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436 records found
Indicators of stress in three-spined stickleback fish from downstream of wastewater treatment works in the north west of England
These data were collected from three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) sampled at sites downstream of wastewater treatment works (WWTWs), and at sites with no identifiable WWTW input, in the north west of England. For fish captured at each site, data...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Windermere North Basin, UK, 2019-2020
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling at the North Basin of Windermere in Cumbria, England that began in 1945 for some...
Long-term vegetation monitoring data (1961-2013) from moorland burning plots established at Hard Hill, Moor House in 1954
The dataset consists of long-term vegetation monitoring data from the Hard Hill burning plots sited in the Moor House - Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve, Cumbria. An experiment to investigate the effects of rotational burning and grazing was initiated in 1954,...
1 citation
Mass balance and channel morphology data from an experimental river experiencing flood events
This dataset contains data that are meant to be used in conjunction with the “Digital Elevation Model of an experimental river generated in a flume under variable discharge conditions” dataset. There are three data files. The Sed_fluxes.csv file contains mass balance...
Fungal hyphal in-growth from experimental tree-planting plots at two sites in Northeast Scotland (Glensaugh and Ballogie), May-November 2021, from the Moorland Colonisation Experiment (MOORCO)
The dataset looks at Fungal hyphal in-growth into sandbags at two of the MOORCO experimental tree planting sites in North East Scotland (Glensaugh and Ballogie). The MOORCO experiment is an experimental tree planting project established on heather moorland in North...
Ecological, dietary, and socio-economic data from 10 smallholder farming villages in Jumla District, Nepal, 2021-2022
This is a transdisciplinary dataset from ten smallholder farming villages in Patarasi Rural Municipality, Jumla District, Nepal collected during 2021 and 2022. The human component of the dataset includes fortnightly 24-hour dietary recall surveys and monthly anthropometry...
The percentage of total pasture land, by country, subject to water scarcity in 2050 as estimated from a multi-model ensemble
This dataset contains the percentage of the total pasture area in each country classified as vulnerable to water scarcity (annual run-off is declining and the water shed is defined as water scarce in 2050). Projections of global changes in water scarcity with the current...
Hydrological and meteorological data for three plots with different vegetation near Andasibe, Madagascar, 2014-2015
Hydrological and meteorological data were collected for three plots (each 50 x 50 m in size) near Andasibe village in the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ) in eastern Madagascar. The plots differ in terms of land cover: semi-mature forest, reforested tree fallow (i.e.,...
Soil extracellular enzyme activity under controlled CO2 concentrations, Sheffield
This dataset contains potential activities of soil extra cellular enzyme measured from soil samples from the Phosphorus Limitation And ecosystem responses to Carbon dioxide Enrichment (PLACE). The enzyme activities measured are 1,4-β-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase,...
Dimensionless hyetographs and statistics of annual-maximum rainfall events in Great Britain, from historical rain gauge records
This dataset contains over 72,000 event hyetographs associated with rainstorms that contain Annual Maximum rainfall (AMAX) values for durations between 5-min and 24-hr for a set of ~1,300 rain gauges in Great Britain. The record length and completeness varies on a gauge-by-gauge...
UKCEH digital river network of Great Britain web map service
This is a web map service of the UKCEH digital river network of Great Britain (1:50,000). It is a river centreline network, based originally on OS 1:50,000 mapping. There are four layers: rivers; canals; surface pipes (man-made channels such as aqueducts and leats)...
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) frog data: 1994-2015
Frog data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. Variables measured include phenology (i.e. the dates when frogs start congregating, spawning, when hatching occurs and when the frogs leave), number of spawn masses, total surface area covered...
1 citation
CO2 efflux, root and mycorrhizal hyphae production in subarctic willow shrub and treeline birch forest, Abisko 2017-2018
This dataset contains in situ CO2 efflux, root production and fungal hyphae production from plots distributed across a subarctic landscape in Northern Sweden. Six paired plots were established in mountain birch forest and five paired plots were established in tall shrub...
Freshwater macroinvertebrate family abundances in spring and autumn, England, 2002-2019
This data file contains processed data derived from the Environment Agency's Ecology and Fish Explorer Macroinvertebrate database. The recorded data is the abundance of freshwater macroinvertebrates taken by the Environment Agency (EA). The data were collected from...
1 citation
Landscape and habitat area data from the Glastir Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Wales 2013-2016
This data set consists of measurements of areas of landscape features and associated attributes from sites across Wales, collected between 2013 and 2016. Data are presented as areas of Broad (or Priority) Habitats, with associated landscape attributes (such as plant...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Bassenthwaite Lake, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) at Bassenthwaite Lake in Cumbria,...
Time series of microbial carbon release from soil as carbon dioxide under different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a high molecular weight substrate added as a carbon source, Conwy catchment, North Wales, UK (2016)
Time series data of carbon release in disintegrations per minute are presented for different nitrogen and phosphorus treatments with a high molecular weight substrate added as a carbon source to soil samples from six depths (0-15, 15-30, 50-100, 100-150, 150-200 and...
Topsoil physico-chemical properties from the UKCEH Countryside Survey, Great Britain, 2018-2019
This dataset consists of measurements of topsoil (0-15 cm) physico-chemical properties from soils sampled from the first 106 1-km squares across Great Britain in 2018 and 2019 as part of a rolling soil and vegetation monitoring program of 500 1-km squares repeated every...
Water temperatures for the period 1984 to 2007 at 35 sites on 21 UK rivers
Seasonal average water temperatures for some UK rivers, 1984 to 2007- data are derived from other CEH projects and collated here. The rivers are Afon Gwy, Allt a Mharcaidh, Allt na Coire nan Con, Bere Stream, Bovington Stream, Dargall Lane, Devils Book, Frome, Great...
1 citation
Extent and tree species composition from a Scottish deciduous woodland survey, 1976-1979
A survey of the extent and species composition of the deciduous woodlands of Scotland (including those with some admixture of conifers) was undertaken between 1976 and 1979, by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council...