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77 records found
Nectar consumption, metabolic rate and activity datasets for bumblebees exposed to ecologically relevant radiation dose rates
This dataset contains information on the volume of nectar consumed, metabolic rate and activity of bumblebees that were exposed to environmentally relevant dose rates of ionising radiation at the University of Stirling. Data is for two connected experiments collected...
Influence of Jasmonic acid on the response of pasture to ozone
The data are biomass and ozone-injury data for white clover (Trifolium repens). Dataset concerns a 2014 study on the effects of Jasmonic acid/cutting in modulating the response of clover to ozone. A short-term (4-week) ozone-exposure experiment was conducted in 2014...
Bird Vocalisation Activity (BiVA) database: annotated soundscapes from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Data comprise audio files captured using a Wildlife Acoustics SM3 Songmeter located on an overgrown unpaved road close to several abandoned houses with deciduous trees (including fruit trees in former gardens) in the abandoned village of Buryakovka in the Chernobyl...
Secondary exposure to second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides in European polecats (Mustela putorius) in Great Britain 2013 to 2016
Data comprise measurements of carcass condition (age, sex, length, mass and fat score), age (from stable isotope analysis of whiskers and Cementum aging of teeth) and rodenticide concentrations (bromadiolone, difenacoum, brodifacoum, flocoumafen and difethialone) in...
1 citation
Time series of uranium transformations in aerobic soils following experimental addition of uranyl ion
The data comprise measurements of the 'soluble', 'chemically exchangeable' and 'isotopically exchangeable' U concentrations in a diverse set of soils following experimental addition of UO22+ and incubation in the laboratory under controlled temperature conditions for...
Fine-grained sediment diffuse pollution risk mapping scenarios for the Yorkshire Derwent catchment
Erosion risk mapping showing river channel concentrations modelled using SCIMAP for the Yorkshire River Derwent, UK. Scenario mapping has been carried out and the dataset includes the following scenarios to assess variation in model output: 1) traditional land use map;...
Areas affected by landslides following Typhoon Mangkhut in Itogon, Philippines, September 2018
This dataset contains the areas affected by landslides triggered by Typhoon Mangkhut in the area of Itogon (Benguet, Philippines) between the 13th and 15th of September 2018. The polygons were mapped using very high-resolution satellite imagery from before and after...
Transfer of radionuclides to cow and goat milk
Data comprise radioactivity transfer parameter and concentration ratio values for gastrointestinal contents of ruminants (cows and goats) to milk. The derived transfer values and concentration ratios were originally reported in the Handbook of Parameter Values for the...
1 citation
Projections of water scarcity in croplands, 2050
Projections of global changes in water scarcity with the current extent of croplands were combined to identify the potential country level vulnerabilities of cropland land to water scarcity in 2050. The data relate to an analysis of the impact changes in water availability...
Farm management and longitudinal data on antibiotic use and antibiotic resistant E. coli for 53 dairy farms, South West England, 2017-2019
This dataset contains over 4000 faecally-contaminated environmental samples collected over 2 years across 53 dairy farms in England. The samples were analysed for E. coli resistance to amoxicillin, streptomycin, cefalexin, tetracycline and ciprofloxacin and detection...
Modelled fluvial flood hazard maps in Vietnam for the period 2070-2100
This dataset contains fluvial flood maps of the present day 1 in 20 year return period, and corresponding flood extents for 3 SSP (Shared Socioeconomic Pathway)/RCP(Representative Concentration Pathway) scenarios for the future (2070-2100). Change in flood return periods...
Summary data on the outcomes of invasive alien species control interventions from published literature
This dataset comprises summary data for a literature search on invasive alien species (IAS) control efficacy and their outcomes. It contains article title, authors, journal, year of publication, taxa investigated, type of control method, and whether the paper evaluated...
Fine root production in human-modified forests of Eastern Amazonia
This dataset includes measurements of soil respiration in 20 plots (250 x 10 m each) in the Brazilian Amazon. Study plots were distributed across a gradient of forest disturbance, including: undisturbed primary forests , logged primary forests, logged-and-burned primary...
Management data and antibiotic resistant E. coli detection in pre-weaned calves on 51 dairy farms, South West England, 2017-2018
This dataset consists of faecally-contaminated samples taken from the environment around pre-weaned calves on 51 farms in South-West England during 2017/2018 and is a subset of a larger dataset investigating antibiotic resistance in E. coli across 53 farms. The samples...
Somatic and physiological data for three-spined sticklebacks, 2005-2008 [Endocrine Disruption in Catchments (EDCAT)]
This dataset comprises characteristics of three-spined stickleback fish including length, weight, sex, condition factor (K-factor), cortisol and glucose concentration, RNA:DNA ratio and ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity normalised to liver homogenate protein concentration....
Impact of environmental radiation on the health and reproductive status of fish from Chernobyl, Ukraine 2014 to 2015
Data comprise health, reproductive status and relative abundance of mature perch and roach collected in September 2014, March 2015, June 2015 and September 2015 from lakes in Belarus and Ukraine. Measurements presented include age, weight, length, presence of external...
Outburst flood simulations of various dam failure scenarios from Tsho Rolpa glacial lake, Nepal, 2020
This dataset contains maximum water depth and maximum water velocity for 12 different Glacial Lake outburst floods (GLOFs) scenarios of the Tsho Rolpa Lake, Nepal. Also included is the water depth of dam breach flow and discharge of dam breach flow under each scenario....
Spatial datasets of radionuclide contamination in the Ukrainian Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Data comprise radionuclide deposition, radioactivity dose measurements, radioactive particle activity and physical characteristic information from soil samples collected within and around the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ) following the Chernobyl nuclear accident in...
8 citations
Sorption simulation data of veterinary antibiotic interactions with kaolinite surfaces
These data comprise input and output files from first principles molecular dynamics calculations on the soil mineral kaolinite, detailing its interactions with four different veterinary antibiotics, namely enrofloxacin, florfenicol, ciprofloxacin and florfenicol amine....
Elemental concentrations in fish from lakes in Northwest England
Data comprise concentrations of elements in ashed fish sampled from lakes in the English Lake District in 2012 and 2013. Fish were collected from three lakes (Windermere, Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwent Water) by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) Lake Ecosystems...
1 citation