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Gloor, E.; Barua, D.; Galbraith, D.R.; Hegde, B.; Sunny, R.; Tiwari, R.

Leaf water potential of tropical forest tree species, Sirsi, Western Ghats, India, 2020-2021

This dataset includes time-series of pre-dawn and mid-day leaf water potentials for 10 tree species. The time-series covers one year with leaf water potentials measured every three months. These data when combined with hydraulic conductance vulnerability curves (also measured during this project) are an indicator of a tree's safe operating space under dry and high vapour pressure deficit conditions.

The overall purpose of the measurements made by this project is to determine eco-physiological limits of functioning of tropical trees in Western Ghats India and to relate them to continuously measured temperature and water status of tropical forest trees at a representative forest site (Sirsi).
Publication date: 2023-02-08