumbria, England that began in 1968 for some variables. The data have...
Soil physico-chemical properties 1978 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of soil physico-chemical properties (pH and loss on ignition) from soils sampled across Great Britain in 1978. The Countryside Survey is a unique study or 'audit' of the natural resources of the UK's countryside. The sample sites are chosen from...
1 citation
Landscape area data 1978 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of stock (area) data for Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Broad Habitats across Great Britain in 1978. Data are presented as areas of Broad (or Priority) Habitats within a set of 256 1km squares across Great Britain. The Countryside Survey is a...
2 citations
Landscape area data 1990 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of stock (area) data for landscape features across Great Britain in 1990. Data are presented as areas of Broad (or Priority) Habitats, with associated landscape attributes (such as plant species and land use), within a set of 506 1km squares across...
1 citation
Countryside Survey 2007 estimates of linear feature lengths in Great Britain
This dataset consists of stock (length) data for linear features across Great Britain in 2007. The data are national estimates generated by analysing the sample data from 591 1km squares surveyed for the Countryside Survey long term monitoring project, then scaling...
1 citation
Post Chernobyl surveys of radiocaesium in soil, vegetation, wildlife and fungi in Great Britain
Please note - this dataset is not current. For the most recent version, please search for the dataset titled 'Post Chernobyl surveys of radiocaesium in soil, vegetation, wildlife and fungi in Great Britain'. Data comprise radiocaesium concentrations in soil, vegetation,...
2 citations
Influence of Jasmonic acid on the response of pasture to ozone
The data are biomass and ozone-injury data for white clover (Trifolium repens). Dataset concerns a 2014 study on the effects of Jasmonic acid/cutting in modulating the response of clover to ozone. A short-term (4-week) ozone-exposure experiment was conducted in 2014...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Bassenthwaite Lake, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) at Bassenthwaite Lake in Cumbria,...
Landscape linear feature data 1990 [Countryside Survey]
This dataset consists of stock (length) data for landscape linear features across Great Britain in 1990. Data are presented as lengths of different feature categories (such as fences, walls and lines of trees), with associated species attributes, from 506 km squares,...
1 citation
Topsoil physico-chemical properties from the UKCEH Countryside Survey, Great Britain, 2019
This dataset consists of measures of topsoil (0-15cm) physico-chemical properties from soils sampled from the first 100 1km squares across Great Britain in 2019 as part of a rolling soil and vegetation monitoring program of 500 1km squares repeated every 5 years. The...
1 citation
Habitat, vegetation, tree and soil data from Native Pinewoods in Scotland, 2018-2022
A set of data arising from a detailed ecological re-survey of the native Scots Pine woodland habitats within Scotland. In all, 27 woods from throughout Scotland were identified as the major remaining native pinewoods, and within each wood sixteen randomly selected 200m2...
Ecological survey of the Spey Valley birch woods, 1973
This dataset includes ecological information recorded from within 18 birch woodlands surveyed in the Spey Valley, Scotland between 1971 and 1974. Data collected includes plant species composition in the canopy and ground flora, soil pH, habitat management and a wide...
Post Chernobyl surveys of radiocaesium in soil, vegetation, wildlife and fungi in Great Britain
Data comprise radiocaesium concentrations in soil, vegetation, wildlife and fungi analysed from samples collected from throughout Great Britain after the 1986 Chernobyl accident by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH), formerly the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology...
3 citations
Bunce Native Pinewood Survey of Scotland
In 1971, a comprehensive ecological survey of the native pinewoods of Scotland was carried out by the Nature Conservancy, a predecessor of the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. The survey, utilising demonstrably repeatable methods, collected information on ground flora,...