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Criswell, K.E.; Head, J.J.

Morphological and morphometric data on the axial skeletons of vertebrates from museum specimens

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Computed tomography (CT) scans of 212 museum specimens, including mostly cartilaginous and bony fishes as well as several reptiles and amphibians, were obtained to quantitatively study vertebral column morphology and regionalisation. The specimens are housed in the University of Cambridge Museum of Zoology or the Natural History Museum in London (specimen identification numbers can be found in the supporting documentation).

These data consist of
1) series of tiff images that can be imported into CT segmenting software to reconstruct their shape in three dimensions;
2) STL files of each vertebra for a subset of the specimens scanned;
3) 3D landmark coordinates or measurements for each vertebra for a subset of taxa scanned;
4) tables of results from regionalisation analyses, and
5) photographs of eight fossil fish specimens

Supplemental files include details of the data collection procedures, specimen identification numbers and updated taxonomy, and CT scanning parameters for all scans.
Publication date: 2024-01-15

More information

View numbers valid from 15 January 2024 Download numbers valid from 20 June 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)


Comma-separated values (CSV), Txt, stl, tiff

Temporal information

Temporal extent
2019-02-01    to    2023-06-30

Provenance & quality

Computed tomography scans of museum specimens were obtained at the Cambridge Biotomography Centre using a Nikon XTEK H 225 ST MicroCT scanner. Post-processing to optimise CT reconstructions and minimise scan artefacts was performed in Nikon’s CT-Pro program, and scan reslicing was performed using VG STUDIOMAX (Volume Graphics). Segmentation of CT scans resulting STL files was performed in either Mimics (Materialise) or VG STUDIOMAX (Volume Graphics). Landmark coordinates of vertebrae were plotted using Stratovan Checkpoint. Regionalisation analyses were conducted in the R software environment, with method details described in the supporting documentation for the data

Licensing and constraints

This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Cite this dataset as:
Criswell, K.E.; Head, J.J. (2024). Morphological and morphometric data on the axial skeletons of vertebrates from museum specimens. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.

Correspondence/contact details

Criswell, K.E.
University of Cambridge


Criswell, K.E.
University of Cambridge
Head, J.J.
University of Cambridge

Other contacts

Rights holder
University of Cambridge
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre

Additional metadata

Topic categories
anatomy , axial regionalisation , Evolutionary ecology , fish , morphology , vertebral column
Natural Environment Research Council Award: NE/S000739/1
Last updated
01 May 2024 07:24