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1,007 records found
Ant colour data from an experiment in Malaysian Borneo, 2015-2018
This dataset measures colour and estimates body size of ant species collected across four vertical strata: subterranean, ground, understory and canopy in lowland tropical rainforest. Ants were collected using different trapping techniques in each stratum; baited traps...
1 citation
Environmental conditions, ozone concentration, biomass and leaf level functional trait data for 10 tropical tree species grown across a range of ozone concentrations within nine Open Top Chambers, Cairns, Australia
This dataset contains measurements of ozone (O3) concentrations, and environmental conditions experienced by tropical tree species grown in a series of experiments using Open Top Chambers (OTC’s) conducted between July 2020 and November 2022 This also includes information...
Carbon dioxide and methane fluxes and associated environmental observations during use as plantation forest on peat bog, Forsinard Flows RSPB Reserve, Scotland, 2016-2017
This dataset contains measurements of greenhouse gas exchange (carbon dioxide and methane) over a plantation forest on peat, in the Flow Country, Caithness and Sutherland. It contains eddy-covariance and associated meteorological and pedological measurements from 2016/01/01...
Nitrous oxide emissions and associated microbial diversity, soil biochemical properties and crop growth and yield from a field trial of winter barley with the addition of microplastics, Abergwyngregyn, UK, 2020-2021
This dataset contains field data on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, microbial community composition, crop yield and growth and soil biochemical properties. The field trial consisted of three different treatments of control, conventional microplastic addition and biodegradable...
Phenotypic measurements of Howea belmoreana and Howea forsteriana from a common garden experiment on Lord Howe Island
The dataset describes the effect of soil type, soil sterilisation and drought treatment on survival rate and growth of Howea belmoreana and Howea forsteriana, grown from seed in an experiment on Lord Howe Island for 30 months. The data describe the number of surviving...
High temporal resolution meteorology and soil physics observations from INCOMPASS land surface stations in India, 2016 to 2018
The dataset contains time series observations of meteorological and soil physics variables logged at one minute time resolution at three Land Surface Stations in India. The three INCOMPASS Land Surface Stations were located at: (1) agricultural land in Southern Karnataka...
2 citations
Soil data from the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA before and after a wildfire event, 2020 to 2022
Soil data comprises sample depth, moisture content, % sand/silt/clay, texture, and various nitrate/nitrite/carbon metrics. These data were collected from the South Fork McKenzie River, Oregon, USA in July 2020, February 2021 and June 2021 following the Holiday Farm...
Passive sampler ammonia measurements indoors and outdoors at a rural dwelling in South Lanarkshire, 2022
This dataset consists of ammonia (NH3) measurements at two sites in a rural location in South Lanarkshire. The sites are located in a dwelling, one site is inside and the other is outside in the garden area. The garden backs onto grassland which is part of a large dairy...
Perception of environmental and other risks - data from a 2018 social science questionnaire in the UK
This dataset contains the answers gathered from the 806 participants who successfully finished an on-line survey on risk perception of environment-associated risks. The survey was launched on the 15th of February 2018 and ran for five days. The survey contained best...
Baseline soil carbon and nitrogen content in a woodland creation experiment, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 2022
This dataset contains baseline soil carbon and nitrogen content within a native forest creation site on the Beldorney Estate, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 17 samples were collected on a 100 m grid at the site prior to planting. The 100 m grid was extended into adjacent...
Radiocarbon dating of charcoal pieces from soil in intact forest permanent plots in the Amazon Basin, 2015-2019
This dataset contains radiocarbon dating of pieces of macrocharcoal (~ ≥ 1 mm) collected from soil in Guyana, Peru and Brazil in plots located in the Amazon forest. All the sites are terra-firme, non-seasonally flooded and are part of the RAINFOR network. In total,...
2 citations
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in soil profiles from experimental tree-planting plots at two sites in Northeast Scotland (Glensaugh and Ballogie), November 2021, from the Moorland Colonisation Experiment (MOORCO)
This dataset contains 13C and 15N data for organic soil profiles (organic horizons to top of E horizon) at two of the MOORCO experimental tree planting sites in North East Scotland (Glensaugh and Ballogie). Data also includes total soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and...
Sweet potato leaf stomatal conductance, leaf chlorophyll content, and tuber yield after exposure to three ozone concentrations in heated glasshouses, UK, 2019-2021
The data comprises physiological and yield measurements from an ozone (O3) exposure experiment, during which three varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) were exposed to Low, Medium and High O3 treatments using heated dome shaped glasshouses (solardomes). The Erato...
Gridded flood frequency estimates for Kerala, India
This is a set of six ASCII grids describing the peak flood event for six return periods (2-100 years) at each point of the river network in the state of Kerala, India. Estimates were derived in a similar way to the Flood Estimation Handbook* approach. The data is measured...
Physical and biogeochemical measurements of belowground biomass and carbon content from Scottish salt marshes, 2021
The dataset comprises of physical and biogeochemical measurements of belowground (root) biomass from across four Scottish saltmarshes. Sites were chosen to represent contrasting habitats types in Scotland, in particular sediment types, vegetation and sea level history....
Grid-to-Grid model estimates of monthly mean flow and soil moisture for Great Britain (1960 to 2015): observed driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-MORECS-monthly]
This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by observed climate data (CEH-GEAR rainfall and MORECS potential evaporation). It provides monthly mean flow (m3/s) and soil moisture (mm water/m soil) on a 1 km grid for the period 1960...
4 citations
Meteorological data and ammonia concentration and deposition rates from an ammonia enhancement experiment site, Queensberry, Sri Lanka, 2022
This dataset contains information about meteorological conditions and ammonia concentration and deposition rates resulting from an experimental setup. An NH3 enhancement experiment along with a full suite of multi-height meteorological measurements was established in...
1 citation
Survival and heights of trees planted for forest restoration in South and Southeast Asia
This dataset consists of survival and heights of trees planted for forest restoration in South and Southeast Asia and the associated analytical code. The data consists of tree censuses collated from published studies, grey literature and data provided by co-authors,...
Survival data of human pathogens on plastics during transfer downstream in a simulated freshwater-marine continuum
This resource holds survival data of human pathogens bound to microplastics during transfer through the freshwater-marine continuum. The survival of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonising polyethylene or glass particles was quantified...
Reproductive life-history data of blue and great tits from nestbox monitoring, Glasgow, UK, 2014-2022
This dataset contains information on reproductive events of blue and great tits recorded by manually inspecting approximately 300 to 500 nestboxes annually along a 35 km urban gradient in and around Glasgow, Scotland from 2014 to 2022. The datasets contain annually...