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151 records found
Water chemistry of seven lakes in Belarus and Ukraine 2014 to 2016
Data comprise water chemistry measurements (major alkali and alkali-earth element water concentrations and trace element concentrations) recorded over two years at seven lakes in Belarus and Ukraine at distances from 1.5 to 225 km of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant...
1 citation
National Plant Monitoring Scheme survey data (2015-2020)
This data resource provides plot-level plant occurrence data for the first six years (2015-2020) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (NPMS, covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man). Data consist of individual observations of plants, and other habitat...
Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Derwent Water, 2014 to 2018
This is part of an ongoing long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from fortnightly sampling by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) at Derwent Water in Cumbria, England....
Vegetation and soil data recorded at Parsonage Down National Nature Reserve in 1970, 1990 and 2016
This dataset contains vascular plant species abundance, average sward height, and soil analysis data from Parsonage Down National Nature Reserve (NNR), in southern England, in 1970, 1990 and 2016. Vascular plant species abundance and average sward height were recorded...
Water chemistry and greenhouse gas emissions of UK water bodies, 2021-2022, from the LOCATE project
This dataset comprises water chemistry data for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total dissolved nitrogen (TdN), total phosphorus (TP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), absorbance at 254nm (Abs 254), specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA), and dissolved CH4, CO2, N2O...
Oil palm frond litter decomposition rates in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) plots, Kandista and Ujun Tanjung estates, Indonesia
Data comprise weight (grams) of dried oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) frond litter remaining in a variety of litter bags after 10, 30, 60 and 90 days buried under the litter layer in oil palm plantations located in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. The bags all initially...
2 citations
Sorption simulation data of veterinary antibiotic interactions with kaolinite surfaces
These data comprise input and output files from first principles molecular dynamics calculations on the soil mineral kaolinite, detailing its interactions with four different veterinary antibiotics, namely enrofloxacin, florfenicol, ciprofloxacin and florfenicol amine....
Ecological, dietary, and socio-economic data from 10 smallholder farming villages in Jumla District, Nepal, 2021-2022
This is a transdisciplinary dataset from ten smallholder farming villages in Patarasi Rural Municipality, Jumla District, Nepal collected during 2021 and 2022. The human component of the dataset includes fortnightly 24-hour dietary recall surveys and monthly anthropometry...
Biological characteristics, liver metal concentrations, habitat biogeochemistry and habitat contamination sources of UK otters (2006-2017)
The dataset details the biological characteristics and concentrations of toxic metals/semi-metals in liver tissue from 278 Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) that died across England and Wales during the period 2006-2017. For each otter carcass, location (National Grid...
1 citation
Growth, biomass allocation and tissue nutrient concentrations of subtropical and tropical tree seedlings in response to experimental manipulation of soil phosphorus pools
This dataset reports metrics of plant growth, including height, total biomass and the biomass of component plant parts, and percentage root colonisation by mycorrhizas, for tree seedlings of eight tropical and seven subtropical growing in pots of soil that had been...
1 citation
Fine-grained sediment diffuse pollution risk mapping scenarios for the Yorkshire Derwent catchment
Erosion risk mapping showing river channel concentrations modelled using SCIMAP for the Yorkshire River Derwent, UK. Scenario mapping has been carried out and the dataset includes the following scenarios to assess variation in model output: 1) traditional land use map;...
Elemental and radionuclide concentrations for several vegetation species from a site in Extremadura, Spain
Data comprise elemental and radionuclide concentrations in freeze-dried Mediterranean plants, seeds and oven dried soil. The samples were collected in June 2014 along a transect located in the Monfragüe National Park which is within the province of Cáceres, western...
1 citation
Topsoil physico-chemical properties from the UKCEH Countryside Survey, Great Britain, 2020, v2
This dataset consists of measures of topsoil (0-15 cm) physico-chemical properties from soils sampled from 48 x 1-km squares across Great Britain in 2020 as part of a rolling soil and vegetation monitoring program of 500 1-km squares repeated every 5 years. The properties...
UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) Cairngorm spider data 2004-2021 v2
Data was collected to look at long-term trends in invertebrate ground predators. This dataset consists of count data (by gender) for all species of spider collected from three habitats (mire, dwarf-shrub heath, pine woodland) at the Cairngorms Environmental Change...
Heliconius butterfly collection records in the Chocó-Darien Rainforest (Ecuador, Colombia, Panama) 2014-2016
These data comprise collection records of Heliconius butterfly samples collected in the Chocó-Darien ecoregion between the Andes and the Pacific in Ecuador and Colombia, and the Pacific coast of the Darien region of Panama. Samples were collected over five sampling...
Habitat samples from the National Plant Monitoring Scheme, 2015-2022
This data resource provides plot-level habitat data for the first eight years (2015-2022) of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (covering the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man). Data consist of surveyor-recorded habitat information on repeated samples of...
Dune migration measurements on the South Saskatchewan River, Canada, 2017
Data were collected in 2017, to provide information on spatial patterns of dune migration rates and associated water flow characteristics, at locations on the South Saskatchewan River, Canada. Dune migration rates were measured using repeat aerial imagery. Bedform crests...
Blelham Tarn: Ecological and chemical lake profiles, and inflow and outflow chemistry 2016-17
This dataset consists of physical, chemical and ecological water quality variables collected at Blelham Tarn during 2016-2017. Profiles for the following variables were collected on a weekly scale during the stratified period of the lake and fortnightly or monthly timescales...
2 citations
Forest plot inventory data from seasonally dry and moist Atlantic forest in Rio de Janeiro State, 2015-2017
Data comprise plot location (latitude, longitude, elevation), taxonomic family and species names and measurements of trees (diameter, height, health). Presence of lianas (vines) and their measurements were also recorded. Funder: NERC - Brazil (CONFAP) Newton Fund:...
Recorded groundwater levels taken from locations within the Gandak River Basin, Bihar, India, 2017-2019
The dataset contains groundwater levels from ten boreholes located in the Gandak Basin, Bihar, North India. The data was collected using automatic level loggers recording at 15-minute intervals between April 2017 and February 2019. This data set quantifies the effects...
1 citation