Medlock, J.M. et al
Adult and larvae mosquito counts from 12 UK wetland sites in southern England, collected between March 2017 and October 2018
Cite this dataset as:
Medlock, J.M.; Hawkes, F.M.; Cheke, R.A.; Gibson, G.I.; Abbot, A.J.; Cull, B.; Gandy, S.; Acott, T.G.; Vaux, A.G.C.; Young, S. (2023). Adult and larvae mosquito counts from 12 UK wetland sites in southern England, collected between March 2017 and October 2018. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
PLEASE NOTE: By accessing or using this dataset, you agree to the terms of the relevant licence agreement(s). You will ensure that this dataset is cited in any publication that describes research in which the data have been used.
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
This dataset contains a mosquito species table with counts for adults and larvae. Samples are from twelve UK wetland sites, sampled between April 2017 and September 2018. A map included in the documentation included with this data shows site locations, which include both coastal and inland wetlands, and range from Devon to Kent and from Lincolnshire to Dorset.
Samples were collected by staff from University of Greenwich and the UK Health Security Agency: collaborators in a NERC-funded project (NE/NO13379/1), part of the Valuing Nature Programme.
We found a total of 19 mosquito species:
• 10 Aedes
• 3 Anopheles
• 3 Culisseta
• 2 Culex
• 1 Coquillettidia
Samples were collected by staff from University of Greenwich and the UK Health Security Agency: collaborators in a NERC-funded project (NE/NO13379/1), part of the Valuing Nature Programme.
We found a total of 19 mosquito species:
• 10 Aedes
• 3 Anopheles
• 3 Culisseta
• 2 Culex
• 1 Coquillettidia
Publication date: 2023-02-22
View numbers valid from 01 June 2023 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Spatial information
Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
Temporal information
Temporal extent
2017-03-01 to 2018-10-31
Provenance & quality
Twelve wetland sites in England were sampled, using Mosquito Magnet traps for adult mosquitoes and water samples for larvae. An average of 9 samples are available for each of the twelve sites, with sampling dates ranging from April 2017 to September 2018. All mosquitoes were identified down to species and counted.
Larval surveys were conducted, once each in May, July and September, across the range of different aquatic habitats found at each site. Larval samples were stored in 75% ethanol.
Two Mosquito Magnet® traps operated continuously at each site for four days nights every fortnight, from the first week of April to the third week of October. Adult traps help detect species missed in larval surveys and assess the relative abundances of adult mosquitoes. The traps attract mosquitoes by mimicking host animals. Burning propane provides carbon dioxide and heat, and an octenol bait, found in cattle odour, acts as an attractant.
Adults and larvae were identified according to published keys, with secondary verification within the team.
Attempts were made to sample across a range of habitats at each site. However landscapes varied, and strict comparability between sited cannot be guaranteed.
The data were gathered to help calibrate a prediction tool for people managing wetland sites.
Larval surveys were conducted, once each in May, July and September, across the range of different aquatic habitats found at each site. Larval samples were stored in 75% ethanol.
Two Mosquito Magnet® traps operated continuously at each site for four days nights every fortnight, from the first week of April to the third week of October. Adult traps help detect species missed in larval surveys and assess the relative abundances of adult mosquitoes. The traps attract mosquitoes by mimicking host animals. Burning propane provides carbon dioxide and heat, and an octenol bait, found in cattle odour, acts as an attractant.
Adults and larvae were identified according to published keys, with secondary verification within the team.
Attempts were made to sample across a range of habitats at each site. However landscapes varied, and strict comparability between sited cannot be guaranteed.
The data were gathered to help calibrate a prediction tool for people managing wetland sites.
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Medlock, J.M.; Hawkes, F.M.; Cheke, R.A.; Gibson, G.I.; Abbot, A.J.; Cull, B.; Gandy, S.; Acott, T.G.; Vaux, A.G.C.; Young, S. (2023). Adult and larvae mosquito counts from 12 UK wetland sites in southern England, collected between March 2017 and October 2018. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
Correspondence/contact details
Medlock, J.M.
UK Health Security Agency
Hawkes, F.M.
University of Greenwich
Cheke, R.A.
University of Greenwich
Gibson, G.I.
University of Greenwich
Abbot, A.J.
UK Health Security Agency
Cull, B.
University of Minnesota
Gandy, S.
UK Health Security Agency
Acott, T.G.
University of Greenwich
Vaux, A.G.C.
UK Health Security Agency
Young, S.
University of Greenwich
Other contacts
Rights holder
Natural Resources Institute
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Additional metadata
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/N013379/1
Last updated
08 January 2025 11:00