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1,108 records found
Individual life history data from a resource degradation and temperature variation life history experiment in the Plodia-Venturia host-parasitoid interaction
This dataset contains information on life history traits of the host Plodia interpunctella (Pyralidae; Hübner) and the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens (Ichneumonidae; Gravenhorst). The data was collected from a single generation life history experiment investigating...
1 citation
United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme: site indices 2018
Site indices, as a relative measure of the actual population size, for UK butterfly species calculated from data from the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). Site indices are a relative rather than an absolute measure of the size of a population, and have been shown...
Air pollution removed by vegetation in the UK, 2015
This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It provides UK estimates annual averaged atmospheric composition at approximately...
Physical and biogeochemical measurements of aboveground (vegetation) biomass from across ten saltmarshes, UK, 2019-2020
The data represent a quantitative measure of aboveground (vegetation) biomass, organic carbon content and aboveground (vegetation) carbon from 144 vegetation samples collected across ten UK saltmarshes between 2019 and 2020. Sites were chosen to represent contrasting...
Weekly, monthly and yearly recreation demand maps for the UK
This dataset contains recreation demand maps for the UK based on weekly, monthly and yearly visit frequencies. Recreation includes activities such as walking, hiking, cycling, etc, i.e., ‘outdoor non-vehicular recreation’. Recreation demand was calculated as the number...
1 citation
Energy and carbon dioxide fluxes, meteorology and soil physics observed at INCOMPASS land surface stations in India, 2016 to 2017
Eddy covariance (EC) observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of sensible heat and latent heat, momentum and net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange were measured at thirty minute resolution at three Land Surface Stations in India. The dataset includes ancillary...
2 citations
UK public perceptions around invasive species and biosecurity before and one year after undertaking e-Learning, 2015-2018
This data contains the results of student and professional perceptions surveys conducted in the UK before and after e-Learning training, as part of a project to determine the effectiveness of e-Learning as a training tool. The dataset include two surveys; before and...
Occurrence of exotic plant species in oil palm dominated landscapes with embedded rainforest remnants in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, 2019
This dataset contains records of exotic plant occurrence within 21 oil palm-dominated sites in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Within each site, exotic plants were recorded along 100m transects in up to four habitats that represented a gradient of disturbance. The four habitats...
Bird breeding data for Wytham Woods, Oxfordshire, UK, 2020 and 2021
This dataset contains information on the following: nest building, identity of breeding pairs, date when the first egg is laid, number of eggs, hatch date and the number and condition of fledglings for great tits, blue tits, marsh tits and coal tits. The data presented...
Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) eddy covariance flux data for Cartmel Sands, Morecambe
The eddy covariance flux data describes the fluxes of CO2, latent energy and sensible heat. It also includes ancillary data: air and soil temperatures, net radiation balance, down-welling photosynthetically active radiation, wind speed, wind direction, vapour pressure...
Leaf litter decomposition in Welsh upland rivers in response to organic matter addition (2012 - 2013)
These data are leaf litter decomposition rate in eight Welsh upland rivers with contrasting land-use, moorland and exotic conifer, in response to riparian deciduous leaf addition. Eight sampling reaches were chosen at two sites, Llyn Brianne (4 reaches) and Plynlimon...
Channel topography and grain-scale sediment structure, measured in Bury Green Brook (UK) between 2014 and 2018
Dataset contains Terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) and CT scan data collected during fieldwork on a small gravel-bed river. TLS data show the river bed surface topography collected at five intervals between September 2014 and October 2018. CT scan data show the 3D structure...
Land Cover Map 2023 (10m classified pixels, GB)
This is a 10m pixel data set representing the land surface of Great Britain, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a two-band raster in GeoTiff format. The first band gives the most likely land cover type;...
Simulated peat heights and water-table depths for UK blanket bog
These data are the simulated peat heights and water-table depths (both in cm) from a DigiBog run. The virtual peatland was configured as a 2-D transect of 100 x 2m x 2m columns. The data were generated for each year of a 5,100-year run. After 4,900 years, six ditches...
Physical and geochemical properties of saltmarsh soils from wide diameter gouge cores in Essex, UK, collected in 2019
Physical and geochemical measurements of saltmarsh soils produced from 19 wide diameter gouge cores (60 mm in diameter) collected from eight sites encompassing saltmarshes with different origins (natural, historic breach, managed realignment) in 2019. The work was...
1 citation
Orthomosaic imagery for the South Saskatchewan River, Canada
Data were collected in 2015, 2016 and 2017 to provide high resolution imagery for two sections of the South Saskatchewan River, Canada. Photographs were acquired using conventional aerial plane images with a 0.06m ground resolution, captured at a height of approximately...
Physical and geochemical properties of saltmarsh soils from wide diameter gouge cores in UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 and 2021
The dataset comprises of physical and biogeochemical measurements of saltmarsh soils from across 19 UK saltmarshes. The data provides a quantitative measure of soil dry bulk density, organic carbon content, nitrogen content, CN ratio, N/C ratio, δ13Corg and δ15N across...
1 citation
High resolution dendrometer records, Sirsi, Western Ghats, India 2020-2021
The growth data contribute to determine the diversity of growth strategies of trees in the region as well as growth responses to varying climate. The climate data accompany other datastreams including continuously recorded leaf temperatures (using thermistors and thermal...
Greenhouse gas and water chemistry measurements for the Clyde river, tributaries and estuary, 2021-2022
Greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and physio-chemical water properties are available for a two-year period (January 2020 - December 2021) across twenty-six locations in the River Clyde and its tributaries and two locations within the Clyde estuary to support understanding...
1 citation
A land use map of Peninsular Malaysia for the year 2018 (25m grid)
Gridded land use map of Peninsular Malaysia with a resolution of approximate 25 meters for the year 2018. The map includes nine different classes: 1) non-paddy agriculture, 2) paddy fields, 3) rural residential, 4) urban residential, 5) commercial/institutional, 6)...