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Farkas, K.; Green, E.; Cross, P.; Jones, D.L.

Perception of environmental and other risks - data from a 2018 social science questionnaire in the UK

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This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

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This dataset contains the answers gathered from the 806 participants who successfully finished an on-line survey on risk perception of environment-associated risks. The survey was launched on the 15th of February 2018 and ran for five days. The survey contained best worst scaling (BWS) to understand people's perceptions to certain risks. In this study sixteen risks were included in the BWS including four air-, food- and waterborne illnesses and twelve other hazards. The BWS was run in two blocks to consider two factors: first the respondents selected which risk they fear the most/least and in the second block they selected the risk they believed they had the most/least control. The survey also contained a detailed questionnaire on the participants eating habits and health status. Participants were also asked about their knowledge on enteric pathogens and whether they have ever sought or would consider seeking advice on the symptoms. Respondents were also asked whether they have experienced the hazards described in the BWS and whether they have done anything to reduce the risks in their life.

The data were collected to gather information on people perceptions on environment-associated risks. This was done to understand the common knowledge on environment-associated pollutants and enlighten issues regarding risk management and mitigation.

The data were collected as part of the VIRAQUA project was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under the Environmental Microbiology and Human Health (EMHH) Programme (NE/M010996/1).
Publication date: 2019-02-11

More information

View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)


Comma-separated values (CSV)

Temporal information

Temporal extent
2018-02-15    to    2018-02-20

Provenance & quality

All data was collected online and facilitated by Research Now Ltd, UK. The company provided a spreadsheet with answers from 1006 respondents. Responses taking less than 5 minutes to complete the survey and those giving repetitive answers were excluded. The number of respondents included in the dataset is 806. The spreadsheet was converted to a CSV file for ingestion into the EIDC.

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is made available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Farkas, K.; Green, E.; Cross, P.; Jones, D.L. (2019). Perception of environmental and other risks - data from a 2018 social science questionnaire in the UK. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre.

© Bangor University

Correspondence/contact details

Farkas, K.
Bangor University


Farkas, K.
Bangor University
Green, E.
Bangor University
Cross, P.
Bangor University
Jones, D.L.
Bangor University

Other contacts

Rights holder
Bangor University
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
Human Health and Safety
Norovirus , social survey
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/M010996/1
Last updated
12 March 2024 10:38