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Peyton, J.; Nuttall, P.; Gerard, F.; Pywell, R.F.

Habitat data from grassland, moorland and woodland restoration sites in South West England in 2014

This dataset contains vegetation abundance data and sward height data from a number of plots across a restoration gradient within South West England. The restoration gradient covered intensive land use (referred to in the data as reference or control), restoring and pristine habitats. Data were collected between April and July in 2014. Vegetation abundance was recorded as percentage cover of species within a 1m x 1m quadrat. Five quadrats were recorded per plot. Sward height was recorded using two methods: drop disc or direct measure. Five height measurements were taken using both methods at each site.

To protect the anonymity of private landholders, details of sampling plot location is not provided with this dataset.

The data were collected by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology as part of the Tellus South West project.
Publication date: 2017-11-17