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249 records found
Environmental and chemical determinands associated with phosphorus in Loch Leven bed sediments (2004-2005)
This is a dataset obtained from analysis of lake sediment and overlying water from six sites along a depth gradient, in Loch Leven, Scotland, over a period of one year. Parameters measured from the water and included in the dataset are dissolved oxygen concentration,...
Trace element data from rivers [LOIS]
Discrete data for trace elements for both the dissolved and acid available fractions for thirteen core sites in the Humber catchment over the period 1993 to 1997 and for three sites from the Tweed catchment over the period 1994 to 1997. Part of the Land Ocean Interaction...
Peak flow and probability of exceedance data for Grid-to-Grid modelled widespread flooding events across mainland GB from 1980-2010 and 2050-2080
This dataset is a set of 24 gridded netcdf files, each including data describing a total of 14,400 widespread flooding events across mainland GB, with event selection based on a peaks-over-threshold approach. The data describes peak river flow in m3/s and the associated...
2 citations
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Derwent Water, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) at Derwent Water in Cumbria, England....
River Tay, Scotland, water chemistry and greenhouse gas measurements 2009-2010
This dataset contains concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon, nutrients and concentrations of greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O from nine sites across the River Tay catchment. Water was sampled on a monthly basis between February 2009...
Indicators of stress in three-spined stickleback fish from downstream of wastewater treatment works in the north west of England
These data were collected from three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) sampled at sites downstream of wastewater treatment works (WWTWs), and at sites with no identifiable WWTW input, in the north west of England. For fish captured at each site, data...
Bank strength measurements in the Amazon River, September to October 2022
These data contain bank strength measurements in a 100 km reach of the Solimões River from Sep/Oct 2022 recorded with a shear vane and a cohesion strength meter. In addition, processed satellite (Landsat) imagery from 1984-2021 was used to calculate erosional and depositional...
Potential evapotranspiration derived from Climate Hydrology and Ecology Research Support System meteorological gridded climate observations (Hydro-PE CHESS), 1961-2019
This dataset contains two gridded potential evapotranspiration variables for Great Britain from 1961-2019: daily total potential evapotranspiration (PET; kg m-2 d-1) and daily total potential evapotranspiration with interception correction (PETI; kg m-2 d-1). The variables...
Greenhouse gas, carbon isotopes, water physio-chemical properties and metal concentrations from mine water outflows in the Midland Valley, Scotland, 2022
Greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations, physio-chemical water properties, metal concentrations and carbon radiogenic and stable isotope data of the GHG were measured to investigate the properties of mine water from legacy coal mines across the Midland Valley, Scotland...
Conceptual hydrogeological cross-section across the Gaborone catchment from Kanye area to Gaborone city, Botswana
The dataset contains a scaled, semi-quantitative conceptual hydrogeological model of the Gaborone catchment along a general WSW-ENE direction including; (1) the geographic coordinates of the extremities of each segment of the polyline transect; (2) the raster, scaled...
Hampshire Avon: Vertical head gradient, saturated hydraulic conductivity and pore water chemistry data from six river reaches
This dataset contains measurements of hydraulic head and saturated hydraulic conductivity together with porewater chemistry from banks and riverbed sediments in six river reaches of contrasting geology (clay, sand, chalk) in the Hampshire Avon. Falling and rising (slug)...
4 citations
Plynlimon research catchment hydrochemistry (2016-2019)
This dataset includes stream and rainfall hydrochemistry of the Plynlimon research catchments in Mid Wales. The data cover the period from March 2016 to March 2019. Sampling was carried out fortnightly from March 2016 to July 2017. From August 2017 to November 2018...
Standardised Precipitation Index time series for Integrated Hydrological Units Hydrometric Areas (1961-2012)
Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) data for Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) Hydrometric Areas (Kral et al. [1]). SPI is a drought index based on the probability of precipitation for a given accumulation period as defined by McKee et al. [2]. SPI is calculated...
Global dilution factors for domestic wastewater in rivers
The dataset captures the temporal and spatial variability of dilution factors (DFs) around the world using geographically referenced data sets at 0.5 degree resolution and includes long term annual and monthly DFs grids. The dilution factor (DF) dataset is composed...
Groundwater levels data for the CEH River Lambourn Observatory at Boxford (01/02/2012 to 16/01/2015)
This dataset contains logged and manual observations of groundwater levels for piezometers at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) River Lambourn Observatory wetlands at Boxford, Berkshire, for the period February 1 2012 to January 16 2015 (01/02/2012 to 16/01/2015)....
Inventory of reservoirs amounting to 90% of total UK storage
This dataset is an inventory of reservoir details for the UK. It provides information, including reservoir location, type (impounding or non-impounding), use (water resources, hydro-electric, ecological, flood storage, canal), capacity, planning date, construction date,...
3 citations
Numerical model output data on the interaction of flow with a permeable bed and biofilms
The data contains numerical model simulations designed to assess the influence of a) a permeable bed on flow structures above and within the pore spaces of a bed and b) a biofilm streamer on the free flow structure. For the former the data relates to a novel Computational...
1 citation
Physico-chemical water properties and greenhouse gas measurements along a longitudinal estuary transect, Clyde estuary, Scotland, 2020-2022
These data include greenhouse gas concentrations and physio-chemical water properties for the Clyde estuary in Scotland to support understanding of the GHG sources and sinks and their associated mechanisms in a highly stratified, temperate urban estuary. These measurements...
1 citation
Water, carbon and energy fluxes simulation for Great Britain using the JULES Land Surface Model and the Climate Hydrology and Ecology research Support System meteorology dataset (1961-2015) [CHESS-land]
The dataset contains daily and monthly surface water, energy and carbon fluxes, and state variables for Great Britain over the period between 1961 and 2015. The data was obtained from a 55 years simulation with the JULES Land Surface Model, at 1 km spatial resolution...
7 citations
Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2017) [CHESS-PE]
Gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2017 at 1 km resolution. This dataset contains two potential evapotranspiration variables: daily total potential evapotranspiration (PET; kg m-2) for a well-watered grass and daily total potential...
10 citations