Parsons, K.
Physiological variation in wild and lab-reared threespine sticklebacks from Icelandic geothermal and ambient sites
Cite this dataset as:
Parsons, K. (2024). Physiological variation in wild and lab-reared threespine sticklebacks from Icelandic geothermal and ambient sites. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
PLEASE NOTE: By accessing or using this dataset, you agree to the terms of the relevant licence agreement(s). You will ensure that this dataset is cited in any publication that describes research in which the data have been used.
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Data contain measurements of physiological variation in threespine stickleback from Icelandic populations.
The data includes metabolic rates measured on individual stickleback fish across three temperatures (Metabolism.csv), inter-individual variation in distances between individuals under different temperature treatments using fish from a geothermal and ambient population (Sociability.csv), and the time individuals spent under different temperatures on their own (TemperaturePreference.csv).
The data includes metabolic rates measured on individual stickleback fish across three temperatures (Metabolism.csv), inter-individual variation in distances between individuals under different temperature treatments using fish from a geothermal and ambient population (Sociability.csv), and the time individuals spent under different temperatures on their own (TemperaturePreference.csv).
Publication date: 2024-07-25
View numbers valid from 25 July 2024 Download numbers valid from 25 July 2024 (information prior to this was not collected)
Comma-separated values (CSV)
Spatial information
Study area
Spatial representation type
Tabular (text)
Spatial reference system
WGS 84
Provenance & quality
The data for metabolism came through assays of oxygen consumption within an enclosed chamber (Metabolism.csv). The data for sociability came from software used to obtain measures of distance of individuals (Sociability.csv). The temperature preference data came from an experimental set up which tracked movements of individuals automatically in temperature-controlled tanks (TemperaturePreference.csv).
Licensing and constraints
This dataset is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence
Cite this dataset as:
Parsons, K. (2024). Physiological variation in wild and lab-reared threespine sticklebacks from Icelandic geothermal and ambient sites. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
Correspondence/contact details
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Rights holder
University of Glasgow
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre