Powell, P.A. et al
Individual effects of mechanical and chemical control treatment on Ligustrum lucidum and other exotic species invading subtropical forests, Horco Molle, Tucumán, Argentina, 2021-2023
This dataset is under embargo and will be made available by 10 November 2025 at the latest Find out more »
Cite this dataset as:
Powell, P.A.; Russo, M.C.; Ruiz de Huidobro, N.; Rodriguez, J.S.; Irrazabal Alarcón, V.; Tannure, F.M.; Baricco, M.; Quiroga, P.A.; Burslem, D.F.R.P.; Montti, L. (2024). Individual effects of mechanical and chemical control treatment on Ligustrum lucidum and other exotic species invading subtropical forests, Horco Molle, Tucumán, Argentina, 2021-2023. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/199d5e9f-0a23-4166-a200-0b03384835a4
This dataset is under embargo and will be made available by 10 November 2025 at the latest Find out more »
The data resource consists of invasive tree species individual responses to mechanical-chemical/chemical treatments on plots established on invaded sub-tropical mountain secondary forests (Yungas). Those plots are in the Horco Molle experimental reserve and Parque Sierra de San Javier (Horco Molle), Tucumán, Argentina. The current database belongs to an experiment that we conducted to investigate management control of the invasion of non-native species Ligustrum and other exotic species to restore native tree diversity from June 2020 to November 2023.
The work was carried out as part of NERC grant NE/S011641/1 Optimising the long-term management of invasive species affecting biodiversity and the rural economy using adaptive management.
The work was carried out as part of NERC grant NE/S011641/1 Optimising the long-term management of invasive species affecting biodiversity and the rural economy using adaptive management.
Publication date: 2024-03-26
View numbers valid from 26 March 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Spatial information
Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
Temporal information
Temporal extent
2020-06-01 to 2023-11-30
Provenance & quality
The data looks at invasive tree species individual responses to mechanical-chemical/chemical treatments were part of a field experiment on the management of secondary forests affected by Ligustrum lucidum invasion. This was undertaken by establishing 6 permanent plots of 240 metres by 140 meters each (3.36 hectares, see included shapefile). Plots were established in pairs (3 pairs in total), where one element of the pair was assigned as the null scenario (no actions applied), and the other was the control (L. lucidum control and native tree planting). Before management actions, we conducted the census.
The data includes the responses of 1184 stems of invasive trees (mainly Ligustrum lucidum) located in 3 plots under management with arbitrary coordinates (x for the longest side and y for the shortest) to assess the location of each tree. For each tree stem with a perimeter at breast height (PBH) >15.7 cm, the tree was assigned a tagged ID and the species was recorded, the PBH measured and the presence of secondary stems. At a later stage, a treatment was assigned (mechanical-chemical or only chemical), taking into account PBH sizes and locations (to have similar quantities of treatment along individual sizes and locations).
For the stems assigned to a “mechanical-chemical treatment", we cut the stem with a chainsaw and immediately applied the herbicide aminopyralid (1.5% water-dissolved solution). For the stems assigned to a “chemical treatment", we injected the same herbicide into the stem. Every month, we monitored the individual responses to treated stems (resprout, stress signs, death).
After one year from the control, we applied a second treatment to the stems with mechanical-chemical treatment that had been resprouted. The stems with only chemical treatment had no effect, and the cost of application was high, so we did not apply a second treatment. The individual responses for all the mechanical- chemical-treated stems every two months for one year.
Data were recorded onto field sheets, transferred into spreadsheets and exported as comma-separated value (CSV) files for deposit into the EIDC.
The data includes the responses of 1184 stems of invasive trees (mainly Ligustrum lucidum) located in 3 plots under management with arbitrary coordinates (x for the longest side and y for the shortest) to assess the location of each tree. For each tree stem with a perimeter at breast height (PBH) >15.7 cm, the tree was assigned a tagged ID and the species was recorded, the PBH measured and the presence of secondary stems. At a later stage, a treatment was assigned (mechanical-chemical or only chemical), taking into account PBH sizes and locations (to have similar quantities of treatment along individual sizes and locations).
For the stems assigned to a “mechanical-chemical treatment", we cut the stem with a chainsaw and immediately applied the herbicide aminopyralid (1.5% water-dissolved solution). For the stems assigned to a “chemical treatment", we injected the same herbicide into the stem. Every month, we monitored the individual responses to treated stems (resprout, stress signs, death).
After one year from the control, we applied a second treatment to the stems with mechanical-chemical treatment that had been resprouted. The stems with only chemical treatment had no effect, and the cost of application was high, so we did not apply a second treatment. The individual responses for all the mechanical- chemical-treated stems every two months for one year.
Data were recorded onto field sheets, transferred into spreadsheets and exported as comma-separated value (CSV) files for deposit into the EIDC.
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is under embargo and will be made available by 10 November 2025 at the latest Find out more »
This dataset will be available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Powell, P.A.; Russo, M.C.; Ruiz de Huidobro, N.; Rodriguez, J.S.; Irrazabal Alarcón, V.; Tannure, F.M.; Baricco, M.; Quiroga, P.A.; Burslem, D.F.R.P.; Montti, L. (2024). Individual effects of mechanical and chemical control treatment on Ligustrum lucidum and other exotic species invading subtropical forests, Horco Molle, Tucumán, Argentina, 2021-2023. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/199d5e9f-0a23-4166-a200-0b03384835a4
This dataset is included in the following collections
Correspondence/contact details
Russo, M.C.
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán & CONICET
Ruiz de Huidobro, N.
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán & CONICET
Rodriguez, J.S.
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán & CONICET
Irrazabal Alarcón, V.
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán & CONICET
Tannure, F.M.
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán & CONICET
Baricco, M.
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán & CONICET
Quiroga, P.A.
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Montti, L.
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras Mar del Plata (CONICET)
Other contacts
Rights holder
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán & CONICET
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Additional metadata
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/S011641/1
Last updated
20 May 2024 13:55