Infrastructure class
128 records found
Welsh Countryside Monitoring : Glastir Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (GMEP); and Environment & Rural Affairs Monitoring and Modelling Programme (ERAMMP)
The purpose of GMEP is to monitor the impact on the countryside of the Welsh Government sustainable land management scheme, Glastir. Agriculture covers 81% of Welsh land, and Glastir provides financial support to implement environment-friendly food production practices...
Bloomin' Algae
The Bloomin' Algae app enables the public and local authorities to record events of blue-green algae blooms, thereby speeding up warnings to the public and governmental institutions. Blue-green algal blooms can produce very potent liver and nerve toxins. The World...
Load Apportionment Model (LAM)
LAM identifies the sources of nutrients and other pollutants (from point and diffuse sources) and predicts the impacts of sewage treatment improvements on daily nutrient (phosphorus and nitrogen) concentrations as climate and river flows change. It is used by water...
Predatory Bird Tissue Bank
The purpose of the Predatory Bird Tissue Bank is to preserve biological samples collected from known locations and dates by the Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme, which can then be used for future analysis and research.
Cosmic-ray soil moisture monitoring network, UK (COSMOS-UK) Data map
The purpose of the COSMOS-UK Data map is to provide near-real time soil moisture data for use in a variety of applications including farming, water resources, flood forecasting and land-surface modelling. The data comes from the COSMOS-UK soil moisture network, each...
Microplastics Analysis Facility
The purpose of the Microplastics Analysis Facility is to detect the presence of plastics in the environment so that researchers can understand their fate, bioavailability and interactions with wildlife. This research helps governments, consumers and industry to tackle...
Ozone Injury App
The purpose of the Ozone Injury app is to record ozone injury to plants
Isle of May Long-Term Study (IMLOTS)
The purpose of the Isle of May Long-Term Study (IMLOTS) is to study the drivers and causes of change in seabird populations - including demography, diet and behaviour. This research informs marine spatial planning for the NE Atlantic Ocean, including: hemispheric scale...
Plynlimon Research Catchments
The purpose of the Plynlimon Research Catchments (PRC) is to study the impacts of upland land use on water resources, floods, drought flows, pollution (stream sediment and dissolved chemicals), acidification, and climate change mitigation. It provides an intensively...
Glencorse Woodland Experiment Platform
The purpose of the Glencorse Platform is to enable woodland research. It has been used to study: different tree phenotypes (birch, alder, oak, poplar); the impacts of acid rain on trees (birch, sitka); and biofuel production (willow, aspen and Japanese knotweed). ...
UK-SCAPE digital assets catalogue (UK-SCAPE DAC)
The purpose of the UK-SCAPE Digital Assets Catalogue (UK-SCAPE DAC) it to provide information about and access to the datasets, data papers, models and other data products generated by the UK-SCAPE programme. The UK-SCAPE Programme covers research across biodiversity,...
Eutrophication Risk Model
The Eutrophication Risk Model estimates the timing and duration of algal blooms in rivers. It is used by the Environment Agency and Thames Water to inform river management.
Drought Data Hub
The purpose of the Drought Data Hub is to provide a simple, visual summary of the data outputs from the About Drought projects. The data can be viewed as gridded or point data on a map of the UK.
Welsh Environment Integrated Modelling Platform (ERAMMP-IMP)
The ERAMMP Integrated Modelling Platform (IMP) simulates the potential effects of government policies on agriculture and the natural environment in Wales. It allows emerging policy ideas for natural resource management, land use and agriculture to be developed, explored...
UKCEH Engineering Workshops Service
The purposes of the UKCEH Engineering Workshops Service are: (1) To design and prototype new scientific equipment not commercially available; (2) Small batch production of specialist scientific equipment for (a) UKCEH researchers and (b) commercial sales of equipment...
Biological Records Centre (BRC) - collecting UK wildlife records
The purpose of the Biological Records Centre (BRC) is to provide national leadership and coordination for collecting wildlife species records across the UK. Wildlife and biodiversity surveillance is largely carried out by public volunteers, often through specialist...
UKCEH Aquatic Mesocosm Facility (Lancaster)
The purpose of the UKCEH Aquatic Mesocosm Facility (CAMF) is to enable controlled experimental studies of simulated shallow lake ecosystems. For example to study the effects of climate warming on freshwater communities, or to disentangle how different external drivers...
UK Hydrological Outlooks portal
The purpose of the UK Hydrological Outlooks portal is to allow users to explore the hydrological forecasts for the next one to three months, and sometimes beyond.
UKCEH Countryside Survey Soil Health Webtool SOil funDamentals (SOD)
The purpose of the UKCEH Countryside Survey Soil Health Webtool is to help all landowners in Great Britain to monitor and improve the health of their soil.
Carbon and Acidity effects on Metal Processing in Soil (CAMPS)
CAMPS predicts the effects of heavy metal, nitrogen and sulphur pollution on soils and soil water. It is used by researchers to understand and predict the behaviour of toxic, acidifiying and eutrophying (excess nutrient) pollutants in and through the soil-water environment....